Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 883: Take advantage of the situation

 The Nightmare Knight came down the mountainside and came to another road on the road. Just as he was about to speed up, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the other side of the woods.

There was a pool of flesh and blood there... barely identifiable as a shapeshifter.

It's the one who jumped off the cliff before.

Transforming back into human form, Hardy walked over, looked at the other person for a while, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Suffering fatal injuries and jumping off a cliff to survive, where does this protagonist come from?"

At this time, the shapeshifter was motionless. Although it still had the breath of life, Hardy knew very well that if he left it alone, he would be a cold corpse in about half an hour.

It's just that there are always some 'miracles' in this world. The other party can't die in such a dangerous environment. Maybe if you don't care, you will have some adventure and survive.

Hardy didn't want to fight again with someone who could control his mind and create illusions.

A huge flame condensed in Hardy's hand, and when he was about to throw it out, a spirit suddenly appeared on the flesh and blood on the opposite side, shouting anxiously: "Wait a minute, spare my life."

When Hardy saw the soul, he opened the system interface again. His expression was stunned for a moment, as if he was confirming that he was not hallucinating before looking at the spirit body.

That huge head, small body... is indeed the soul of the shapeshifter.

"Why should I spare you?" Hardy asked with a smile.

"You are a human and I am a shape-shifter. We have no direct conflict of interest." The soul of the shape-shifter came over, knelt down and said, "Spare my life, and there will be retribution in the future."

Hardy smiled, said nothing, and continued to ignite the magic in his hand, making the flames grow bigger.

"Stop!" The shapeshifter's expression was quite ugly: "I can buy my own life with a lot of money and a lot of things."

Hardy has not lost interest yet, the flames are getting thicker, and he only has two or three seconds left to take action.

After all, it takes enough magic power to 'kill' the soul.

"I can teach you spiritual magic!" the shapeshifter shouted.

The flame in Hardy's hand went out, and he asked with interest: "Isn't this the innate ability of your shapeshifters?"

"The talent of our shapeshifters is the art of transformation." The shapeshifters breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "This is my personal special ability."

"Are you sure I can learn?"

Hardy knew that his mental power was very strong, but he did not have much confidence in learning such exaggerated mental magic and illusions.

The shapeshifter shouted anxiously: "You can see my soul, which means your mental power is strong enough. You are also the first person to break free from my mental control. There is absolutely no problem."

Hardy was moved, he was really interested in this magic.

But Hardy subconsciously looked up, and there were two of his 'friends' in the level under the cliff.

"Are you worried about your two friends from the Rida family?" The shapeshifter suddenly became excited: "Hahaha... This is so ridiculous. Do you actually believe that people from the Rida family have such a thing as friendship?"

Hardy twitched his eyebrows slightly: "Do you think I regard them as friends?"

"Isn't it?" The shapeshifter laughed crazily: "If it weren't for you, I would have killed those two Lida family bastards."

Hardy's mental power is far superior to that of Yago and Claire. If Hardy hadn't been dragged into the illusion "completely", the shapeshifter would have completed true mind control long ago.

But fate just didn't want to see him, and the opportunity he finally got was wasted.

Hardy asked curiously: "It stands to reason that you should have enough time to control Claire first."

Before he and Yago arrived, Claire had been at the sentry above for more than two months.

"Because her mental power could not be weakened at that time." The shape-shifting demon calmed down and said very unhappily: "The evil god's ability from the red clay plain did not corrode her spirit."

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "In other words, the power of the evil **** can weaken the spirit of others?"


Hardy understood why he was still dragged into the illusion despite his strong mental power. "Then, your mind control is not very useful. You still need to wait for others to weaken."

The shapeshifter said confidently: "But as long as we are human, there will always be times of weakness, just like this long as you have enough patience, you can always find opportunities."

This is a good thing to say.

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Okay, how do you want to teach me this spell?"

"Put your hand over." The shapeshifter said urgently: "My body is dying. I will teach you how to use the soul mark, and then you can save me."

"no problem."

Hardy nodded and stretched out his hand.

The shapeshifter grabbed Hardy's right hand with both hands, his eyes suddenly glowing with ecstasy.

A moment later, Hardy came to his soul world.

At this time, in his soul world, a piece of darkness was rapidly growing.

The soul of the shapeshifter was born in this dark cloud.

"Hahaha, you idiot, how dare you believe me!" The shape of the shape-shifting demon became very huge: "From now on, your body is mine, it is mine. With such a powerful body, I can take him Showing strength that is much greater than yours.”

Hardy nodded slightly: "You are indeed very powerful."

"You don't seem nervous?" The shapeshifter landed from the sky, his expression was one of ecstasy.

In the real world, he is much smaller than Hardy.

But here, he's huge, at least three times Hardy's height.

Hardy smiled: "Is there a possibility that I let you in on purpose?"

"Impossible!" The shapeshifter was a little nervous, and then he looked at Hardy's appearance: "The power of the spiritual world is also reflected in the size of the soul. You are so short, how strong can you be? Don't hold on. Don't worry. , the swallowing of the soul, only for a moment, will not hurt. "

Hardy shook his head: "You are plotting against me, but why am I not plotting against you?"

At the same time, he laughed, seeming a little proud and a little sinister.

In fact, the moment the transformed demonic body appeared, Hardy's system interface responded.

‘The brilliant soul is detected and after absorbing it, you can break through the level limit. ’

As soon as this prompt came out, Hardy was filled with ecstasy.

But his expression was well controlled, and he didn't show any urgency or excitement.

Does this shapeshifter really think Hardy doesn't know that souls can be taken away?

Since the other party wants to harm him, then he will use his plan to trick the other party in and destroy him, then there will be no burden on him.

Hearing Hardy's words, the shapeshifter was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the soul world with some uneasiness.

But the more he observed, the more... fear he felt.

This soul is actually filled with light.

He even felt that a powerful and terrifying light force was stationed in this soul world.

"The power of the light godhead?"

The shapeshifter was trembling all over, and he looked at Hardy in disbelief.

"Who are you?" (End of chapter)

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