Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 104 Ni Zhu and the Weasels

"The last thing you want to see happened."

Sufeng walked on the street of the ninth division team building, looking at the battles that broke out from time to time, and felt his head hurt.

In a very short period of time, a large number of Zanpakutō in the Seireitei lost control, materialized and rebelled on the spot, and launched an attack on their masters.

The scale is far more outrageous than he expected.

He just helped Madarame deal with Onitomaru, and there were battles of different scales in the team building.

The Zanpakutō of most of the team members, after materializing, will form a humanoid creature that looks like black smoke, possessing a considerable degree of actual combat capability, and their coordination is almost perfect.

Most of them have no sense, and are more like dolls controlled by others, or mechanically executing a set program.

The battle situation fell into anxiety in an instant.

Without the Zanpakutō, the Shinigami would not be able to display its full power.

On the contrary, after the Zanpakuto becomes physical, it can use its own abilities at will.

Even a Zanpakutō that has not mastered its true name has inherited the Death's slaying fist and ghost-walking skills, and its combat effectiveness is surprisingly high without fear of death.

"It's really balding news."

Matsumoto Rangiku followed Sufeng closely, looking confused, "Should we go on patrol first, or should we resolve the battle in the team building first?"

"team leader……"

The war is spreading, and there are battles going on in alleys, streets, and even houses.

The sounds of killing, angry curses, explosions, and the sounds of metal and metal interlacing are endless.

Sufeng casually solved a few battles, but found that this was simply a drop in the bucket.

If this situation continues, it won't take half a day for Team 9 to stop.

"How much space can the two of us patrol?"

Sufeng pointed to the battle in the distance, "You are to the east, I am to the west. Let the team building calm down first."

"Yes, Captain!"

At this time, Matsumoto Rangiku seemed very serious. The moment the order was given, he stepped directly on Shunpo and rushed to the east direction.

Although Haimao rebelled and her strength was reduced, it is still not a problem to use it to deal with some materialized Zanpakutō that even Haikou cannot do.

"Thirty-one of Breaking the Way: Red Cannon!"

A huge ball of fire fell from the sky, and the blazing temperature instantly roasted the ground to a scorched color. With a deafening roar, several black figures were drowned by the flames.

Matsumoto Rangiku's strong intervention suddenly turned the battle situation one-sided.

Continuous bursts of red artillery fire continued to erupt in the team building, and the flames spread, swallowing up the walls and the ground. Collapses and deep sinkings also appeared in the ninth division team building in varying degrees.

Seeing this, Su Feng rubbed his chin and thought, "It seems like the loss is a bit big."

"But Mr. Yinling said before that all expenses of the ninth division will be reimbursed by him."

"The turmoil in Soul Society this time was caused by his family. It shouldn't be a problem if the Ninth Division is reimbursed, right?"

After pondering for a moment, Sufeng made a unilateral decision and decided to multiply the loss tenfold and send it to the Kuchiki family's mansion.

I guess the Kuchiki family, who have a lot of money, probably wouldn't care about such a small amount of money.

"Destruct yourself!"

"Let Rondanini's black dog burn you completely and cut your own throat with just one look!"

Ise Nanao's expression was cold, and he raised his sword finger with his right hand. The red light flashed under the lens, and the pressure suddenly fell on the battlefield ahead.

"The Ninth Strike of Binding Dao!"

The powerful restraint acted on the black materialized Zanpakutō, instantly making their bodies freeze in place.

Upon seeing this, the Shinigami soldier who was in charge of the intense melee combat immediately brightened up. He saw the opportunity, raised his sword, and immediately killed his Zanpakutō.

Black smoke filled the air, and the materialized Zanpakutō that fell to the ground instantly shattered, turned into several rays of light, and fell into the hands of its master.

Ise Nanao breathed a sigh of relief, not daring to delay, and immediately launched Shunpo to support other battlefields.

As one of the few Shinigami without a Zanpakutō, she didn't have to worry about the Zanpakutō's rebellion.

Although I am happy, I am also a little disappointed in my heart.

Among the many figures fighting fiercely, she seemed like an alien.

Fortunately, this mood did not last long, and Ise Nanao soon became firm again.

Maybe the Zanpakutō is very important to the Shinigami, but you can still become a member of the Gotei even without a Zanpakutō!


Sufeng did not intervene in the battle of ordinary soldiers. The force level was too low and it was a waste of time.

He specially picked some Zanpakuto of the chief officer to beat them violently.

What is surprising is that Satoya and Yanagawa Mu, who were responsible for sending Tosen Kaname to the comprehensive rescue center, actually also mastered the beginning of the Zanpakuto.

Ni Zhu and all the weasels.

The former is from Satoya, and the latter is from Yanagi.

The abilities of the Weasels are relatively ordinary, they just spit out a large amount of flames, and the power of the full burst is comparable to the No. 31 Podo Red Cannon.

However, these flames can be manipulated at will, changing forms, and attacking in various ways.

With Yanagawaki's current level of strength, it was impossible to win him for a while. Instead, he was put at a disadvantage due to several small negligences.

As for Satoya's Zanpakutō Nihashira, it's a bit strange.

At the beginning of the solution, several pillars with eyes and crying faces grew from the ground, directly surrounding Sato Valley.

The flames grew on the pillars, and together with the ear-piercing howls, they attacked Sato Valley.

"Broken Path No. 4: White Thunder."


Thunder broke out, and the massive white lightning fell in the direction of the reverse pillar with a devastating force. An extremely sharp wailing sound sounded, and black smoke suddenly rose from the pillar.

Almost in an instant, the blazing high-temperature flames engulfed the Nizhu, and the flames shot out several meters high.

Satoya looked at the right time, braved the raging fire, and fled the scene of the crime with a flickering Shunpo.


He looked in the direction of Bai Lei's lasing, with a slightly excited expression, and a figure was walking slowly.

"What are you waiting for?" Su Feng reminded, "Your Zanpakuto has not been completely defeated yet."

Satoya came back to his senses and chanted the ghost spell with his backhand.

"Broken Path No. 31: Red Fire Cannon!"

When the words fell, another burst of flames covered Ni Zhu's body.

The wailing sound became more and more severe, and when the flames receded, only a few pieces of coke remained in the field.

Satoya blinked, not taking the credit for himself.

He was very aware of his level of strength, and if Su Feng hadn't helped him, he might have been directly burned to death by Ni Zhu.

You know, it hasn't been long since he mastered the initial solution, and he can't master the power of it at all.

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