Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 55: It should have been like this a long time ago

Chapter 55 It should have been like this a long time ago

 Hardy yawned, very tired.

Sophie chatted with him again in the succubus space last night. She only used some auxiliary words and didn't leave until it was almost sunrise.

 Fortunately, he has been practicing swordsmanship diligently recently and his physical condition has improved a lot. Otherwise, he would have to stay in bed for a long time before getting up as before.

However, even though I got up, it was not convenient for me to exercise strenuously. I had to sit on the stone platform and read books on magic theory to maintain my health, so that I could maintain my dignity.

 The soldiers in the military camp are already practicing, even more carefully than before.

Although Hadi's army has been officially established for less than a year, due to the fact that they are provided with food and shelter and sufficient training, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the old soldiers of ordinary nobles.

 In the words of other nobles, Hadi's soldiers are all elite soldiers, and there is no militia.

 At ordinary times, it seems that there is not much difference between militiamen and professional soldiers, but on the battlefield, you can understand that the gap between the two sides is huge, very big.

Generally speaking, militias that combine farming and fighting have some combat effectiveness, but they are aimed at civilians or bandits. On a real battlefield, even three times the number of militiamen may not be able to compete with professional soldiers, and they are easily defeated and fled. This affects soldiers in other units, causing a chain rout.

While Hardy was reading in a trance, a soldier trotted over beside him, knelt on one knee and said, "Master, there is an army of about 400 people approaching us from the west."

Hardi got up and went to the observation tower to take a look, and sure enough he found the army.

Professionals have very good eyesight, and Hardy could quickly tell that the team was dominated by militiamen, mixed with about a hundred professional armored soldiers.

There were also about sixty light cavalry among them.

“There are a lot of people, but the configuration is actually similar to ours.” Hardy waved his hand and said to Rogge who had just jogged over: “Follow the original plan and start attacking when the enemy enters the range.”

Soon, the soldiers in the military camp filed out and quickly arrived at the designated location.

This is the good thing about occupying a strategic location. Not only does it have advantages in terrain, but it also allows you to relax and wait for work.

"We have an advantage in the terrain, and we don't know how the enemy will respond." Hardy looked at the enemy slowly coming from a distance and smiled: "Unless there is a great magician who can change the terrain and carry out ultra-long-distance and large-scale attacks. , otherwise they would have no hope of victory.”

 Before he was reborn, Hardy participated in too many guild battles, often involving hundreds of professionals versus hundreds of professionals.

  The commotion caused by professionals is much greater than that of ordinary soldiers.

 He has never seen anything!

 Very rich tactical experience.

When the opponent's phalanx got closer, Hardy could see the lion emblem on the enemy's flag, but the opponent also stopped and seemed to have no desire to attack for the time being.

"It seems that he barely knows some tactics." Hardy nodded: "In this case, a strong attack will not work. We have to find other methods."

 In other words, the Lions faction still has some talents.

“It’s just that if you don’t come, I can’t go there?” Hadi smiled happily: “Occupying a strategic location is the advantage. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.”

 He waved his hand and summoned Rogge to come over. Just when he was about to issue an attack order, he suddenly felt that the earth seemed to be shaking.

 And the shaking is gradually getting stronger.

He turned his head to look north and couldn't help but exclaimed.

 A long silver snake formation swept over, raising tall yellow smoke.

They are all cavalry, each wearing white armor and white horse armor.

Countless flags stand in the forest, and angel coats of arms flutter in the wind.

Just looking at the posture makes people fascinated.

As they got closer and closer, the sound of horse hooves like waves became louder and louder.

Even though they were occupying a high place, Hardy and others still felt as if these iron hooves were stepping on them. The mountains are shaking.

Rogge swallowed subconsciously and asked nervously: "Master, this is..."

“The Knights of Silver Wings.” Hardy smiled and said, “The legendary Knights, the strongest fighting force of the Saint Faction.”

  Then Hardy sighed: "There are only 600 riders left. It is in decline after all."

 According to historical rumors, the number of the original "Jeanna" Silver Wing Knights was 3,400.

 But even if there were only 600 heavy cavalry, the momentum caused by running at the same time was still frightening.

Think again about the more than 3,000 cavalry at their peak. It is estimated that the enemy will wet their pants when they see it, and they will melt if they take one more look.

No wonder the original ‘Jeanna’ was just a common girl, but she was able to sweep the entire France.

This is also what Hardy meant when he said that if the Knights don't "move" anymore, they will disappear.

If the Saints Faction continues to defend without counterattack, then in the next few years, as their properties are plundered and their connections are dispersed, such a heavy cavalry regiment will never appear again.

 Seeing this heavy cavalry army rushing over, the Lion Faction army below was so frightened that they ran backwards crazily.

 But except for the scout team who had horses and could escape, how could the other two-legged people outrun those with four legs?

 He was caught up within a short while.

Hardy was watching from a high place, watching a group of white-armored heavy cavalry crush the infantry legion, as if they were running over an insect, without even losing half a cent of speed.

 Then he looked at the heavy cavalry regiment, rushing towards the royal city.

 Leave a long trail of blood.

Hardy couldn't help but shake his head: "Cruel, so cruel, I like it so much!"

Rogge looked on with dry mouth and didn’t know what to say.

Hardy turned to look at Rogge's embarrassed look and said with a smile: "Take a hundred people down to help collect the corpses. If there are still people who can be saved, help carry them to the city gate. By the way, clean the battlefield and see how much loot can be scraped out. ”

Rogge nodded and immediately went to the side to count people.

Hardy looked at the direction of the royal city. At this time, the Silver Wing Knights had entered the "circling the city" stage. They would run in a circle around the outer wall of Boris to declare their strength and bravery.

Although they were far away, Hardy could imagine how the defenders on the city wall would react when they saw such a terrifying heavy cavalry regiment.

“It should have been like this a long time ago.” Hadi sighed: “Such a powerful military, even if the cost is higher, it’s not unaffordable.”

He really didn't understand why the previous generations of Jeanna patriarchs didn't use this kind of heavy cavalry regiment, but tolerated everything.

 What are the doctrinal issues of the Temple of Light?

  Or are there other reasons?

 Hardy is not from the Saints' sect, so I don't know for sure.

But now the situation is beginning to develop in the direction he expected.

“On the surface, the Saints’ faction is rising, but secretly, there are immortal players who are starting to cause trouble.”

 Hardy's smile began to develop in the direction of a sunny and cheerful boy again.

 The bloodlines of the royal family must have become nervous. The water has begun to become turbid, and they are ready to start fishing.

 (End of this chapter)

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