Chapter 29 Flooding Interest (2)

The Fifth Training Center of the Royal Academy of Ballaran.

The situation surrounding Henry Camilton was progressing at a rapid pace.

The articles alternately asked for a battle to confirm, and those who completed the verification were busy sending messages to their families.

The message said, “This talent should not be missed, and we need support for him.

Of course, Sanson, who was the first to spit on, was now almost burning inside.


“You’ve grown up again!”

“Unbelievable speed. What an overwhelming talent!”

Through the additional beads purchased, Henry showed another level of growth in front of them.

Those who watched it are about to go blind without exaggeration.

But not all families participated in the scramble.

The two writers, who had relatively low influence, withdrew on their own, and the other gave up because the owner did not allow them.

A total of seven families participated.

There were two dukes, three marquis, and the other two were countes

It was too much to be a competition for each of the students in Class C.

[But shouldn’t we go to one of these places?] If you don’t want to go, it would be legal to go wild.

[Really, I’m not going after all this stabbing] If you turn it upside down right away, it’s acceptable.

[Can you fix this?]]

The overheated atmosphere was making viewers worry, too.

It’s not like they’re mistaken, because it’s normal that no one can back out when things get this bad.


To borrow viewers’ expression, Henry Camilton still had an unused “cheatkey.”

“The Duke readily agreed. Henry, if you don’t mind, come here anytime.…and I promise to be dedicated to the map. On my honor!”

“Same here, Henry. The Marquis….”

“Henry! I just got a reply…….”

Now the seeds that have been sown have begun to bear fruit sequentially.

Each aristocrat readily accepted Henry Camilton and decided to carry the burden of being a Camilton self-author.

No matter where he goes, Camilton will be dismissed as a fallen aristocrat.

It would be too much to reach the backbone of the kingdom, but it would lead to an honorable noble life.

So, Henry wasn’t going to take it.

‘It’s only for a while. If I think about my next generation and my next generation, I don’t know when I’ll be in this situation again and again.’

It’s something I’ve already been through.

It was only in the moment that a family went down, and it was a matter of success.

Especially if a huge event occurs that could affect the entire kingdom.

“So, Henry, where are you going? We have to go back to the family now. Hurry up and decide. No one will hold a book on the decision.”

Knight Luden spoke as a representative for the occasion.

Of course, Sanson would be bitterly upset, but it was clear that he would not grab the book either.

Now we just have to choose.

Henry deliberately shone his agony. As if he didn’t dare to choose, he felt like he was too much wherever he went.

It’s not until the knights’ lips dry with impatience.

Henry came up with an answer.

“I don’t think it’s a matter that I can decide.”

“Henry! So far we’ve…….”

“This is a matter for the owner, not for me. Everything the drivers have suggested is too much for me. But if you choose lightly for that reason, it would be a disgrace to me for what you have written to me.”

‘No! Not at all. Just pick one!’

Such expressions appeared on the faces of knights, but the biggest weakness of knights was their justification.

“I think you will be able to make a wise decision.”

I’m done, and the conclusion is to contact them.

The knights struggled to hide their despondent expressions.

Henry Camilton was too greedy to give up here.

“I will…… I will. I promise you here. I’ll visit you in person, wait at the Academy for a while.”

“I feel the same way about Timothy Hu. I’ll have to meet and speak to you in person, Earl Camilton. You have a great son.”

The knights made a series of promises.

Their owners cannot go there themselves, but they will visit themselves with full authority.

Perhaps the Duke of Camilton would soon receive a considerable number of valuable guests.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope to see you again.”

“Me too!”

“It’s bound to be! I guess I’ll have to go back now. Let’s go, everyone.”

“Yes, I think most of you here will see you again soon.”

“I know. I never imagined this would happen.”

The knights stormed out.

Except for the three who backed out, they all seemed quite urgent.

In the meantime, I didn’t forget to say hello to Henry.

Seriously, Henry waited until they were all out.


It’s not until I can hear the knights chatter.

“It’s over.”

Henry also relaxed.

No matter how much you draw a plan, your opponent is your opponent.

I was nervous in case I failed, but fortunately, it ended without any problems.

[He did it][Hoof, hoof, hoof, hoof] Are you here?][How much was this mission?][Laughing]

Did you make it? What were the conditions?][If more than two-thirds of the centipede were called to come to their families.

The response was, of course, extremely positive.

The swordmanship was done in moderation, and there was a way to manage the situation.

A result that will satisfy wizards who are only interested in Henry-related events.


[Fan ID] donated 1,000,000 won!>

“Oh, you’re really doing this.”

The wizard, who made the mission, kept his promise.

[Fan ID] donated 1,000,000 won!>

I thought it was too hard, so I wanted to change the story.

Twice as much.

It was originally a million won mission, but Oubub sponsored the same amount twice.

“Oh, my God.”

This admiration was sincere.

Two million won.

If you add up the amount you’ve already saved, you’ll have to buy level 2 beads.

‘But I realized something about this.’

