Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 47: Players make a fuss about Boris

Chapter 47 Players make a fuss in Boris

The royal city of Boris is the largest city in France and one of the most prosperous cities!

Hardy is already very familiar with this city. Although some stores are slightly different from what he remembered, he still found the most important store to him with ease.


 There are various books for sale here, including books on magic theory.

 Hardy bought a copy of Advanced Theory for two gold coins!

 This is why ordinary civilians cannot learn magic.

 A book costs two gold coins. What if you need a teacher to teach you?

 Wouldn’t the price be more?

Holding the book, Hardy looked through it in the small cubicle provided by the bookstore. Then he discovered that this book...had been bought at a loss.

Although it is said to be an 'advanced' magic theory, its content is far inferior to the intermediate magic theory written by the author of E.P.R.

 He felt that the names of the two books should be reversed.

 Having a headache, Hardy sighed subconsciously. Once he bought this book, he could not return it.

 Fortunately, the content of this book is not completely rubbish. There are still some analysis techniques for spells in it, which are quite interesting.

  It's just that the content he talked about was very simple, and it was not as direct as E.P.R's talk about the essence of magic.

"I have to find out who this E.P.R is when I have time!" Hardy really admired this person for his ability to slowly reveal the true meaning of magic in simple words.

His spellcasting level has improved rapidly now because he has learned important knowledge from "Intermediate Magic Theory".

 He left the bookstore and was about to go to other places to look around when he heard some noise outside.

 When I went out to take a look, I found that two groups of people were confronting each other.

Hadi looked left and right and found that both sides were noble young masters, cursing each other and shouting fiercely, but did not take action.

There was a large group of people watching.

“It’s no different from before. The noble young men can only talk.”

Hardy shook his head and was about to leave.

 At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

 Because he saw a warrior-looking man walking between the two groups, looked around, and asked, "Which of you is the 'Zhan Jin' of the Li En family?"

An ordinary-looking aristocratic man stood up. He looked impatient and asked angrily: "Fake, who are you? How dare a commoner ask me for my last name?"

Almost all the nobles in Boris knew each other. He had never seen this man before, so he must be a stranger.

 And in terms of temperament, he doesn’t look like an aristocrat.

Hence this Jenkin-Lean does not have a good attitude.

 At this moment, the man suddenly drew his long sword.

 The light of the sword is cold.

 Everyone around him fell silent for a moment.

 Hardy subconsciously took half a step back, ready to attack and defend.

But this man suddenly turned into a swift shadow with a swish sound, and rushed towards Zhan Jinli En.


  The sword accurately penetrated Jenkin's heart, and with the force of the charge, Jenkin's entire body was pinned to the wall.

 “This is a little girl’s revenge, go meet her in hell.”

Jenkin's eyes were full of fear. He struggled to push the soldier away, but his hands were weak and there was gradually no movement.

 This incident shocked everyone.

 After the warrior finished killing the people, he immediately jumped up and ran wildly.

 “Kill someone, kill someone.”

The noble young men who had been having an arrogant quarrel just now ran to the left and screamed like ducks.

Hardy glanced at them and shook his head.

At this time, the Royal City Guards who were patrolling nearby rushed over immediately. Some people stayed to deal with the body of the deceased, while another group of people chased after them based on the intelligence of the onlookers. Hardy also followed.

 Then he watched from the rear as the male warrior rushed everywhere, fighting only with the guards of the royal city and not involving ordinary civilians.

In the end, more and more royal city guards surrounded and suppressed him, and they were finally forced to a high platform.

 The platform was at least twenty meters above the ground. He was standing on the edge, covered in blood.

 A small part of it belongs to him, and most of it belongs to the guards of the royal city.

The royal city guards dared to chase the male warrior at first, but after the latter killed a few people, they just bit him behind him and did not dare to step forward at will.

 The male warrior was on the high platform, looking at the archers gathering below, and suddenly laughed.

There were many people watching around, and more and more people gathered.

As if knowing that there was no hope of escape, the male warrior walked to the edge of the high platform, scanned the surrounding area, and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Jenkin Lee deserves to die. He raped and killed at least five little girls. He is a beast. And I am the immortal warrior, Xi Xi! I killed him, and I will kill more beasts in the future. ”

Hardy was watching the show and eating snacks nearby. He almost choked when he heard the words and coughed hard several times before spitting the things out of his throat.

On the high platform, Xi Xi’s ‘speech’ continued.

"Although I will die soon, no matter how many times I die, I will rise from **** and kill every evil scum in this world."

 “I am the executioner.”

 “I am the judge.”

 “I am the enemy of evil.”

 “I am an unfair enemy!”

 “I am the enemy of all injustices in the world!”

 “Long live justice!”

 The heroic voice echoed around.

 Then the male warrior jumped up high, then put his head down and fell straight down.

 The moment he hit the ground, his head exploded.

 Blood flowed all over the ground.

This tragic scene made all the people in the royal city fall silent.

Some people vomited.

Hardy shook his head and walked away slowly.

These players, indeed, have never changed. They still love to be present and are full of drama.

 But no matter what, Hardy still supports such behavior.

The death of Zhan Jinli En and his "suicide" will bring shock to this decaying royal city.

 The subsequent "resurrection" will make those nobles who like to do evil even more frightened.

Of course, Hardy personally feels that it would be better if the players were not so "middle-class".

At this time, Bing Xixi had been resurrected. He was hiding in his "safe house" and laughing into the air.

“Brothers, this wave is awesome! Not only can you complete the task, but you can also pretend to be a wave along the way, how cool it is.”

 The full screen of ‘666’ crossed across the screen.

“It’s just that I have lost a lot of experience, and the gain is not worth the loss.” Xixi felt extremely happy physically and mentally at this time. This kind of ‘holy’ feeling in front of a person can easily stimulate the secretion of dopamine.

 It makes people want to stop.

"Next, I plan to kill a few more **** nobles, but I also want to have a good relationship with those plot NPCs. After all, PVE is also an important part of the game... What, the Black Knight saw my heroic appearance? He won't lie to me, right? "

“Is he the black knight I know, the handsome one?”

Hong Xixi's eyes suddenly lit up.

 (End of this chapter)

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