Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 30 Monthly profit of 300 million?

Before Liu Xuewei came over, Su Xin hurriedly went to the bank to activate the company account. Not long after he came back, Liu Xuewei arrived at the door of the hotel.

Seeing Liu Xuewei in person is even more stunning than in the photos.

She was wearing tight-fitting washed white jeans, a slightly loose light yellow mohair sweater, and a brown sun hat. She was dressed in a relaxed and casual outfit, exuding a girlish youthful vigor.

Coupled with that beautiful face and delicate figure, it attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

I'm sorry, boss. I've been traveling these days since I resigned. The clothes I brought are all casual clothes. I came here in a hurry, so I don't have time to change.

Seeing Su Xin take a closer look at her dress, Liu Xuewei said a little embarrassed.

It doesn't matter, this outfit looks good. Besides, my company hasn't been set up yet, and it's not working hours, so there's no need to care about these things. You can come here when it's convenient for you.

Su Xin smiled.

Afterwards, the two went to the front desk to check in for Liu Xuewei. When she learned that Liu Xuewei would arrive today, Su Xin booked her a room in advance, which was next door to her.

After putting their luggage in the room, the two took the elevator to the 26th floor and had a sumptuous lunch.

Thank you for the hospitality, boss!

After going to the bathroom to touch up her makeup and coming out, Liu Xuewei said softly with a bright smile on her face.

Su Xin waved his hand and said with a smile: It's just a meal, it's nothing. You came all the way here, why don't you go back to your room and rest for a while?

No, since the boss is in a hurry, let's get down to business as soon as possible.


Su Xin was also quick and said immediately: Then let's go back to the room first, discuss your contract benefits, and then discuss the establishment of the initial team.

For some reason, Liu Xuewei's cheeks turned bright red and she nodded: Okay.

Su Xin didn't notice anything unusual about her. He took Liu Xuewei back to his room and sat in the living room to discuss the treatment issue.

“What is your monthly salary expectation?”

Speaking of business, Liu Xuewei also became serious, and said with a serious face: When I was the human resources director of my previous company, my monthly salary until the three months before I left was about 200,000. The annual salary is between thirteen and eighteen.

Because Apocalypse Technology has just started, the financial pressure may be a bit high. I don't ask for much higher than before, but the monthly salary must be at least more than 100,000, and within three months at the latest, when I complete the tasks assigned by the boss and successfully build the team After I get up, and if my performance meets the standards, my salary will be raised to the same level as before.

After all, facing a new company starting from scratch, the pressure I have to bear and the effort required are much higher than before.

Of course, I can guarantee that my value is worthy of this salary.

Su Xin waved his hand and said boldly:

No problem, I will give you a monthly salary of 200,000, and I can guarantee that after the three-month trial period, as long as your performance satisfies me, the salary will be doubled at least.

Although Su Xin is only worth a little over a million dollars now, he knows that with the popularity of Tiantian's assistants and the start of charging fees next month, the company's cash flow will definitely skyrocket.

Because the number of Tianqi Assistant users is close to 50 million, if the membership fee of 20 yuan per month is calculated, even if only 10% of them pay, Apocalypse Technology's first month's revenue will be about 100 million.

Moreover, he has great confidence in the Tiantian Assistant he developed, and the payment rate in the first month will never be less than 30%.

That would mean that Tianqi Technology’s revenue in the first month would be at least 300 million!

You know, this is only based on the current number of users.

After one month, the number of Tiantian Assistant users will definitely increase, and the number of paying users will naturally increase a lot. The monthly revenue should be far more than 300 million.

The most important thing is that he has no investment in R\u0026D and hardware. The main operating costs are renting cloud servers, rent and property fees for office buildings, and employee salaries, etc.

Compared with the monthly revenue of hundreds of millions, this money is just a drop in the bucket, with a profit rate of over 99%.

Therefore, for Su Xin, these 300 million in revenue can basically be understood as profits!

Profit of 300 million a month!

With such a hen that can lay golden eggs, Su Xin certainly would not be stingy with a monthly salary of only 200,000 yuan. He knew that a qualified chief human resources officer could save him a lot of trouble.

After agreeing on Liu Xuewei's salary, the two began to discuss the company's salary system, recruitment plan, and Su Xin's requirements for the initial team.

Now that the Human Resources Director has been hired with a high salary, Su Xin will naturally not spend time dealing with these matters in person, but leave the full authority to Liu Xuewei, who only needs to supervise the results.

Okay, that's the initial plan. The next step is to rent an office building and make a home for the company.

Su Xin said, taking out his mobile phone from his pocket and placing it on the coffee table in front of the two of them.

Before you come, I have selected a few good office buildings online. Come and take a look and give me a reference.

Liu Xuewei leaned down and looked at the introductions of several office buildings on her phone, and asked casually: I wonder what the boss's budget is?

Su Xin thought for a while and said, The actual payment is around 800,000, try not to exceed this amount.

He currently has more than 1.1 million in funds, of which he will definitely set aside some for emergencies and to purchase office supplies. He made a rough calculation before and found that he must reserve at least 300,000.

Liu Xuewei looked up at him in surprise, and then whispered:

These are 5A-level office buildings you are looking at in the prime business district of the capital. The rental prices are not cheap. If you only have a budget of 800,000 yuan, according to the usual leasing method of depositing three to pay three, I am afraid that the down payment will not be enough unless you have a good discussion with the landlord. , if the other party agrees to deposit one to pay three, or deposit three to pay one, then we should be able to barely rent half a floor.

If you choose a slightly inferior office building, the financial pressure will be much less.

Is it usually three-for-three? That's really stressful.

Su Xin pondered for a moment, but still said: Let's talk to the owner first. As long as we can successfully rent it, when Tiantian Assistant starts charging next month, the company will not have financial pressure.

While speaking, Su Xin suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange scenery out of the corner of his eye.

At this time, Liu Xuewei was sitting next to him, leaning down in front of the coffee table to read her mobile phone. The slightly loose sweater on her upper body naturally hung down under the influence of gravity. When Su Xin looked at her, the corners of her eyes Out of the corner of his eye, he just happened to see the white ravine inside her clothes.


The eighteen-year-old Su Xin had never experienced such a test. He was a little confused for a moment and quickly looked away shyly.

Liu Xuewei was a little surprised by Su Xin's movements, but soon realized that her posture seemed not very elegant.

She looked down at her chest, then her face turned red and she quickly sat up straight.'s getting late, let's go quickly to discuss the leasing of the office building.

Su Xin took the initiative to change the topic, trying to cover up the embarrassing scene just now.

Seeing Su Xin's embarrassed performance, Liu Xuewei herself was no longer so shy, but couldn't help but laugh.

Su Xin's behavior had always been relatively mature and steady before, not like a high school student at all. Coupled with the identity issues between the two parties, and Su Xin's serious attitude in talking to her about business, Liu Xuewei always felt a sense of distance in her heart.

But now this scene made her realize that no matter how mature and steady the other person was, he was still just an eighteen-year-old high school student, and he was not as unattainable as she had imagined.

The unfamiliarity and estrangement between the two seemed to have been eliminated at once.

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