Black Ride

Chapter 872: At the end of the search

Wu Qi pressed the question in His Majesty's mind and said, "How likely is Nakazan and the Cursed Throne to go to Takarazuka?"

Frege said: "It's not clear, but Takarazuka is the closest place to the ground, and even the image of the sky arc can be seen. Normally, you must find Takarazuka to leave the ancient night mausoleum."

"Isn't that very likely!" Wu Qi's voice rose a few degrees.

Frege was ready to greet Wu Qi's anger long ago: "Did you hear me say the word 'find'? Although the position of the soldier's grave remains the same, the dense fog surrounding the ancient night mausoleum changes. We The ability to permeate into the dense fog will be disturbed, and the light, wind, temperature, humidity, and magnetic field in the dense fog will change. Based on this condition, we cannot remember the specific location of the soldiers grave. Kazan and the Cursed Throne also It must be the same as us, looking for the Tezuka to find the exit. "Wu Qi Leng hummed the long knife that was put around Frege's neck:" Such important information has only been said so far! "

Wu Qi couldn't help but think, fortunately, he had killed the blood flood monster. If the time in the ancient night mausoleum is prolonged, this mausoleum guard who can not perceive other life through the dense fog will be him The biggest obstacle to finding Kazan.

Wu Qi glanced in all directions, surrounded by yellow-gray dense fog with extremely low visibility, and far-distance sights were not visible at all. So he jumped into the air and jumped into the air, using energy creation to simulate the "flying" ability staying in the air to observe the distance. In the distance, except for a few beast ridge mountains that stand upright like the spine of a giant beast, there is a thicker and denser fog zone. From here, you can't see the ancient Yeling Mausoleum in Frege's mouth.

"If it's Hyotsuka, can the long knife serve as a guide ..." Wu Qi said to himself, he flipped up and down and looked at the long knife, but the idea seemed to be only an idea, not become reality.

Frege followed Wu Qi into the air and was one meter away from Wu Qi.

"What? You're looking for a way to Tezuka?"

Wu Qi replied: "Nonsense. And aren't you a senior throne, don't you have any clues to go to Tezuka? If you dare to say that you haven't been to Tezuka, I will return and destroy your half-starred Star Warframe "Frege snorted", he glanced next to him, brushing a piece of floating mist with his palm, pretending to be inadvertently: "I have already said the clue to the soldiers' grave, but I want to It is very difficult to find the Tombs in the ancient Yeling Mausoleum. All our thrones are marked in advance at the Bottom, and we use the marks to return ... "

Wu Qi understood instantly, and his tone was as cold as the millennium iceberg: "Frege, 'Your throne must be marked in advance at Takarazuka for round trips', which means that Takarazuka is the ancient night mausoleum. The normal entrance and exit means that almost all the thrones know that the ancient night tomb is easy to enter and not easy to go out. Only you, the fourth throne who can open the void channel, can think of putting Kazan directly into the ancient night tomb, so that they have no round-trip mark. , Completely lost in the venomous way consumed by the mausoleum guards to death in the ancient night mausoleum. "

Wu Qi turned around suddenly, and Bai Zi's vertical pupil pierced Frege's eyes like a pair of sharp swords. He aggressively said, "What should you wait for not too late? Now you open the void channel to the surface, we Go up and then enter the ancient Yeling Mausoleum from the normal entrance on the surface, then we will go to the soldiers' grave! "

Frege knew that with Wu Qi's wisdom, he could guess the way to solve the dilemma through a little bit of his leak. He also did this for his own Star Warframe. However, he did not expect Wu Qi to analyze so fast. He wanted to delay a little more time, so that Kazan and the Cursed Throne would be more likely to encounter unexpected events.

Frege was very upset. He was trying to use his insufficient energy reserves as an excuse to stall the past, and then delayed for a while, but Wu Qi immediately put the knife holder on his neck again.

"I advise you to think it over before answering." Wu Qi's tone and eyes were full of genuine murderousness. He knew, of course, that the longer Kazan became, the more dangerous it was, and that was certainly the result Frege wanted.

His life was linked to Kazan's life, which gave him room for Frege to just make him kid his own life.

The ancestral new ability "Serum" can surrender even "Ghost Deification", maybe to the corpse virus, but Wu Qi knows one thing will not change, that is, he can't do without the corpse virus now. As soon as the corpse virus disappears, he will return to the "corpse".

Frege could not resist Wu Qi's fierce might and had to open a void door at hand. Wu Qi immediately pushed Frege into the void door and leapt into it.

The exit of the Void Passage is a yellow and forbidden plain. Wu Qi and Frege stepped on the ground on the plains of the restricted area with four feet, and the endless yellow sand rushed towards them.

Wu Qi blocked all the yellow sand with a layer of energy film, he glanced aside casually, and a towering shadow suddenly grabbed his vision. The black shadow rises from the end of the horizon ~ ~ Zhi Zhi can not see the end of the sky, as if to kiss the gradual sky arc.

"That mountain is the Apocalypse Mountain, where the Apocalypse Order was held, and Kazan was defeated by Negar there too." Frege added.

"Whatever he is, take me into the ancient night tomb immediately."

"It's at our feet," Frege looked down.

Frege mobilized the energy of the void to condense into a pattern of purple and black diamond-shaped heads in the empty air. This pattern is the engraving behind the fourth seat on the top of the mountain of Apocalypse, and it is also the identity of the Void Throne.

With a swipe of his left sword, Frege shot a pattern of energy into the ground beneath his feet. The world changed suddenly in the next second. The energy logo printed on the throne of the Void swelled a hundredfold on the earth, and emitted numerous purple-white beams of light from the inside to the outside. Countless purple and white beams of light are reflected on the dark sky, as if a huge lamp was shining on the sky.

Both Wu Qi and Frege were turned purple and white by the bright light emerging from the ground, and immediately the center of the emerging light collapsed out of nothing. Wu Qi and Frege's feet were empty.

When the purple and white light that filled the field of vision disappeared, Wu Qi saw the surrounding environment and found that he really returned to the ancient Yeling world filled with yellow-gray fog. The touch of the things you step on is also very different; it is hard and thick, with irregular outlines, and when you look down, the land that is not black is actually a dead body of a certain monster! Wu Qi's pupils shrunk, he sprinkled the perception net around, and the result was that he was standing on top of a corpse mountain that could not feel the bottom!

Looking up, there is a black sky covered by a layer of yellow-gray fog, and the sky that crosses the sky as always.

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