Bizarre Love

Chapter 79 He Dare (1)

Chapter 79 He dares (1)

The few peaches bought in the living room were still uneaten, so Dad Shu took them to the laboratory.

At the beginning of April, City H completely lost the precipitous chill of early spring, and the weather was exceptionally bright. As soon as I went out, the bright sun shone warmly.

Meng Ting was worried about two things.

One is that there will be a national dance competition in June. Dancing is not easy and requires years of basic skills and a flexible body. She has been practicing since the winter vacation, and now she is in a much better state, but whether she can win the prize is a matter of great uncertainty.

In her previous life, she hadn't danced since she was fourteen.

There was one more thing that made her quite silent.

In late April of the previous life, my grandfather broke a leg. Nearly 70 years old, a broken leg, dying, died within two years.

At that time, Meng Ting followed Shu Zhitong to take a look.

In the buildings in the countryside, the old people couldn't move. The old lady picked up a broom and beat them while wiping her tears. drive them away.

Her grandparents gave birth to her mother, Zeng Yujie, in their thirties, and they dote on this only daughter very much in their hearts.

However, the only daughter insisted on going her own way and ran away with a frivolous man.

Grandpa and grandma cried and scolded, but finally saw that Zeng Yujie was determined, and they never recognized this daughter again.

Later, Zeng Yujie became pregnant out of marriage, and the old man who had been teaching in the countryside for a lifetime did not recognize her daughter.

Zeng Yujie was so angry that she didn't go back after she died. A person and his daughter are struggling in a big city. I have suffered too much, and I have done all kinds of tiring work.

Zeng Yujie is not a good daughter, but she is a good mother. She later gave Meng Ting all her life's love.

Meng Ting was chased away by his grandma and grandpa in his previous life, so he was angry and sad.

She was once sad about the indifference of her grandparents, why she didn't recognize her mother, Zeng Yujie made a mistake, but she didn't even have a chance to correct it.

Sadly, the two old people are lonely and helpless. Ended up having a hard time living on a retirement salary.

They didn't recognize Zeng Yujie, nor did they recognize Meng Ting.

Meng Ting's face was ruined later, and Shu's father died, and there was no place where she was home. She thought of her grandma, but in the end she still didn't go back. However, at the age of eighteen, she finally guessed why some grandmothers drove her away while crying.

Their dying days are a heavy burden.

Zeng Yujie was the daughter they had raised for twenty years, so there was no feeling for her at all. They drove Meng Ting away because they hoped that their little granddaughter would not be burdened.

Just like Meng Ting was so sad later, but he didn't choose to go back to make grandma feel bad.

Starting over for a lifetime, Meng Ting wanted to visit them.

Even if they didn't appear in her growing up for a day, grandpa taught and educated people all her life and was admired by many people. Even if they are not her grandparents, they are all worthy of help.

Meng Ting didn't hesitate, she saved some money and planned to ask for leave from school to go to the countryside in April.

She couldn't remember when her grandfather happened, but to avoid accidents, she planned to leave before the middle of the month.

When the prospectus of the dance competition was announced, Meng Ting filled out the form and handed it in. There are many rounds of this competition, and the sponsorship for the first place is 100,000 yuan!

It was a game she had competed in when she was fourteen.

It was also the game where she won first place but lost her mother forever.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she filled out the form. In the end, he gently closed his eyes and wrote Meng Ting in the name column.

After Meng Ting handed in the form, he started to pack his luggage and go to the countryside of City F.

She told Shu Zhitong that she really wanted to go back and see her grandparents. The old man was getting old, and no matter how many kindnesses and grievances there were, she wanted to see them for her mother.

Shu Zhitong was very happy and supported her very much: I will accompany you when Dad finishes his work for a few days.

Meng Ting quickly shook his head: Father Shu, you should be busy. The people there are simple and honest, and nothing will happen. I just went to have a look. Mom said that grandpa has a bad temper, and he would be angry when you went.

Shu Zhitong is stubborn and principled, but he respects Meng Ting very much.

Meng Ting explained a lot of reasons, he finally nodded, and the next day, he gave Meng Ting a gift.

Meng Ting opened the box and saw a small and delicate white mobile phone.

It's an old phone, but it's fine for calling and texting. Meng Ting accepted it with a smile.

She told Shu Zhitong that he was safe, so Shu Zhitong would be at ease.

It is easier to ask for leave from the school.

But I can't tell the truth, after all, it depends on when grandparents can't visit, why not wait until the summer vacation? And the matter of rebirth was too mysterious, it was impossible for Meng Ting to tell it.

She had no choice but to lie to Fan Huiyin for the first time: Teacher, I'm going to have my eyes recover for the last time. It may take a while, half a month.

Fan Huiyin readily agreed, and signed a leave request for her, Meng Ting heaved a sigh of relief.

Meng Ting's small coffers have a thousand dollars.

Saved for three full years.

She originally wanted to find a reason to give the money to Papa Shu, but now she can't do it for the time being.

This year's air ticket was not as expensive as it was later. It cost more than 300 yuan, and she still had 700 yuan left. She properly kept it, if her grandparents didn't want to accept her. She has to find a place to live.

The money should be enough.

It's just that I have no money to buy new dance costumes when I run out.

She is so poor.

But don't care about so much, the most important thing is that people are good.

Her flight on the morning of April 12th.

F city is said to be very hot.

Meng Ting took the luggage, and Shu Yang and Father Shu went to see her off. Before boarding the plane, she waved to them with a gentle and bright smile. The morning light in April is still beautiful.

Passengers stared blankly.

Shu Yang frowned, for the first time he was a little worried about her. He ran over to her and asked, Can you be alone?

Meng Ting nodded.

Shu Yang was silent for a while: Then you remember to report safety.

Meng Ting smiled and said yes.

She looked at Shu Yang with gentle eyes. No matter in what life, this younger brother always has a cold face and a warm heart.

When she got on the plane, she looked at the white clouds and finally became a little worried. She didn't even know how her grandfather was injured, so could she turn the situation around smoothly?

April 13th is the day when the Vocational College Entrance Examination releases the results of the English quiz.

Jiang Ren studied hard for half a month, but his temper became so bad-tempered. None of He Junming dared to provoke him.

There is a kind of person who is not naturally suitable for learning.

He Junming secretly glanced at Jiang Ren's English paper while Brother Ren was going to the toilet. I laughed out loud, good guy, it's too miserable.

Learning this is worse than not learning.

Brother Ninja finished it seriously.

The result is 25 points in English.

He Junming guessed 31 points! This guy basically guesses BCD, and the accuracy rate is quite high. He Junming laughed until his shoulders trembled, and He Han didn't hold back: Hahahahahaha!

He Junming said: I just can't give up, because I have tried to know that I can't do it. Brother Ninja will laugh me to death hahahaha!

Jiang Ren, who came back from the bathroom, sneered, Who do you think can't do it?

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