Su Xin pondered for a while, and asked, How did you stipulate this kind of thing before?

Liu Xuewei said:

We used to limit the number of referees for each person based on their rank.

Furthermore, our interviews generally have three to five rounds. The recommended candidates are only exempted from the first round of resume screening. In fact, it only saves some trouble. The subsequent rounds of interviews still have the same ability requirements. , the chances of finally passing the interview are actually the same.”

And the interviewer is also randomly arranged, try to avoid collusion between the interviewer and the interviewer in advance.

But in actual operation, everyone can always think of various ways to go through the back door. Both applicants and interviewers are willing to do this. It is difficult to avoid it by relying on the existing system alone.

After all, entrepreneurs have a big business, and they are much more attractive to applicants than ordinary civil servants.

So, I am here to report this time. First of all, I want to say something to everyone. This time the group's anti-corruption campaign, I hope not to dig too deep. Although those employees who are through the back door, but have sufficient ability, we will simply ignore them this time, otherwise we will be involved. The number of people involved is too great. The impact is too great.”

On the other hand, I also want to take the opportunity of this group's anti-corruption campaign to adjust and optimize our recruitment and personnel management system on a large scale.

Su Xin nodded:

It's not that I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. You can arrange these small things yourself.

As for the recruitment system, you and Qingli can discuss and adjust it. I won't ask about these.

Boss, Ashin!

Liu Xuewei shouted twice in a coquettish way, and then said seriously:

Once there is a problem with personnel within a company, it is sometimes more serious than falling behind in business or technology.

“A dike of thousands of miles breaks in an ant nest.”

If you don't pay attention to internal problems and slowly accumulate them, when the internal problems are really rotten, even if you control all the equity, have the most advanced technology, and have almost unlimited funds, you may not be able to stop the collapse of the building.

“Therefore, from the very beginning, we must systematically avoid forming cliques and colluding with internal interests.”

You, the boss, must also care about the personnel system.

Judging from the many previous exchanges, your opinions on human resources are not bad at all. Only by discussing this together can the system be more perfect.

Su Xin smiled helplessly: Okay, but only today. Ask Qingli if he is willing to work overtime, and we can discuss it together.


Liu Xuewei smiled and turned around to leave.


She walked in with Liu Qingli, and the three of them discussed together for more than half an hour, and decided on a series of recruitment and personnel management plans, as well as some details of the anti-corruption operation.

Two days later at noon.

A special plane landed at an airport in Tianjing.

Hao Zude led a group of people down the gangway.

There are twelve people in this group, all of them are strong and powerful, and they give people a feeling of being as powerful as tigers when they walk and look around.

A black business car drove to the ramp, picked up Hao Zude and others, and drove all the way out of the airport toward the western suburbs.

Hao Zude looked at the twelve people and said solemnly:

After you go to Su Xin's laboratory, you must follow Su Xin's arrangements and cooperate with his experimental arrangements and various tests.

Don't worry, judging from Su Xin's various performances, this new medicine will not have any side effects, but its effect needs to be verified.

When the entire clinical trial process is over, I will come and take you back.

Nie Weijiang, the captain of the twelve men, laughed and said:

Director Hao, you have said this more than once. Don't worry, since we are here, we have made all kinds of psychological preparations.

Hao Zude also laughed.

That's good.

It didn't take long.

The vehicle stopped outside the door of a white building. Su Xin, who had already received the news, arranged for an employee to meet him at the door. After verifying Hao Zude's identity, he opened the door.

The black commercial vehicle drove smoothly into the hospital.

Su Xin's industry has always been watched by many spies, and no one is sure how many pairs of eyes are hidden outside the laboratory.

Therefore, each of the industries under Su Xin's name has security capabilities that far exceed those of ordinary companies.

In particular, his two laboratories are protected around the clock by a top domestic security company with a military background.

In addition, Su Xin spent two hours slightly modifying Tianwei Butler to develop a new program called Tianfang, which is specifically used for the laboratory's electronic security system.

Every unfamiliar face that appears in front of the camera will trigger a warning from the system.

at this time.

In the monitoring room, when the three security personnel saw Hao Zude and others, they immediately picked up the internal intercom and said solemnly:

Strangers entered, a total of thirteen people, led by researcher Feng Shanfu. The number complies with the filing and the procedures comply. Please stay vigilant.

A quick response came over the intercom:


Surveillance cameras in the corners were constantly scanning, and sharp-eyed security personnel were patrolling back and forth, almost protecting the entire laboratory like an iron barrel.

Nie Weijiang, the captain of the twelve-man team, secretly looked around as he walked, instinctively analyzing suitable escape routes, but found that there were no security loopholes at all.

This shocked him secretly.

Under the leadership of a researcher named Feng Shanfu, Hao Zude, Nie Weijiang and others passed through three checkpoints and two disinfections before finally arriving at the door of a laboratory on the third floor.

The door opens.

Su Xin, wearing a white protective suit, walked over and said with a smile:

Director Hao, and brothers, please come in. I was preparing new reagents just now, so I didn't go down to greet you. I'm really sorry.

Student Su is being polite.

The two exchanged pleasantries.

A group of people all walked into the laboratory.

After Hao Zude introduced the identities of Nie Weijiang and his party to Su Xin, Su Xin led them to the two operating tables inside.

Tianmu No. 2 is an injectable drug. Which of you will take it first? Just lie down here.

After hearing Su Xin's words, captain Nie Weijiang stood up without hesitation, and the others immediately said, I'll do it.

Nie Weijiang ordered one of them and lay down on the operating table with him.

Su Xin ordered:

Dim the lights a little bit.

A researcher walked over to the switch and turned down the lights in the room.

Under the dim light, Nie Weijiang and Nie Jiang, who were originally very determined and brave, were a little panicked for some reason.

The image of the perverted doctor that often appears in science fiction novels quietly jumped into their minds, and gradually merged with the image of Su Xin.

Human enhancement potions are usually associated with words such as high risk, mutation, monster, pain, etc. in science fiction novels.

Out of their trust in Su Xin and the country, they took the initiative to become volunteers to accept this clinical trial.

But when it really came to this moment, they inevitably began to worry about gains and losses.

Could it be that Su Xin is really that kind of perverted doctor? In science fiction novels, the more genius scientists are so defiant, the weirder their personalities are, and the crazier their thoughts and behaviors are.

Su Xin behaves very normally, but the more he behaves like this, the more evil the devil in him is.

Perhaps he is really doing some evil experiment that is inhumane...

I just walked all the way. There are so many levels, so many cameras, and so many security personnel, and they all look very simple. If there is really a problem here, with our bare hands, our mobile phones have also been Confiscated, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape.

Nie Weijiang has always been good at thinking and very suspicious. In such an environment, one thought after another flashed through his mind.

The originally brilliant image of Su Xin in his heart gradually became distorted and ferocious, as if he had turned into an evil villain.

Okay, let's inject them.

At this time, Su Xin ordered.

The thoughts in Nie Weijiang's mind stopped suddenly, and his whole body became tense.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Su Xin and his companions. He saw that his companions were all looking at him curiously, while Su Xin was looking at the other side with a solemn expression.

Maybe I'm overthinking it. If there is really a problem, it's impossible for us to inject it in batches. It's impossible for Su Xin to be so unprepared.

Nie Weijiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, the two researchers took out two medicines from the refrigerator nearby, came to Nie Weijiang and the other two, and slowly injected them into their bodies under their slightly nervous gazes.

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