Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 201: Everyone's hearts go out to Mr. Hardy

Chapter 201 Everyone’s heart goes to Mr. Hardy

 After asking for some supplies from Hardy, the brave team set out to help the French coalition clear the logistics line.

 Hardi also assigned them an infantry regiment of 1,000 men and 30 players as auxiliaries.

 At the same time, there is also a logistics force of 100 people.

 Such a lineup is completely capable of fighting a small war.

 “This Mr. Hardy is really nice to you.”

 The shield warrior Ahala was riding on a war horse. He looked at the mighty army behind him, and a warm current of emotion flowed through his heart.

 It has been more than a year since he was inspired by the light and joined the brave team.

Over the past year or so, I have lived a very hard life with no food, no food, no sleep, no food and no food.

 But he can bear it.

 In order to protect the world and respond to the teachings of the goddess of light, he is willing to suffer no matter how hard it is.

 But what he can't bear the most is the hidden contempt and even malice from the human world.

How many times have those high-ranking officials, after knowing that they are a team of brave men, tried to let them help with their private affairs? If they did not comply, they would hold high the banner of morality and suppress them.

Even out of ten male nobles, eight wanted to keep the saint in their own homes.

 The remaining two male nobles wanted to keep the brave man at home.

  It’s simply **** sick.

Had it not been for the ridiculous strength of the brave man and the saint, these people might have succeeded.

That's all for the nobles. Ordinary people know that they are a brave team, and they also have a lot of demands for them.

Sometimes after completing the employment task, I would say: You are brave, so fair and kind, can you understand us, we are very poor and have no money?

  It really made Ahara realize what the hardships and dangers of the world are.

But this is the first time I have seen such a great nobleman as Hardy.

Other nobles saw the brave team and thought of ways to take advantage, especially the saint.

However, Hardy felt like he was avoiding the Saint Karina. Instead, the Saint was sending it up.

Other nobles wanted them to die, but during yesterday's crisis, this noble risked his own life to help them defeat the demon general.

Even though I begged them, I was very sincere. I was even afraid that they would be in danger, and even sent more than a thousand people to them.

If the vast majority of the nobles had the mind and sentiments of Lord Hadi... no, as long as one tenth, they would feel that the world is full of paradise.

Hearing Alaha’s sigh, Karina smiled and said in high spirits: “Of course, that’s Hadi.”

Lian also showed the same smile.

The female magician couldn't help but ask: "Since Mr. Hardy is so powerful and has such a good relationship with you, why is he not a member of the brave team? I feel that he can replace any one of the three of us, and why The rule is that the brave team must only have five people? "

Lean and Karina both looked a little confused.

 They really haven’t thought about these things.

 After a while, Karina said: "Before we set off, Hadi was not so powerful. In addition...the goddess of light must have a deep meaning in doing this, and we don't need to speculate."

Lian said: "If Hadi came out with us, he would not be in this situation now. Maybe the goddess of light took this into consideration and did not let him be with us."

At this time, the archer next to him suddenly said: "Ryan, after our adventure and mission are over, can you introduce me to Mr. Hardy? I want to beg for food under his command. I think he should be in great need. A long-range expert who is good at tracking and reconnaissance.”

 Ahara, the shield warrior, looked at the archer in surprise. The latter was usually very proud, why was he suddenly... like this?

At this time, the female magician raised her hands and shouted: "Me, me, and me. Generally speaking, there should be a magician in charge of the lord's internal affairs office."

 Ahara, the shield warrior, saw that his two teammates were finding a way out for him, and immediately shouted: "Add me one more."

Ryan smiled and said, "I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, there's nothing I can do." Karina sat on the horse, and the front armor of her body rippled slightly as the horse moved: "Actually, This is good, Hardy can get great helpers, and we can see each other from time to time and take care of each other.”

 That is indeed the case.

Lane feels the same way.

The five of them walked and chatted, and soon reached a high ground.

Lian looked at it and said, "Let's stay here for now. Then we have to assign tasks."

 Five people gathered together, looking at the map, discussing who should lead how many soldiers and where to patrol.

After discussing for a while, they felt that the defense line given by Hardy was not particularly long. As long as the five people were divided into three groups, each with about 300 soldiers, they could hold this logistics line tightly.

"Let's do this. I will lead 300 people alone to guard the front line." Ryan pointed to the map: "Karina and Angel will lead 400 people to guard the middle line, and Ahara and Raof will defend the back line. , if the enemy is very strong, immediately send scouts over for help, do you understand?"

 The other four people nodded.

Lian has also systematically studied military command. After all, he is a descendant of the royal family of the demon world. The collection of books at home is very rich. Moreover, Sophie was also a general of the demon clan and knew how to lead troops in war.

"If you don't have any objections, then prepare to take action now." Ryan smiled: "This is the middle line, so Karina and Angel don't need to move."

 The two girls nodded repeatedly.

At this time, a man walked up next to him. He had an extraordinary temperament and was very different from ordinary soldiers.

 Lian looked over and recognized this person. He was one of the "visitors from another dimension".

Hadi assigned twenty of these special immortal humans to them, and made it clear that these people could use them without any worries, even to the point of death, and there was no need to feel sorry for them.

"Is there something wrong with you? Your Excellency." Ryan stood up and asked.

This player nodded slightly, and then said rather embarrassedly: "There is a problem. Please clarify it, Your Majesty the Brave."

Lian has a very good personality. As long as the other person speaks nicely and politely, he will usually help: "Please tell me, as long as I can answer it."

“We just want to ask if there is a way to get a job as a brave person.”

As soon as these words came out, the five members of the brave team looked at each other.

Are these ‘visitors from another dimension’ so ambitious?

Want to be a brave man?

Lian thought for a while and said: "Being brave is not so much a profession, but a special ability given by blood."

 “No way to find a job?”

Lean shook his head.

 He was born a brave man.

“What about the Saint? Does she need recognition from the Temple of Light, or does she need to make a great contribution?”

Carina looked at the player, supported Yi Bangzi and said: "The saint is a special person designated by the goddess of light, and the abilities she obtained were also given by the goddess of light."

 “How to get the approval of the Goddess of Light?” the player asked anxiously.

 Although he is a male, he can sell information to female players.

"I don't know either." Karina shook her head: "It depends on her mood."

 Actually, there is something she did not say... In the past five hundred years, there have been many saints from various sects in various places, but only the Jeanna family has the opportunity to "appear" as the saint of light.

The player let out a long sigh, thanked the two of them, and left feeling disappointed.

 Lian looked at this player and suddenly said: "Only when I look carefully do I realize that their souls...are so strange."

Carina nodded: "It's like it has been reshaped."

 (End of this chapter)

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