The fourth floor...

Levi and Blanche Shelley carefully groped forward.

The passage was dark, and Blanche Shelley used light magic to illuminate the darkness around her.

"I feel much more at ease with you, Blanche Shelley, by my side."

Levi said with a smile

""Hee hee!"

Blanche Shelley laughed."

Aww! Aww!

Suddenly, in the darkness ahead, there were bursts of roaring sounds.

Hearing these roars, Levi narrowed his eyes.

"It looks like we have to fight again."

Levi stood in front of Blanche Shelley, holding the flaming sword Levadin tightly in his hand.

Countless dark spirit wolves pounced out from the darkness.

"Dark elemental magic!!"

"The bone system creates a magic bone spear array!!"

Swish, swish, swish!"

Rows of spears formed by bones emerged from the ground, killing a large number of dark spirit wolves.

However, there were still a few lone spirit wolves left, which were not affected and still pounced on Levi and Blanche Shelley.

"Humph, the fish that slipped through the net also wants to attack by surprise?"

Levi waved his hand, and the light and dark magic book in front of him lit up again, and the magic book quickly turned pages.

"Dark elemental magic!!"

""Bone system creates a magical bone wall shield!"

Levi suddenly raised his hand, and a huge bone wall emerged directly from the ground. At this moment, several dark spirit wolves rushed up and crashed into the bone wall summoned by Levi.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of bones breaking continued to ring, and screams and hisses also continued to ring.

One by one, the dark spirit wolves broke their necks and skulls because they rushed too hard.

"Let's keep going!"

Levi took Blanche Shelley's hand, and the two continued to explore the Demon Palace together.

With the guidance and help of the Phoenix Soul, Levi and Blanche Shelley did not get lost. After walking through several dead ends, the two continued to move forward.

"Although the Phoenix Soul can explore the direction of magic, this magic palace seems to have certain limitations, which makes the Phoenix Soul unable to play its role."

Levi explained to Blanche Shelley as he walked.

"Yes, I know, but even so, Levi, you are very, very good!"

Blanche Shelley laughed.


Suddenly, the sound of flowing sand came.

"Did you hear any special sounds?"

Levi asked

"I seem to have heard……"

Blanche Shelley replied.

"Salla, salla, salla!"

The sound of the sand flowing became louder and louder.

"It's the Dark Soldiers!"

Blanche Shelley said, pointing at the dark shadows that appeared in front of her.

"Another guardian of the Demon Palace?"

Levi frowned.

There were too many guardians of this Demon Palace.

In the darkness, dark soldiers emerged from underground or from the walls. Each soldier held a spear.

""Hiss, roar, roar!"

The sand soldier made an indistinct sound.

"What the hell?"

Levi prepared for battle.

The magic book unfolded.

"Oh oh oh!!"

""Oh oh oh!"

The soldiers screamed and rushed towards Levi and Blanche Shelley.

Every soldier's spear was aimed at Levi and Blanche Shelley's body.

"Dark Elemental Magic!!"

""Bone Burial!"

Levi continued to cast magic to fight these sand soldiers, and behind Levi, Blanche Shelley also tried hard to cast her own light magic to fight against these dark sand soldiers.

For the two of them, they had no choice but to move forward and could not retreat.

"Don't retreat, retreating will only lead to death, Levi, I am invincible!"

Levi swung the flaming magic sword Levadin in his hand and slashed down with a roar.

(New book release, please collect it, give the author some support, and give some flowers and evaluation votes. The author is very grateful. For the support of the masters, the author has no way to repay them, so he can only write this book carefully and update it every day to make the masters feel comfortable!)

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