Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 834: Humanity needs fighting power

As a main combat race, Naga's status in this era is somewhat embarrassing.

It is not as high as his status in the demon world ten thousand years later.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Naga’s ‘cost-effective’ advantage has not yet been highlighted.

As "variable temperature" intelligent creatures, Naga's biggest advantage is that their energy consumption is much smaller than that of normal races.

One and a half things can be done with one and a half resources.

In an era of abundant supplies, the upper limit of Naga was indeed not as high as that of bone demons, fear demons and other races, and the gap was even a bit big.

In an era when supplies were scarce, their strengths were very useful and could bring them closer to powerful races.

Now that the sun has set just over three years ago, supplies are still at a fairly adequate level, so their status has not improved significantly.

At this time in Blue Lake City, Lord Eli Xiao was looking at the information in his hand, his eyebrows almost furrowed.

As a member of the Naga tribe, he has the advantage of having six hands.

One hand is holding the parchment, and the other five hands are only busy with other things, such as stamping, sorting and rummaging things.

It looks very efficient, but in fact... it's quite efficient, at least about 1.5 times that of humans.

It's not as exaggerated as having six hands, so the efficiency is three times that of a human being.

After all, the brain as a "CPU" is not much better than humans, and even the average level may not be as good as humans.

Their biggest advantage is their physical fitness and an extra pair, or two pairs of arms.

After reading the information on the parchment, Eli Xiao stood up and cursed angrily at the person who sent the information: "Since the human lords over there have already suspected you, they even went to your intelligence point and talked with the royal family. The princess had a fight, why did you come back so openly, weren't you afraid that they would find out that we were causing trouble?"

After saying that, he threw the parchment to the ground.

The male Naga kneeling in front did not dare to take a breath. When he heard this, he lowered his head and defended: "Now that they have offended the royal family, they should not dare to trouble us again."

"Is your brain muddled by the flame brat's shit?" Eli Xiao became angry, jumped up from behind the table, and knocked away the intelligence officer in front of him with a long swing: "They dare to even the royal family You are still afraid of us after being offended? Although the princess of the Rida family named Qili is not very strong, she is not bad at least, but she was beaten by that human and was unable to fight back. Do you think he will come? Looking for trouble with us?"

The intelligence officer slid down the wall, his body **** and bloody, with almost all the bones in his body rotted away.

But even so, he was not dead and was still breathing heavily.

"I'll spare your life this time, but be more careful in everything you do in the future."

The intelligence officer was unable to move, but he still swung his sharp snake tail twice to thank the lord for not killing him.

Then several Nagas came in and dragged the intelligence officer out.

Eli Xiao was about to sit down, but he suddenly let out a sigh, propped himself up with his snake's tail, and quickly came to the window.

Then...his pupils suddenly shrank into the shape of vertical kernels, and he looked at the dark sky in the distance.

There, there is a huge eyeball staring right here.

And this eyeball is slowly retreating.

"Evil Eye Clan."

Eli Xiao murmured.

In the intelligence, it was also mentioned that the Evil Eye clan had settled in that human territory.

This one should be the one from the intelligence.

As expected, the other party came to the door.

Eli Xiao let out a long sigh: "Everything is not going well."

Originally, Basov City was the city that he thought was best to annex after careful calculation. There are good supplies there, and humans, as a slave race, are of high quality.

Eat less, work more, and be smart enough to do many jobs.

When annexing a territory or a race, it is best to pick a soft persimmon to pinch. Otherwise, you will be forced to eat a piece of territory, and your own vitality will be severely damaged. Before you have time to digest and turn the opponent into your own strength, other forces will come over. .

When the time comes, not only will he be spit out by the prey, but he will also most likely become the prey.

Now, this city has become a hedgehog and cannot move.

He thought for a moment and shook the copper bell on the table, and soon a female Naga came in.

"Prepare a decent gift, some metal that we don't need, wrap it up, and take a trip to Basov City."

The female Naga looked at the lord in surprise: "Father, what do you mean! We have to admit our mistakes to humans?"

"There is no way, we can no longer fight on two fronts." Eli Xiao sighed: "We are struggling on the lizard people's front, and we can no longer fight another force that threatens us."

This female Naga was quite beautiful. She gritted her teeth and said, "Father, I am willing to lead troops to help you attack Basov City and turn it into your birthday gift."

"You can't do it." Eli Xiao smiled and said, "Li Toto."

"How is this possible? Those are just humans, and I heard that there is a Sun Saint there who can create light. Let's bring her here..."

"Do you remember Qili?" Eli Xiao's majestic face said with a bit of sarcasm: "People you can't beat are captured alive by humans, effortlessly."

Li Totuo's beautiful snake eyes were full of disbelief.

Seeing his daughter's expression, Eli sighed: "So do you understand what I am thinking? Under interests, there are no permanent enemies, only temporary peace."

Li Totuo took a deep breath: "I understand, father, I will handle this matter beautifully."

"Very good." Eli Xiao nodded with satisfaction: "I'm waiting for your good news."

Li Tuotuo bowed and retreated.

At the same time, in Basov City, Hardy was scribbling on parchment.

The biggest problem that humans have now is that... they don't have enough fighting power.

In other words, there is not enough combat power to form an organizational structure.

Human civilization has just begun. In essence, it is still in the slave age.

Both production technology and magic technology are very poor, only slightly better than the Flame Imp.

And now, as the sun 'disappears' longer, the world's resources will gradually be consumed. By then, races will fight endlessly for resources.

Human beings, a young race that has just entered civilization, will only become the meat of others if they do not have enough fighting power, and then disappear in the long river of history.

Therefore, humans must have their own fighting capacity.

Now, it is impossible to quickly increase human productivity and technological levels.

That was a big project measured in hundreds of years, but now, the approaching disaster is measured in years.

Therefore, humans must find a way to quickly increase their combat effectiveness.

It seemed impossible at first, but Hardy found a ready-made method.

The organized...create the Nightmare Knight.

Hardy clicked on the plan on the parchment and showed a satisfied smile. (End of chapter)

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