Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 299: Genius is used to move the world forward

Chapter 299 Genius is used to promote the development of the world

 The big muscle tyrant took over Hardy's task this time and gained huge benefits.

This incident has made many players jealous, and there are many other players ahead of them. Therefore, players generally begin to believe that Hardy is a special plot character NPC who will continue to produce high-quality epic missions.

 Hence, more and more players began to gather in Louisian County from all over the world.

 Especially the great guilds.

 The success of Big Muscle has further stimulated their ideas.

Thinking about relocating the guild to Louisian County, those who are closer to the water will get the moon first. If Hadi throws out any large-scale tasks in the future, they may be able to accept them.

 Tens of millions of mission funds were poured down at once, who wouldn’t want to take it?

 In this way, the number of players stationed in Louisian County began to increase again.

 Looking at more and more players, Hardy is quite satisfied.

 The players as a group, when used well, are the best spears and shields.

 The more players there are, the more manpower and productivity are available.

 The construction speed of the Magic Academy has been accelerated again.

It is almost completed. Depending on the time, it should be completed within three months.

At this time, Hardy thought of Patience. He didn't know what was going on with Patience, the female magician, and whether she had found her teachers.

 Is it possible to persuade them to come?

 At this time, in the northeast of Kievan Rus, a female magician in white robes was walking in the wind and snow.

 Thanks to the protection of magic, this extreme cold cannot cause her any trouble.

 Snow wolves are occasionally encountered in the wilderness, but even a large group of hungry snow wolves would not dare to pounce on her.

 She also met some humans, who didn't seem very friendly, but seeing the magic robe on her, she didn't dare to make any moves or fantasies.

  She walked from morning to night, then used magic to "knead" a rock house out of mud on the side of the road that could block the wind and snow, and then lived in it.

 Have a good night's rest before heading out again the next day.

A few days later, she came to the entrance of a small town.

 Samara city!

 A city built on a mountain can be surrounded by only half a circle of high walls.

When Patience arrived at the city gate, she didn't need to queue up and was allowed into the city.

Most civilians are very afraid of magician robes like hers.

 When I entered the city, I saw many people setting up stalls on both sides of the street.

The vendors were almost all standing, stamping their feet to keep themselves away from the cold, while shouting and selling.

Patience asked passers-by for directions. After confirming the direction, she found a low house with an excited expression.

 She had an expression of shock and disbelief.

 Then, Patience knocked on the door.

 After waiting for a while, a cough came from the house, and then a deep voice asked: "Who is it?"


The house was quiet for a while, and then the door was pushed open violently and pushed against the wall, making a loud banging sound.

Behind the door is a middle-aged man in tattered clothes, messy hair, and a haggard face.

When Patience saw him, her eyes sparkled: "Teacher!"

  Then her expression became sad: "Teacher, why are you living so..."

This man is the E in E.P.R, which is Master Yi, and his full name is Yi Albert.

Master Yi looked slightly embarrassed, then he smiled and said: "Don't stand outside, come in quickly." Patience followed the instructions and entered the room.

This low and narrow room is filled with magic materials and data parchments.

 As well as a bed and a desk.

 Then there is no other furniture.

Patience felt like she didn't even have a place to stay.

“Teacher, I remember that more than ten years ago, weren’t you the royal magician in the palace?” Patience was so sad that she wanted to cry.

In her understanding, her teacher is a magic genius. Not only should she be rich, but she should at least have enough food and clothing.

 But I never expected that I would end up in such a place.

She could even see that the teacher’s hair was all white and his skin was turning yellow, making him look extremely unhealthy.

 This is obviously a state of malnutrition.

Master Yi scratched his head and said helplessly: "Princess Yejieka rebelled seven years ago and directly killed her father and became the queen. I was angry because I didn't help her and was kicked out of the palace."

Patience also heard about Yejieka's rebellion in France.

 But she did not expect that her teacher would be implicated.

 She couldn't help but ask: "Where are the other two masters?"

"One of them went east to Musk City, and the other went to Kazan County. We haven't had contact with each other for two or three years, and I guess they are not doing well either."

Patience was so sad that she wanted to cry.

She thought that the unfair treatment she received at the Clovis family was hard enough, but she didn't expect that her three teachers would have an even harder time.

“The Kievan Rus Empire is not a place for magicians.” Patience wiped her tears.

 Looking at the student's red eyes, Master Yi laughed: "Don't be sad, it's actually quite good. Do you know what major discoveries we have made recently? A magic theory that will change the entire world."

 “What did you find?” Pei Guangsi’s attention was indeed diverted.

As a magic researcher, she has no resistance to any magical discovery.

"Very powerful magic can create a small amount of special matter." Master Yi walked to the side and took out a stack of parchment: "Then, conversely, can matter be converted into magical energy?"

 “Is it okay?” Patience’s eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Yes." Master Yi opened the sheepskin scrolls one after another: "This is the result of our calculation, but most substances are very stable and cannot be cut with mental power. So we must find a substance whose The energy structure is not so stable and can be blasted away by mental power and then turned into magical energy. "

Patience did not realize the seriousness of the matter at this time.

“According to our calculations, this substance was ‘calculated’, and we calculated that when it was reduced to magic energy, the energy it erupted was extremely huge.”

 “How huge is it?”

"One kilogram, if blasted open with mental power, will generate a tide of magical energy that can level the entire city of Morosik, leaving no chickens or dogs behind."

Patience's eyes widened in surprise: "One kilogram? Morosko City?"

"Yes." Master Yi turned the sheepskin pile to the last one, pointed to the content on one side and said, "We turned this process into a formula, called the equation of matter and energy."

Patience was speechless.

She flipped through the parchments one by one and carefully read the contents, trying to find out what knowledge she could learn from them.

At the end, she said tremblingly: "Teacher, do you think you have unleashed a terrifying demon?"

"How is it possible? We are just doing research, not fighting and killing people."

 (End of this chapter)

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