Bizarre Love

Chapter 46 Playing hooligans (1)

Chapter 46: Playing hooligans (1)

The head nurse was very skilled in giving injections, and asked Meng Ting to cover the cotton swab after she finished the injection. She went out by herself, leaving the infirmary to the two students.

Meng Ting lowered her long eyelashes and looked at the cotton swab, it really didn't hurt much.

The girl's skin was delicate, and her porcelain-white skin, like milk, was dyed a little bright. She turned her head, and immediately met the boy's black pupils. His eyes fell on her naked shoulders, with a three-pointed look, but he noticed her turning around, and slowly met her eyes.

Meng Ting didn't expect that he was watching all the time, and she didn't care about the wound, so she threw away the cotton swab and pulled the sweater over her shoulders. Meng Ting's face was flushed: You said it was good or not.

There was a smile in his eyes: I didn't say anything.

Meng Ting thought that he really didn't agree, she suffered from being dumb, so she could only get up and walk outside the medical room.

Jiang Ren said, Where are you going?

She wasn't going to be angry, she just felt ashamed: My friend is still outside.

That girl, can the head nurse call her?

Only then did Meng Ting turn around.

Zhao Nuancheng is afraid of pain and very afraid of injections. Just now, the nurse's inaccurate injection almost made her cry. Meng Ting knew that the head nurse was doing a good job, which is a good thing. She nodded and said softly, Thank you.

He suddenly approached her: Can you be nice to me, Meng Ting, even if you treat me like an ordinary classmate. Don't ask too much, just a little is enough.

Meng Ting paused, and finally nodded slightly.

He didn't seem to believe that she really agreed. He held the lighter tightly with his fingers, and only let it go after a while, his eyes were bright.

Meng Ting couldn't help but look away.

She actually didn't think about it too much, she and Jiang Ren were in different schools, even according to the trajectory of her previous life, she didn't get along with him much. In the end, he will always return to the Jiang family.

She remembered that when her accident happened, Jiang Ren had already returned to City B.

They didn't have much intersection, but he didn't know it.

There were many people outside the hospital, Jiang Ren asked her to go out first, and Zhao Nuancheng would make arrangements.

After leaving the hospital, the air outside is fresh. Since the beginning of winter, City H has been getting colder and colder. This is a city where it never snows, Meng Ting was born and died here.

She lived for nineteen years in her previous life and never saw real snow once.

She walked along the camphor tree road for a long time, and when she turned around, she saw Jiang Ren was still following him. Meng heard: What are you doing with me?

He put his hands in his pockets: I'll take you home.

No. Her face was pink and her eyes were clear, You said you won't bother me after the injection.

He couldn't help laughing, and finally compromised: See you tomorrow.

Meng Ting thought to himself, I won't see you until tomorrow. There was a bus stop outside the hospital for her to go home, and she walked there for five minutes to wait for the bus. Meng Ting glanced at his watch, the winter wind blows like a knife.

The cleaning aunt was too tired to sweep away the rubbish on the platform, and saw Meng Ting bent down to help her pick up the broom.

He looked up and smiled: Thank you, little girl.

The girl said softly, You're welcome.

Only then did the auntie see how handsome the little girl was, and her smile softened her heart. She reminded: It's not easy to wait for the bus at the platform here. Seeing that she didn't wear much, the aunt felt sorry for her, If it really doesn't work, let your family pick you up.

Meng Ting thanked her, and the aunt left with her bag in hand.

The wind blows really cold.

Especially today's weather is not good. It's nine o'clock in the morning, and the coolness in the morning has not yet dissipated. Even taking a breath hurts my lungs.

When Jiang Ren came over, he saw her standing in the wind, and the small camphor leaves were falling in the wind.

She is beautiful just with a quiet profile.

Meng Ting turned his head and saw that he was a little annoyed: Didn't you all leave?

He smiled a little badly: I miss you.

Jiang Ren, don't talk like that... The tips of her ears turned red, and finally said those two curse words, Dirty.

Her tone was soft and soft, and it was sweet to say that he was dirty.

He smiled: Call me obscene?

That year he wore a black down jacket, and because he dyed his black hair back, he was so sharp that he was full of game. Meifeng is like a sharpened sword, which can easily make people flinch.

He moved closer to her and unzipped the zipper.

Her face was flushed with shame, and her eyes shone with shyness: What are you doing?

He clicked his tongue: Teach you what is obscene.

Just as Meng Ting was about to push him away from him, a warm down jacket was draped over her body.

She raised her eyes in astonishment, and after a while she realized that she had misunderstood him, and her cheeks turned red.

Meng heard: You put it on, I'm not cold.

Jiang Ren snorted and said, We dirty people are not afraid of the cold.

She bit her lip, held back for a long time, and finally smiled.

She smiled at him for the first time, even if it was just because it was funny. Her smile was so beautiful that it was confusing, and it was so sweet that her heart trembled.

Meng Ting also felt sorry, she blinked, bit her lip hard to suppress her laughter: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.

But in her eyes, Jiang Ren was already a low-class bastard.

It was almost December in winter, and he was wearing a thin shirt with two buttons unbuttoned at the neckline. There is a feeling of being unrestrained and uninhibited.

How could it not be cold in this kind of weather? Just as she was about to return the clothes to him, he was very irritable: If I tell you to wear them, you can wear them. How dare you dislike them?

Meng Ting was stunned for a long while, but he frowned: Does it smell like smoke?

She looked at him with clear eyes, just about to speak, Jiang Ren patted her delicate face lightly, and said in a domineering tone, Don't take it off even if it smells.

She covers her cheeks.

Looking at him with wide eyes, he was full of ruffian, and he didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with being so unreasonable.

Jiang Ren saw her round eyes, she was so cute.

He smiled and said, Meng Ting, I won't smoke next time. Can you make it if you don't take it off?

No one will believe this.

Jiang Ren started smoking very early.

However, because of his illness, the psychological and emotional fluctuations need to be relieved by drugs. He resists being regarded as a neuropathy, so he has been suppressing and calming down by smoking.

After a long time, no matter who it is, they will become addicted to cigarettes.

Meng Ting still remembers that Jiang Ren and his group smoked under the sycamore tree in their school in their previous life.

Shu Lan looked out: Sister, you also think he is handsome, don't you?

She shook her head, but didn't say much, she actually didn't like the smell of cigarettes very much.

Meng Ting didn't take his words seriously, she finally returned the clothes to him, but he didn't reach out to take them.

Go back. Meng Ting glanced at the end of the road, The bus is here.

The bus did come. Meng Ting's luck was not too bad, and he waited for this bus soon. He didn't look back, just looked down at her. Suddenly said: Meng Ting.

She lifts her eyes.

The camphor leaves fell behind her, which was indescribably beautiful. However, among the thousands of beauties, no matter who she looks at, her bright eyes are serious and focused.

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