Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 263: Tricked by Sophie

Chapter 263: Being tricked by Sophie

How much do players like Beast Ear Girl?

This is difficult to quantify.

 But this can be seen from Bing Xixi’s current state.

“Sir Hardy, do we in Louisian County really want to introduce the beast-eared girl?”

 At this time, Bing Xixi’s face was full of ecstasy, looking like Brother Pig.

"I have this idea." Hardy took out the map from the drawer and said: "Misr is here, we are here, not too far away from them. And the countries we passed along the way are all from our country. It stands to reason that the countries that have diplomatic relations with the West will give us certain conveniences, and it is not too difficult to transfer them. "

 And nodded vigorously every night.

“But how to make them willing to come and stay with us and how to ensure their safety on the road is quite troublesome.”

Hardy's expression seemed a little hesitant.

 Transferring hundreds of thousands of people is not an easy task.

He patted his chest and said, "Sir Hardy, please leave this matter to me! I am confident that I can bring the fox people and cat people to our Louisian County."

 “Are you alone?” Hardy shook his head: “Impossible.”

Hong Xixi immediately said: "Don't worry, I will have many, many like-minded companions."

He believed that as long as the news was spread, a large number of people would be willing to work with him to bring the fox people and cat people to Louisian County.

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Okay, you might as well try it. Go to the treasurer and get three hundred gold coins. If you can really persuade them to come over, you need a lot of money."

Seeing that Hadi agreed, Xixi was so excited that she almost jumped up: "Okay, I will recruit people now, and I will set off within three days."

With that said, Xixi quickly ran out of the study.

Hardy looked at the retreating figure and smiled proudly.

In the original world line, the fox people and cat people asked for shelter everywhere, but no one helped.

 Finally they joined the demon clan together.

 In the first war between humans and demons, it caused great losses to humans and players.

 The fox people are good at manufacturing and are rare blacksmiths and craftsmen.

 The cat people are natural scouts.

 These two races can convert their abilities into military combat effectiveness, thus bringing a good improvement to the overall demon race.

Now Hardy can take a step ahead and draw both the fox and cat tribes under his command.

 In terms of ordnance and intelligence, there won’t be much of a problem in the future.

 Also weakened the power of the demons in advance.

And whether they are fox people or cat people, they are actually very good at pleasing people.

 With these two races, players will also be controlled by Hardy in disguise.

  It can be said that it accomplishes multiple things with one stone.

 Handy spent the next ten days in the magic laboratory.

After painstaking exploration and studying the magic theory of E.P.R., he finally figured out some details of the Nightmare Knight's "split".

 This thing is related to the spiritual power of nightmares.

The reason why the Nightmare Knight is a Nightmare Knight lies in the word nightmare.

 In other words, the core driving force of the Nightmare Knight is the nightmare itself.

 In order to achieve the "modularity" of the Nightmare Knight, one must have stronger mental power than the Nightmare, and communicate with it when transforming, overriding the Nightmare's instincts.

 In this way, the knight can truly take charge of the transformation and realize the transformed model according to his own ideas.

 After understanding the principle, Hardy thought the next thing would be simple.

 But he found that he could not communicate with the nightmare.

 He can’t speak horse language!

 At this time, he thought of Philaire.

 As an elf, she should be able to communicate with animals to a certain extent.

  In natural magic, there is the skill "Animal Communication".

It was only after he asked the maid that he found out that Philaire had not been in the lord's mansion for several days.

 Looks like he's wandering outside again.

 Hardy shook his head helplessly.

This is how Flael is like this. As long as he is unhappy, he will go to the green mountains and green water to relax.

 Then let’s wait until she comes back.

 What if Philale doesn't come back? Hardy doesn’t think it’s a big deal. There are quite a few druids in the profession, and they can always find people willing to teach.

After putting aside the study of magic for a while, Hardy began to devote more time to the practice of marksmanship.

  A few days passed like this.

Sophie is back, and the army responsible for 'sending' the gray orcs to the front line is also back.

Things went well, Sophie lit a fire behind the enemy's rear and burned a third of the granary.

 The gray orcs were also "captured" by the North.

“It seems that within two months, the city we are fighting against will collapse.” Hardy said with a smile.

How destructive would the gray orcs be to society if they couldn't eat enough?

Hadi has seen this before in his previous life.

Why the Southern Faction can control the Gray Orcs so well? The first thing is to feed them, and then overseers and whips.

 The northern faction is short of labor and wants to steal gray orcs from the southern faction.

 But they don’t have much food and can’t feed the gray orcs, so what should they do?

Of course it means raising a big banner and talking about big principles.

 Let gray orcs become humans, how nice it sounds.

 It is no use if you don’t have enough to eat.

Sophie lay on Hardy's desk and swayed: "By the way, in the evening, you and I will go to the grape grove and give awards to the girls. They did a good job this time and need the lord's commendation."

 “Do you need me to do anything?” Hadi looked down at Sophie and asked with a smile.

"No...need! I have prepared gifts...just give them to them." Sophie had some difficulty speaking.

 “That’s okay.”

 At night, Hardy came to the grape grove.

 This is the station of the Silver Moon Witches.

 At first sight, a group of beautiful female players were chatting around a campfire.

 There are wine barrels around, as well as fresh mutton and beef.

 The smell of barbecue and alcohol lingers in the air.

 Hardy’s arrival caused the female players to scream.

 In fact, Hardy is very popular among female gamers.

 Probably about the same level as top stars.

Young and wealthy, powerful, and extremely handsome.

 It is very in line with the aesthetics of female gamers.

Sophie stood up, clapped her hands and said, "The lord is here to award rewards to the ten best performers. The gifts have been prepared. The ten people named before stood up."

Hadi took the beautiful little wooden boxes and distributed them one by one.

The small wooden box contains beautiful gemstones and jewelry... all treasures that Sophie brought back from the devil world.

 Very beautiful and artistic.

 After that, everyone drank, ate barbecue, and boasted.

  The female players toasted to Hardy one by one.

Logically speaking, with Hardy’s current strength, he would not get drunk after drinking some wine.

 But before he knew it, he lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the middle of a bunch of women.

 And these women are all disheveled.

Hadi counted and found that there were exactly eleven women, one of whom was Sophie.

Hardy sat up and put his head on his hands. He now had a headache.

Sophie also sat up from the side and asked with a smile: "Are you happy?"

"What are you so happy about?" Hardy said helplessly: "I have no memory of what happened last night."

“It’s okay, I didn’t reward you in the first place.” Sophie smiled and patted Hardy’s arm, then pointed at the female players around her: “It was to reward them.”

Hardy looked at Sophie very unhappily: "In other words, I was just a tool last night."

Sophie nodded matter-of-factly: "I promised that the top ten team members can see what it's like to be the best man in the world."

 (End of this chapter)

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