It was the fact that growing step by step, especially in line with the situation, rather than rapid growth, is much more useful for eliciting the “fun” of broadcasting.


Henry’s mission was generally to match Henry’s level at the moment.

“Thank you. Fortunately, I was able to complete the mission successfully. I wouldn’t have done it without your attention.”

Even if he did, he probably wouldn’t have used his brain as much as he does now, and he would have achieved relatively little.

[Fan ID] donated 1,000 won!>

Do you have any next mission I can give you?”>

Viewers felt the same way.

Henry was given a new goal.


I never thought I’d contact home like this.’

After the case has been sorted out roughly.

Henry was organizing his thoughts at Rousseau’s smokestack today instead of the dormitory.

Viscount Camilton.

Henry’s father, the fallen aristocrat, the wisest man Henry knows.

Henry hasn’t told him what’s happened recently.

The Duke of Camilton will still think Henry will live a life without a handful of Mana.

He doesn’t even ask me how I’m doing because he doesn’t want me to feel.’

Henry’s father would say hello from time to time.

The kind of thing that recently started growing certain crops, something happened to the animals they were raising, and this year the yield was pretty good.

And sometimes.

It used to be said that this kind of life was not so bad.

It was probably a thoughtful story for Henry.

It was an empty saying that it was okay not to be a knight, contrary to the truth.

“Since he’s been suffering from a certain moment, he seems to have put pressure on me.”’

Henry knew.

The Duke of Camilton wants to revive the family more than anyone else.

I just don’t want to burden my only son.

You’ll hear from me soon.’

The Duke of Camilton was such a man.

I will pretend to be Taeyeon in front of the knights, and I will get enough time to think about it instead of a hasty answer.

And then what?

After contacting Henry, it was clear that he would make a decision after sufficient questions were asked.

I’ll have to wait until then. Well, by the way, I don’t know if it’s okay to go back to the dorm today.’

A while ago.

Austin had visited Henry.

There are rumors all over the Academy about Henry.

And the provocative rumors were bound to be called in increasingly large.

“At first, it was a normal rumor that he recommended being a knight. But over time……and grew strangely.’

Some marquis came to me himself.Or even the King of Balaran himself visited and urged him to become a royal knight.

Even the countries next to him wanted to send people to see Henry.

It was all crazy, so Henry was holding out for now.

‘It’s not good to get caught up in a dangerous rumor.’

The royal family is not so cluttered as to respond to each and every lame rumor.

But what if the party makes a mistake, and it starts to spread almost as if it’s true?

Shake your head.

Shaking his head, Henry sat with his back against the wall again.

I thought I’d have to stay here a little longer.

At least late at night.

Until there are fewer people inside the academy.

It was then.

Ring ring! Ring ring!

The sharp sound raised Henry up.

It was a visitor.

Austin, or Russo. Maybe it’s a third party who came here because of today’s incident.

The opponent.

“Mr. Instructor.

It was Russo, chief instructor with a haggard complexion.


Chief Instructor Russo.

He’s been feeling the most anxious feeling in recent years.

It was shortly after hearing from instructor Ciana.

Sanson, Marquis of Timothy, wanted to talk to Henry.

Of course it didn’t shake as soon as I heard it.

However, after a while, I felt almost hopeless when I heard that the rest of the articles were all gathered.

Was it my greed? How dare you think of me as such a talent?’

a backward knight

Henry’s talent was too great for the instructor to embrace.

I knew, but I still wanted to teach.

As an educator, the flame that I had in my heart burned to the point that no one could extinguish at some point.

‘……the inevitable flow.’

The moment Russo gave up.

The news is out.

“Henry didn’t leave?”

Henry Camilton.

It was the news that a genius with the greatest talent chose no family.

It ended with handing over the option to his father, Earl Camilton, but Russo took it in a completely different way.

So now.

Henry even came to the training camp.

“You don’t want to go, Henry. If I knew you, I’m sure you did.”

“…Can I be honest with you?”

“I’d appreciate it.”

“I didn’t mean to go. I have no intention of leaving the academy yet.”

“As expected!”

Spitting out like an elastic, Russo swept down his face.

It was a clear relief response.

But for a moment, Russo hurriedly pulled herself together and looked Henry in the eye.



“I know you don’t want my teaching. You also knew that I wanted to teach you.”


“But I’ll put up with it. I won’t ask why. However, I also decided to be honest. I haven’t reached out to you before, and now I know I don’t deserve it.”

“No, you’re not.….”

“There you go, Henry, you don’t have to say any more. I’ll let go of my greed and my pride at this moment. Just let me give you a little help.”

Russo’s feelings were intense, and Henry couldn’t answer.

Teaching in the first place is something you have to spend time with. As such, we will spend less time on broadcasting.


What Russo suggested was a little ‘different’ help.

“I also judged that the moment has come when you need your own sword. Fortunately, I have a connection that I made using the position of chief instructor. I’ll introduce you to a decent blacksmith’s shop.”


I can’t believe it.

Henry paused at the unexpected content and nodded willingly.

Henry was just about to need this help.

BJ Swordmaster

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