Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 813: descendants of succubi

 Horn City.

It is the city of the Minotaur.

It is a big city in the true sense of the word.

The permanent population is nearly 400,000.

So... after the sun went down, there was a certain amount of chaos.

The more densely populated a city is, the more likely it is to be chaotic.

Because resource allocation cannot be guaranteed.

The strong have enough resources to survive and live well.

But the people at the bottom are a different story.

If placed in a world without extraordinary abilities, in this case, the upper class would have no choice but to die, because the civilians who could not survive would raise a banner of resistance.

But in this world...winner takes all.

The resistance of the people at the bottom is like hundreds of Chihuahuas barking at a lion, and it has no effect.

Even hyenas have to run when they encounter a lion, let alone a Chihuahua.

Even when food is not sufficient, it is possible that people at the bottom will become edible.

So when Hardy entered the city, what he saw was a scene that refreshed his outlook on life.

Groups of people with horns raised, pairs of red eyes popping out in the darkness.

They looked at Hardy as if they were prey, but after seeing the Bone Demon Lord, their red eyes became much more restrained.

Nezan held up a ball of illuminating light... This was a technique that he could only cast by using the magic wand in his hand to transfer dark magic power.

For him, it wasn't too strenuous, but it wasn't too easy either.

Wherever the light shines, the horned men quickly retreat and return to the darkness.

"If I hadn't taken you with me, you would have had to deal with this endless crowd." Nezan smiled.

Hardy also laughed, and he said slowly: "It can't be infinite. One spell can kill one or two hundred people, and they will retreat."

"Yes." Nezan nodded: "I can feel that you seem to be very murderous?"

"No, I don't like killing people." Hardy paused for a moment, then said: "I just attack the enemy more harshly."

Hadi has been a lord for so many years, and the land he controls is quite large. If the elves are included, the population of the territory exceeds 20 million.

But Hadi has never raped women, never killed people in the street, and has never done bad things without conscience.

This was unique among the lords in the feudal era.

In fact, many people in his territory already secretly call him 'saint'.

He is not the kind of saint designated by the Guangming Cult, but elected by the people.

Nezan narrowed his eyes: "Is Mr. Hardy trying to hit me?"

Hardy shook his head: "There is no such thing. I just expressed my temperament. I am very honest."

"Hahaha." The internal selection laughed three times: "Indeed."

The two chatted casually and soon came from the civilian area to the aristocratic area.

Compared to the dark civilian areas, there is more 'light' here.

On the contrary, this place needs more ‘resources’.

Nezan led Hardy to turn left and right, and before long they came to a very large and tall building.

This building is filled with light.

The two of them went in.

Then Hardy discovered that the reason why the building was so bright was because wood was constantly burning inside.

There are four fireplaces burning in the hall.

In front of the fireplace, there were human slaves and kobold slaves working.

In the hall, there were several horned men in colorful clothes, chatting enthusiastically and laughing from time to time. The horned man, that is, the minotaur, and the minotaur are also easy to distinguish.

Although the Minotaur also looks like a cow, it doesn't have much hair on its face. The Minotaur's face and head are covered with hair.

When they saw the Bone Demon Lord, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

At this time, Hardy restrained his gaze, lowered his head slightly, and pretended to be a servant.

The Bone Demon Lord walked over and chatted with a few people.

Although the status of the Bone Demon Clan is not as good as that of the Fear Demons or the Evil Eye Clan, it is still tied with the Minotaur.

Several people told each other their names, but of course Naizan gave a false identity.

Afterwards, several people chatted, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. After feeling that the atmosphere was about the same, Nezan asked: "Is your lord still coming here recently?"

"Hush!" A Minotaur lowered his voice and said, "Everyone knows some things, but don't say them out. Understand! That one also wants to save face."

Nezan looked dazed and enlightened, and then said with a smile: "Yes, I don't know how to speak. Your Excellency, have you been here recently?"

"What are you..." someone asked curiously.

"I heard that Your Excellency likes rare treasures very much. I brought a large item here and wanted to sell it to him. If I'm lucky, I might be able to make a lot of money."

At that moment, someone laughed and said: "Exotic treasures! You are mistaken. Your Excellency only likes that kind of thing."

"Then I'm not wrong." Nezan pointed at Hardy and said with a smile, "What do you think my slave looks like? Is it worth some money?"

Several people looked over and were stunned when they saw Hardy.

Hardy had been looking down just now, and several people didn't care about mere humans, so they didn't look at him.

Now that I saw Hardy's ridiculously handsome face, they all gasped subconsciously.

"Such a handsome human being? You must have made a mistake."

"The men of the Lida royal family are nothing more than this."

"It is indeed a rare treasure, a rare treasure."

"But that adult likes men."

"With this appearance, does it matter whether he is a boy or a girl?"

"That makes sense."

At this time, a horned man licked his lips and asked: "Your Majesty the Bone Demon, can you give up this human servant to me without any love?"

"Haha, of course not." Nezan said happily: "I put a lot of thought into bringing this treasure here, and I can't sell it cheaply."

"How much, please tell me."

Nezan shook his head: "I don't want money, I want land! You can't give it to me."

The horned man looked at Hardy's face with some obsession, and finally he could only sigh softly and shake his head.

Then Nezan shouted angrily: "Shopkeeper, give us a big room, a double room."

Soon a horned man came over. He was a man wearing luxurious clothes. After he glanced at Hardy, he said helplessly: "This is a brothel. It doesn't matter if you bring a man to sell it. I don't want the reputation here anymore."

Nezan smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not like I won't pay you."

"Forget it." The male horned man shrugged as if resigned to his fate: "For such a handsome man to be sold, it is not an insult to my place."

Nei Zan even smiled proudly.

Then the two of them lived in a large room on the second floor under the guidance of the waiter.

The layout of the room was pretty good, but because there was no sunlight, it was filled with a faint smell of mold.

When Hardy saw the door closed, he sneered: "Your Excellency Nazan has quite an idea."

"It's not bad." Nezan laughed quite contentedly: "This is called topicality. Believe it or not, in less than two days, the Minotaur Lord will come to your door. In addition, in fact, I have always said something I want to ask you."

"Say it."

Nezan looked at Hadi: "Are you really a descendant of the Unsuccubus?" (End of this chapter)

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