Bizarre Love

Chapter 56 Review (1)

Chapter 56 Review (1)

She didn't know how to explain it, so she said softly for a while, I'm not afraid, will something happen to you?

With a smile in his eyes, he said lazily: No, he is nothing. Come on, go back to class, good student.

Jiang Ren spoke firmly and didn't care, Meng Ting finally breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did she realize that she had been out for too long, and she didn't even ask for leave. Meng Ting was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Jiang Ren took a taxi and took her back to school.

When you get off the bus, the school is dismissed.

The No. 7 Middle School campus was noisy, but he looked at her, but he didn't get out of the car. If his reputation was just a little bad before, it can be described as extremely bad now.

I heard that Chen Shuo in the hospital is still awake.

Meng Ting was different, she was so pretty, and when she smiled, it was as if the sunshine of the whole world was attached to her.

He ran into Meng Ting many times, she was quiet in the crowd, but there were countless people peeking at her.

He was also looking at her, but because he knew his reputation, he couldn't even greet her like everyone else. She is not someone like Shen Yuqing, nor is she Lu Yue.

She doesn't like him.

Jiang Ren knew very well that he had a steelyard in his heart, and Meng Ting came to see him because of guilt and sympathy. If it wasn't for him beating that scumbag, Meng Ting wouldn't have come to see him even if he was in prison. Can fuck it, guilty? He doesn't need this stuff.

She is the most special school belle in No.7 Middle School.

Just looking at her without speaking, I feel very beautiful.

When Meng Ting looked back, the black-haired boy had already left for the vocational high school.

He walked in casually.

The guard glanced at him several times, and everyone around him looked over. His eyes were full of surprise, but he didn't dare to talk about him, waiting for him to leave. Only dare to sigh in a low voice: Jiang Ren is too awesome.

To be so calm after this kind of thing happened, it's amazing.

The students of that year were far less skinny than a few years later. They kept a low profile in puppy love, were afraid of the police, and were also afraid of being expelled from school. Even if the vocational high school is a bit chaotic, it usually just smokes, drinks, and speaks harshly. Who dares to beat people to death like Jiang Ren, without saying a word.

Jiang Ren's incident caused great waves in the hearts of the vocational high school students.

Chen Shuo was beaten unconscious by him, if no one dragged him, he probably would have died. He was released so quickly, but it was still not that simple.

The medical expenses were paid in large sums, and there was a lot of trouble around.

Even the surrounding residential area knew that there was a bad student in the vocational high school who intentionally hurt someone. This matter also has a great impact on the school. New students will always be recruited in the first quarter of the year. If Jiang Ren is here, their enrollment will be affected.

Such a big event was reported back to City B.

Chairman Jiang was also so angry that his eyes went dark, and he asked the school to strictly discipline him. He will not meddle in this matter.

So there was a rumor that the vocational high school planned to ask Jiang Ren to read the review next Monday.

I don't know how the news spread, but when the flag-raising ceremony was held on Monday, many people in the No. 7 Middle School also knew about it.

My Tianjiang Ren is going to review in front of the whole school, will he go crazy and beat people?

I guess he won't read it. After all, Jiang Ren's temper, it's fine if he didn't drag Chen Shuo out and beat him to death, and point him at him for self-criticism?

I heard that when Jiang Ren first came to their vocational high school, he got a demerit for skipping class and fighting, and the teacher didn't dare to let him review it.


There was chatter in the class, and someone suddenly said: Their vocational high schools usually use microphones to talk on Mondays.

The microphone is very loud, and the vocational high school always uses the microphone for the summary meeting. Because the students are too noisy, and the microphone is loud. The No. 7 Middle School didn't use it. It all relied on the dean to use his voice to scare the students with coercion. Fortunately, the students in the No. 7 Middle School were easy to manage and obey.

Thinking of using a microphone now, everyone is excited!

That is to say, standing here, you can hear the situation over there.

Meng Ting raised his eyes, the distance between their two schools was only two walls and an alley. She looked up and could only see high walls and birds flying by.

He has such a bad temper, is so domineering and unreasonable, will he really be punished obediently and read a review?

Jiang Ren didn't intend to read the self-criticism.

He was listening to the teacher's speech in the office. Their head teacher was named Liu, and he was a little old man in his fifties.

Teacher Liu went on and on about a lot, apologizing for nothing, Jiang Ren is a student of a vocational high school, so he has to consider the reputation of the school. It would be bad for the school's reputation if you fought and fought and refused to repent.

Jiang Ren stood with his hands in his pockets, his masseter muscles agitated from time to time while chewing gum.

Although he didn't speak and was casual, Teacher Liu was flustered.

Just let you read a self-criticism, mean it, apologize to Chen Shuo, think about how you beat him up?

Jiang Ren sneered.

Teacher Liu couldn't hold back: Talk to the teacher, can you not eat, throw up!

He said lightly: I want to smoke, but I haven't quit yet.

Teacher Liu: ... Forget it, it's better than smoking.

He talked for a long time, and said to Jiang Ren: Here is the review, this is... a model, you can just follow it.

Jiang Ren glanced.

I don't know who wrote it, but it is really a standard self-criticism. He didn't reach for it.

He Junming poked his head outside: Report to the teacher! I'm looking for Jiang Ren!

Teacher Liu: He Junming! This is the office, I'm lecturing!

He Junming chuckled: Brother Ninja, Tanzi and the others drove over and asked if you would like to go to Xiaogang City.

Jiang Ren hummed, as if he planned to stop listening to Teacher Liu's nonsense.

Teacher Liu was furious.

This...these bastard students.

Teacher Liu said without hope, Jiang Ren, look at how much this incident has affected you, and how bad your reputation is. Not only are you from our school, but the Seventh Middle School next door also knows you. You are a student, not a social leader. All the classmates are afraid of you, is it plausible!

He has been a teacher for decades, and he couldn't hold back when he blurted out.

Jiang Ren suddenly turned his head.

The boy's eyes were dark.

Teacher Liu suddenly fell silent.

Then Jiang Ren walked over, Teacher Liu remembered the incident where the teacher in the class was beaten before, and subconsciously almost backed away. Jiang Ren picked up the piece of paper on the table.

He Junming burst into laughter: Brother Ninja, you really need to study for self-examination.

Jiang Ren hummed.

He Han didn't understand, they were planning to go out to play, but Brother Ren changed his mind in a blink of an eye and wanted to go to the stage to read the self-criticism. Why?

Fang Tan asked He Junming to explain the situation.

Fang Tan finally said thoughtfully: Meng Ting hasn't come to see him since that day, he must be unhappy.

When he talked about Jiang Ren being unhappy, several people fell silent.

Jiang Ren was indeed unhappy after returning from the police station that day. For four days, sometimes I didn't go to play, and just slept on the table.

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