Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 890: can we make peace

 The panic in Constant's body became more and more intense.

Because the 'warts' almost all over his body were rioting, rising and falling one after another, as if they had a life of their own.

And Constant even felt that his magic power was disappearing rapidly, and the moving warts were slowly getting bigger.

It's getting bigger visibly to the naked eye.

"What's going on, what's going on."

Constant kept retreating. The more he looked at the strips of flesh on his body, the more frightened he felt. He already understood that if these warts were allowed to grow, something big might happen to him.

So he gritted his teeth and grabbed the largest wart on his lower abdomen. He felt a greasy feeling when he touched it, which was very disgusting.

After taking a deep breath, Constant pulled hard.

The wart strips were torn off, and what came out was not blood, but a milky-white, lubricating oil-like liquid.

At the same time, Constant's face was contorting, it was so painful.

He almost fainted from the pain.

It stands to reason that if the flesh and blood on the abdomen is cut or a piece of it disappears, it will indeed hurt, but it will not hurt to this extent.

And the liquid flowing out is also very strange.

He threw the twisted wart strip in his hand to the ground, but it was still moving desperately.

At the same time, the wart strips on his body twisted more violently.

"Your magic is fading fast," Hardy said with a smile.

Constant felt it too, and he shouted in horror: "How is it possible, my magic power, how could it be..."

He couldn't control his magic at all.

"Is this really your magic?" Hardy laughed.

The current human race is really weak and can barely compete with the lizard people.

There is no comparison with ten thousand years later.

Not to mention magic theory, even writing has only just appeared two hundred years ago.

Under such an environment, the possibility of ordinary humans becoming magicians is extremely slim. Even those with magical talents cannot have huge magical power without magical inheritance.

But Constant has it. Compared with Hardy, his magical power is indeed very ordinary, but from the perspective of humans in this era, it is very scary.

Therefore...the source of his magic power is very abnormal.

Any abnormal source will be taken away by an abnormal means.

Constant's expression changed drastically. He looked at the wriggling warts, which might be more appropriately called tentacles, with horror in his eyes.

"Help me!"

He shouted to Hadi: "I can give you this city, I can..."

"Even after you die, this city still belongs to our Basov City."

Hardy smiled and took two steps back.

Constant took two steps forward and wanted to reach out to Hardy, but at this moment his eyes suddenly became numb and even slowly closed.

Soon, Constant's body began to feel weak, and his flesh and blood were disappearing, but those warts were growing faster.

Hardy was not in a hurry and watched quietly.

It didn't take long for Constant's body to become a skinny one, with only skin and bones left. However, the warts became many and large, and they also grew a lot.

Four of them are even nearly two meters long, and they are thicker than other warts.

It's very eye-catching to look at.

Then, Constant slowly opened his eyes. At this time, his eyes were glowing with green light.

"You actually waited quietly for my consciousness to appear?"

Constant...or rather the consciousness of those warts, was speaking.

His voice was very hoarse and unpleasant.

"Yes, I want to see who is behind Constan." Hardy smiled and said. "You know I exist?"

Hardy continued to smile and said nothing.

His telepathy was taught by the E.P.R trio. Although the spiritual consciousness hidden behind Constan tried his best to hide it, it was still easy to recognize.

"You shouldn't have let me out." Constant looked at Hardy: "Originally you could live, but now you can only die."

Hardy showed a provocative expression, quickly turned back, and came to stand in the atrium.

Constant gave chase.

There were many guards in the atrium at this time. The previous fight had actually alerted them, but they did not dare to rush into the main hall without Constan's order.

Now they saw that their young master had turned into a 'skeleton' man with tentacles all over his body, and they were so frightened that they abandoned their weapons and ran away.

It can be seen how loyal these guards are to the Tatude family.

"You don't want them to attack me, do you?" Constant walked out slowly. Because he lost weight so fast, the thin layer of skin on his body seemed a bit too big.

The extra bits of death on his chin were dangling, which looked very disgusting.

Hardy smiled and asked: "So, what's your name? What type of creatures are you? Parasites?"

"It's okay for you to think so." Constant touched his body and said: "You are very smart and very talented. You are much better than most races and most strong people I have seen. Is there any Interests merge with mine.”

"You're so ugly." Hardy said calmly.

"But your spirit can become my parallel thought and live forever. Isn't this a disguised form of immortality?" Constant pointed to his head: "Don't you like immortality?"

"Eternal life as someone else's slave, eternal life without autonomy, it's okay if you don't want it." Hardy sighed and said as if he was resigned to his fate: "But before I die, can you satisfy my curiosity?"

"You say?" This Constant felt that he had a chance to win, so he thought about showing mercy.

"I have seen other people with this kind of meat strips on their faces. They are obviously not as serious as Constant. Why are they not mentally parasitic?"

"The reason is very simple." Constant said slowly: "A strong body and spirit are like a strong eggshell. It is very hard and tough. It requires stronger strength to break out of the shell."

This was said simply and easily, and Hardy understood it instantly.

"In other words, you are actually very weak, right?"

Anyone who can break out of his shell in this state is probably not much stronger.

"But killing you is more than enough." The other party was a little annoyed.


Hardy raised his right hand high, and a black tornado appeared.

Constant was thrown hard against the thick stone walls of the castle.

Although it hurt, he only suffered minor injuries.

What made him feel terrible was that he felt huge magic and spiritual power.

"What the hell!"

Constant cast a barrier on himself and regained his balance in the fierce wind.

It's just that there is no longer a confident expression on his face now.

The black wind dispersed.

A giant black knight, more than nine meters tall and twelve meters long, appeared in the atrium.

A man and a horse, two pairs of bright red eyes, stared at Constan.

"What a coincidence, I can also transform!"

A metallic sound resounded throughout the castle.

A look of fear appeared in Constant's eyes.

"Can we make peace?"

he asked quietly. (End of chapter)

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