Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 671: Under the coffin

Cleopatra's pupils swelled, and his instincts told him that the two bombs were very dangerous. He hurriedly contracted his limbs and collapsed into a ball to reduce the damage from high-energy bombing. And a flying warrior that dominated the sky rushed to the low altitude and slanted across the back of Cleopatra, kicking a foot on Cleopatra's back, kicking Klee's posture back to the original shape and kicking back. ground.

Cleopatra did not react at all, everything happened too fast. As he opened his eyes, he saw himself on the ground, and his chest just covered two high-energy bombs on the ground.

High-energy bombing. The countdown to the last second blasted. Cleopatra covered two high-energy bombs with his body, and his chest was the first to receive the super-high intensity energy torrent and high-heat shock wave of the explosion center. His body was directly blown up, and the raging flames of the devil's minions were stained with the armor of Klein.

Cleopatra flying in the sky spewed a blood. The power of high-energy bombings shocked his understanding of human weapons. His chest of the armored armor was directly blown up by a hole of 20 cm in diameter. The other parts of the armor were filled with dense cracks and were already collapsing. edge.

His torso was blown up in a blackened depression, the sternum was broken, and many internal organs were burnt. The energy flow of the sacral bones spread to the body and caused secondary damage to other tissues.

The severe pain and horrible injury made Klee's movement extremely limited. The only thing he could do was to use the "Recovery Wind" to quickly repair the trunk's injury. The speed of "recovery wind" is one-on-one, but it takes another second.

"You are going to heaven again."

A cold man like a devil came from the top of Cleopatra. Klein wanted to guess that it was the golden red flying armor.

The next second, a steel hand slammed the back neck of Cleopato and lifted Cleopatra's head. As soon as Klein saw the face of the flying armor, the other side's shoulder fired a fist and slammed it down. This fist smashed Cleopatra's face, and the nose was broken and sag.

Cleopatra's anger was completely blocked by the fleshy tongue. Xiao Kui hangs on the back neck of Cleopatra, and the right fist is like a star. The 2 seconds and 17 fists are slammed in the head of Cleopatra. Each of his punches is 100% "shock-enhanced", and like a pile driver, he smashed Cleopatra's new head into a neck. In the end, Xiao Kui turned the body of Cleopatra and grabbed an ankle to throw it back into the explosion pit on the ground.

Cleopatra was once again on the ground. Although his head is gone, the body's injuries have been largely regenerated. Before the three soldiers came round again, he bounced up and gave birth to two eyes in the palm of his hand.

But Cleopatra did not "see" anything, and the air around him was filled with a lot of water mist, blocking his vision. In fact, these two groups of water mist only surrounded the hands of Cleopatra, the water mist that the pioneers manipulated.

The four silver-grey metal cones are sharp-pointed with metal chains that pierce through the air. Although the arms of Kliy's arms are split and can be used, he uses the hunter's sense of directness to judge the attacking position, and he wants to block his arm, but he does not expect 4 metal. The cone lock was temporarily and extremely steered, bypassing his two arms and plunging into his chest without energy armor protection.

After the four metal cone locks penetrated into the body of Cleopatra, the organ of the metal cone head suddenly started, and the number of cymbals sounded. Each metal cone head extended 50 metal barbs, hooking the flesh and ribs of Cleopatra. Klein’s body was shocked, and the chain of the four metal cone locks was moving out of the air. It quickly entangled the arms and legs of Cleopatra, forcing the hands of Klein to the back and forcing the chains of the legs. Tied up, severely limited the movement of Cleopatra.

The controllers of the metal cone lock and the water mist are each of the remaining two of the three soldiers. The soldier who controlled the water mist waved his hands and fingers. For example, the control of the puppets generally controlled the two groups of water mist and drilled into the body of Cleopatra along the hole of the metal cone lock.

When the water mist controlled by the soldiers entered the body of Cleopatra, they went straight to the blood in the blood vessels and tissues. When the liquid touched, almost half of Cleopatra's body fluids, including blood, fell into the hands of the soldier. The first thing the soldier did was to cool half of Cleopatra's body fluids to 1 degree. 1 degree is the limit of his water control, and the low temperature of 1 degree is enough to suppress the activity of cells in Cleopatra and the activity of the psionic virus.

The action is locked and regeneration is suppressed. Cleopatra never thought that he would fall into such a desperate situation one day. His newborn brain larvae are still in the trunk, and at this moment, they are almost mad by 1 degree of freezing, and their thinking ability is greatly reduced.

There is no vision, no hearing, only touch, pain, and coldness are working. Cleopa does not know that the small plague in the distance has been eliminated by the human armor, and it will take a few moments to reach him. The endless darkness wrapped his body as if to engulf him.

"A human base in the district, even the fourth-order pioneers have not been dispatched, how could I kill Klein here! How can I be killed by this group of waste third-order pioneers as long as they give I am airborne with a plague, I can turn it over!"

"Kazan, you give me out!-"

Cleopatra's heart shouted hysterically I have no choice, but since the plague of the plague Kazan can send a corpse beast, it means that Kazan is also concerned about this battlefield, he should be able to Send some corpse beasts!

Cleopatra only pinned his hopes on Kazan. In any case, he is one of the thirteen thrones. If the battlefield is set off against the human base, but it is captured in the opposite direction, the prestige of the 13th throne of the Apocalypse Abyss is not a face-to-face.

In fact, in the outside world that Klein did not know, there was already a giant beast in the small plague force. It caught several small plague species and threw them high, but all the plague species that were thrown in were caught in the midair by the high-altitude machine guns of the fieldbus. Four agile mechs rushed into the small plague force to kill the Quartet, and a few plagues that had been leaked past were also shredded by the added firepower of the battlefield.

Under the absolute strength of the force, the tactical significance of the small units of these hundreds of plagues could not be achieved, and all the staff’s lives were given to the chasing forces.

A car of land vehicles drove to all sides of Cleopatra, surrounded by the center of Cleopatra. There are Xiaokui guards in the sky, and three ace of the three investigation teams sent to control Cleopatra. Dozens of high-altitude machine guns were mounted on Cleopatra, and several electromagnetic kinetic rifles filled with anti-mortal virus type III bombs aimed at Cleopatra.

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