Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 23: The rules of social death

Chapter 23 Articles of Social Death

 The guards stepped forward and put the two mercenaries down.

 They stood before Hadi, looking ashamed.

 Two grown men can't even beat a woman. It's really embarrassing.

 But Hardy felt it was normal.

  Although the Druid profession ranks third in the eyes of players, its overall strength is actually at the T1 level.

You must know that the number of professions in this world, in total, exceeds one hundred.

 With this comparison, you can understand what the concept of the third-ranked profession in the eyes of players is.

 Hardy can crush both of them without turning into the Nightmare Knight.

 Let alone players who come to this world with an "elite" character template.

Hardy waved, and Rogge came over.

"I said 40% of the tax is 40% of the tax. If you don't want to pay, I won't make it difficult. Let them leave Vasco directly. From now on, they can't set foot here again." Hardy looked at Rogge coldly. Eyes: "I consider myself very kind, please don't let me feel cold."

Rogge nodded, with a scared look on his face: "I will handle this matter well."

 Then he was seen running into the distance, roaring angrily at several mountain people.

Hardy ignored this and turned to the shield warrior Pero and said: "I will let half of the guards stay to assist you. If the female druid comes to cause trouble again, you will punish her in my name." Sentence, mobilize all the mountain people to surround her, do you understand? If she is just passing by without making any noise, it will be treated as if she did not see her. "

 The two mercenaries nodded repeatedly. They were relieved when they saw that Hardy didn't mean to blame them.

At the same time, the arrogance in my heart became a little less.

 Hardy rode the packhorse back to the manor.

 He was very happy in his heart because he discovered that his status as an ‘aristocratic’ did indeed come with ‘privileges’.

 The words the female Druid shouted before running away were in Mandarin.

 Others can’t understand, so why can’t he?

 Because in his previous life, he often heard that certain players would be issued wanted notices by nobles among NPCs if they messed up in the game.

 Not only the guards and mercenaries in the NPC will attack her.

Even other players see this person as a red name and can legally kill him.

 Now that I am a noble, I indeed have similar privileges.

Of course, this ability is not unlimited.

 It can only be enabled if the player has "done something wrong", otherwise it is just a joke.

Even nobles who issue wanted warrants may themselves be entered into the 'dungeon'.

“As long as you make good use of this ability, players will also be a great help to you.”

 The more Hardy thought about it, the happier he became.

 But on the other side, the female druid was not very happy.

 She hid in the forest and was lying down in a bush.

 Full of anger.

"This is wrong. There is a 40% tax, and there is no tax-free gradient. Why can't such a black-hearted noble be killed?"

Her rant was not only for herself, but also for the netizens in the live broadcast room.

The barrage in the live broadcast room passed through her field of vision one after another.

   ‘Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard. I want to do justice for heaven, but in the end, it’s myself who is the cause of disaster. ’

 ‘I have to say, Liaoliu’s escaping posture is so handsome. ’

 ‘Speaking of handsomeness, that young aristocrat has grown to my liking. Tiao Tiao, ditch him. ’

  ‘She dares? It is still famous now. By the way, how long will it take for it to disappear? ’ ˆ ˆ ‘Tiao Tiao, don’t be sad. You are a leopard now anyway, so just walk around in the forest for a while, and then go out again when the red color fades. ’

 ‘That handsome nobleman should be a good man. All in all, after the red name disappears, I will check how much tax ordinary employees will be charged. ’

Tiao Liao held his head with both paws and said pitifully: "It's so embarrassing. I thought I was a good person, but turned out to be a bad person. I guess my joke will be spread all over the Internet tomorrow."

 ‘There’s no need for tomorrow, I’ve already cut the video and will send it to Station B now. ’

 ‘Hahahahaha! ’

 ‘Hahahahaha! ’

 ‘Han Hong knows how to paint and regrets painting Han Hong’

I saw a large number of hahaha flying by, each one holding its head with its paws and rolling around on the ground, so embarrassed that they wanted to commit suicide.

“No matter what, I’ll log off first and come back in two days.” All the leopards sat up again.

As soon as this statement came out, the live broadcast room burst into mourning.

  ‘No, you have such a rare opportunity for closed beta testing, and you actually indulge in it from time to time, and dare to go offline. Are you drifting off? ’

 ‘Look at other closed beta UP owners, who doesn’t hate having too little game time every day? ’

 ‘Yes, just Tiao Tiao and you will be offline if you are not satisfied with the time limit every day. ’

“We can’t play it even if we want to. This game is so realistic, which is definitely a miracle across the ages. ’

“Speaking of lifelikeness, I went to study the women in the game yesterday and Xixi, and they were indeed very lifelike, and then they were taken away by the Network Control Office. ’

'Ha ha ha ha. ’

‘Tiao Tiao, please don’t log out. We will give you a reward. Play more. It will look good even if you turn into a leopard and hunt in the forest. ’

 ‘Yes, yes, it’s not like the red name cannot be played. ’

Tiao Tiao returned to his human form, checked his status, and after confirming that there was no problem, he said goodbye to the live broadcast room, and closed the live broadcast regardless of the efforts of netizens to stay.

 Then the whole person turned into a bubble, flew into the sky and disappeared.

Less than a minute after she disappeared, several mountain people came around from all around, holding spears, bows and arrows and other weapons in their hands.

They searched the area but found no female druid, and they all had strange expressions on their faces.

 The matter was then reported to Hadi.

 Hardy knew that the female druid was definitely offline.

 After the player goes offline, he will not come back online at the same place, but will appear at the set "resurrection point".

 This ‘resurrection point’ can be set anytime and anywhere.

 It’s just that each person can only have one resurrection point at the same time.

 Set the new one and the old one disappears.

Since the resurrection point can be changed at any time, the behavior of "guarding the corpse" is of little use.

Hardy is thinking about how to take advantage of players’ instincts to gain more benefits.

"But it should be a closed beta now, and there shouldn't be many players entering the game." Hardy said to himself: "It's a miracle with a very low probability that one of them can come to my territory. They don't play a role now. Not much, but if you have the opportunity to contact them, you can use their live broadcast feature to establish a good first impression on future players? "

Hardy nodded and was about to write this idea down in the plan, but then gave up.

He suddenly thought of a question, what if someone saw this plan?

 I don’t want the secret of ‘rebirth’ to be known to anyone.

 He put down the quill and closed the plan.

At this time, Lillian came in and whispered: "Master, little Tompson wants to see you."

Hardy laughed. He happened to have something to do and wanted to ask Little Tompson for help.

 (End of this chapter)

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