Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 867: Was beaten badly

Feeling a huge and exaggerated power coming from his hands, Narute was also in a state of confusion at this time.

As one of at least the top ten strongest men in the fear demon clan, generally speaking, there are only thirty or forty people in the entire world who can defeat him.

For example, there are several strong men of the Rauser clan, the head of the Rida family, the eldest prince, etc.

But what exactly is this monster transformed from a human being in front of me?

Although he fought hard, the opponent's charge was getting faster and faster, and the tip of the gun was closer to his heart than before.

Wherever the two of them passed, all obstacles on the path had no effect.

Trees were knocked down and boulders were pushed away.

Narut could even feel the disdain and ridicule reflected in the other person's red eyes.

Even the world around us has turned red...wait, the world has turned red?

Nalute was suddenly startled. He raised his head and found that at some point, there was already a red moon in the sky!

As we all know, with the death of the sun god, the moon also disappeared.

The current red the realm.

This huge black knight can actually use the field.

How is this possible!

Things like domain can only be used by special bloodline.

For example, the Russell family, or the Lida family that has reached the legendary level, or the Evil Eye.


Nalute roared angrily. Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, he knew very well that if he didn't try his best, he might really die here.

He concentrated all the magic power on the wings on his back. At this time, the wings turned green due to the large amount of magic power gathered.

It was a very transparent green color, and the over-saturated magic energy turned the magic into a "liquid state" and dripped from his wings.

It fell to the ground, and then turned into light dust again and disappeared into the air without any mental interference.

When the magic power reached its peak and he was about to hit the high mountain rock wall behind him, Narut flapped his wings vigorously.

Because the distance was too close, Hardy still had time to react and was unable to open the barrier with his spirit, so he could only eat the magic forcefully.

The huge magical green wind, like countless sharp blades, or like a huge sudden strong wind, directly 'blows' the Black Knight to a stop in place.

Even the ground was blown down by more than one meter by this exaggerated magical wind, forming a huge pit.

Seeing the Nightmare Knight stop, there were even 'wounds' several centimeters deep on both the Nightmare and the Knight's bodies, crisscrossing them and looking miserable.

But Narute knew that this kind of 'wound' a few centimeters deep might be fatal to a person of ordinary size, but to a giant 'creature', it was actually just scratches that barely broke through the surface.

Just like Narute now, he looked at the blue blood marks on his body, but in fact he was not injured at all.

Seeing that Hardy was 'stopped' by him, he suddenly flapped his wings and flew up.

The fear demon is very big, but the wings on its back are not decoration, it can indeed fly.

But compared to small intelligent creatures, their flying distance is short and their speed is slow... After all, in the world of magic, the law of conservation of magic must also be respected.

The larger the body is in the air, the more magic power will be consumed.

But Narute still flew up. He knew that he was on the ground and could not be the opponent of this thing.

The opponent is bigger, heavier, and more powerful than you, so a head-on fight will definitely not work.

But if you have an advantage.

As soon as he flew up, he felt a strong sense of oppression in the air.

There is no way, this place is already very close to the red clay plains, and the divine power left behind after the death of the Sun God forms a ball in the air, suppressing all flying creatures around it.

Although it won't prevent him from flying, it will greatly shorten his flight time and speed.

"It's time to make a quick decision."

Narut flapped his wings in the air and looked at the black knight below.

The Black Knight also took the lead.

Narut used dark magic power on his left and right hands to pull out a huge ball.

There are actually many spells that the Fear Demon knows, but the most suitable for actual combat with strong people is this kind of 'magic throwing' skill.

Fast, powerful, and low consumption. Two black **** of light were thrown down.

Hardy raised his left hand, aimed at the huge target in the air, and then fired a 'Steel Armored Iron Fist'.

The two black light **** and the steel-armored iron fists passed by each other without colliding.

The black light ball once again hit the transparent light shield that suddenly appeared in front of the Nightmare Knight, and then the magic power was annihilated.

Although the transparent mask seems to be getting a little fainter.

And the steel-armored iron fist also hit the fearful demon firmly.

Both sides are large 'creatures', and it is almost impossible to dodge in a battle with such fast flying props.

We can only resist hard and use various methods to resist.

The iron fist hit Zai Daemon, and then released a violent explosion.

Half a second later, Narute rushed out of the red fireworks. His whole body was gray and gray, and he was obviously burned by the flames.

As soon as his vision returned, he saw the huge black knight jumping up.

He jumped very high and reached a distance of more than ten meters, even in front of him.

"What the **** is this!"

He only remembered to curse angrily, and then put his hands in front of himself to defend himself.

The carapace on his hand was the hardest, and then came the huge black knight, making a turning movement of three hundred and ten meters in the air. With the power of the flip, the spear slammed down from a high place.

At this moment, Narute only felt a strong shock, so strong that he lost consciousness for a moment, and there was only a white light in front of his eyes.

He knew very well that this was because the attack he received was too severe.

Then came the feeling of his back hitting the hard ground. He immediately turned over before he could feel the pain.

Fortunately, he dodged quickly, and a huge lance was thrown down from the air. Four meters of the eight-meter-long lance sank into the hard ground.

Then the black knight landed, his terrible weight shaking the ground, and then he rushed over, leaned over and pulled out the spear on the ground, and charged at Narute.

The speed was very fast, the pursuit was very smooth, and no time was wasted.

As soon as Narute stood up, he found that the black knight was in front of him again.

He desperately raised his hands... He couldn't feel his hands anymore. When he looked again, he saw that his hands were broken and the hard carapace was almost completely broken.

Narute took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and spurted out a ball of green flames!

Breath of terror.

The fear demon's most powerful weapon is also the most damaging to the body.

This unexpected attack brought with it the burning and corrosive effects of magic.

A normal creature would melt within three seconds if it was showered like this.

Even wearing iron armor can only delay him for one more second.

This is the natural magic power of the fear demon. After spitting out this green thick flame, Nalut will have to rest for at least ten years before he can regain his strength.

He was about to be overjoyed when he saw the Black Knight being showered from the front.

But he saw those thick flames being bounced aside by a transparent shield.

Then the long lance pierced directly into his heart, pushing him hundreds of meters away and hitting the mountain wall.

Nalute was hung in mid-air. He looked at the spear at his heart and asked in confusion: "What is that transparent magic shield..."

"Morado's new force field."

Hardy withdrew his spear.

This is one of the many magical techniques Morado developed for Hardy.

"Human beings..." Narute's eyes gradually lost focus. He looked at the huge black knight: "Why can humans..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, then he lowered his head and became silent. (End of chapter)

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