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[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and getting a skill reward! ] 】

[This skill reward is immediately drawn to choose one of three, and the system provides three skills, from which the host can choose one at will.] 】

[The world selected by this system for the host’s selection of skills is: “Sneak! Naiako”, “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure Immortal Diamond”, ask the host to choose the above three worlds and randomly select an ability from them…”

The sound of the system should have been crisp and pleasant, but at this moment, Joshua was actually about to cry.

When Joshua entered the Forbidden Forest, the system issued four tasks.

First: hunt the eight-eyed giant spider that is harmful to the Forbidden Forest.

Second: befriend centaurs with eccentric temperaments.

Third: Saving the endangered species unicorn.

Fourth: Look for the dark shadow hidden in the Forbidden Forest.

At this moment, Joshua was lucky to complete the fourth task, or was “forced” to complete the fourth task…

After all, it’s just looking for a dark shadow, and it’s done to see it from afar…

Or rather… The black shadow found Joshua and counted the words…

Isn’t it nice to have completed this task and are about to acquire a new skill?

Of course not…

What Joshua had in mind was…

[Voldemort! Wo Day your ancestral grave! Come to the Forbidden Forest on the big evening to engage in yarn! 】

[Wo day your uncle! ] System! You must have recruited Voldemort as a gou-! 】

[You can pull it down!] It is clear that your magic is too powerful, which has recruited the duo of Professor Quirrell Voldemort, who happened to be wandering in the Forbidden Forest! This pot does not carry this system! 】

This goes back a long time…

Since Voldemort, who possessed Professor Quirrell, was extremely weak, he needed to replenish some nutrients every once in a while…

So they set their sights on a magical creature in the Forbidden Forest, the unicorn.

The blood of this miraculous and holy creature has a special magical power, just like the ancestral remedies that barefoot doctors carry around when they walk the rivers and lakes, and it is said that it can cure all diseases (of course, the blood of unicorns can indeed cure all diseases).

Tonight happened to be the time for them to hunt in the Forbidden Forest, and when they arrived at the Forbidden Forest, they just bumped into Joshua’s bursting magic.

A huge explosion that happens around you always makes people think.

Out of caution, or perhaps out of curiosity, the Demon instructed Professor Quirrell to take him to the explosion zone to take a look.

However, since they entered the Forbidden Forest from the other direction, they happened to run into Joshua lying by the big tree…

At that time, Joshua was happy in his heart, he did not pass out after releasing the magic, presumably the task had been completed, and he would never be subject to this damn setting again, not to mention how happy he was in his heart.

And although the release of a burst magic drained his physical mana, his physical strength was able to quickly support his actions in the accelerated recovery because of the skill [Quick Healing].

The rapid recovery of physical strength also speeds up the extraction of mana, if in the past it took a day to restore mana to put an explosion, then now it may only take half a day to recover.

Then when Joshua stood up with a large tree and prepared to look for the Weasley brothers who had left, he saw a dark shadow slowly step out from behind the tree not far away, landing on all fours.

Although he wore a hood, Joshua guessed who he was.

Isn’t that the head that is obviously bigger than ordinary people Professor Quirrell!

Although he was shrouded in darkness at this time, he still had the highly recognizable smell of garlic in the wind, and it could be said that who smelled it and who knew…

What’s worse… There was something more special about Professor Quirrell, little by little unknown liquid dripping from his hood onto the grass, and Joshua vaguely guessed that it was unicorn blood through the moonlight.

【Wo day you have a mouth! 】 Ni can’t you wipe the corners of your mouth clean and come out again?! Quirrell, is your uncle’s tutor so bad?! What about table manners?! 】

Due to Quirrell’s behavior of not wiping his mouth, it directly led to the fact that the two could not recognize each other with a serious identity.

It’s no wonder Joshua’s little mouth smeared honey, after all, this situation can be completely avoided.

If Quirrell had paid attention to his appearance and appeared in ordinary attire, Joshua would have been able to pat Pi and say that he was an ignorant child who had broken into the Forbidden Forest in violation of school rules, and the two could look at each other and smile as if nothing had happened.

After all, Quirrell would also think about Fa’er’s actions to cover up his night to come to the Forbidden Forest. (Killing a student in the Forbidden Forest will undoubtedly send the whole school into panic.)

But now he appeared in front of ordinary people with the appearance of this black shadow of the Forbidden Forest, and the corners of his mouth were still dripping with unicorn blood… Doesn’t this clearly mean that he has a problem himself!

This look is seen, so what else do you need to think? Go straight up and give him a shot and forget it, or Avadaso’s life!

So Joshua and Professor Quirrell felt something at the same time, looked at each other silently for a few seconds, and then instantly spread their legs and began to chase me…

[But luck in misfortune… Host, there is just a lack of light at this time, and I am sure that Professor Quirrell has not discovered who you really are…”

Joshua ignored the system, and as he ran, he did not forget to look back at Professor Quirrell, who had Voldemort on the back of his head, to see if he had caught up.

But it is very regrettable that Professor Quirrell’s speed is quite inconsistent with his thin body, and his whole person almost uses all fours to speed forward on the ground, which is not an exaggeration.

And I don’t know if it’s because he just sucked the blood of a unicorn, he seems to be very energetic, compared to Joshua, who has just recovered a little physical strength, although the young man runs faster, but this distance will be caught up by him sooner or later.

The most important thing is that he now has no magic power, second, he doesn’t recognize the way, and third, he found that he seems to run away most of every time he encounters an enemy, and the reason is not that he is too dish…

The third conclusion makes Joshua quite frustrated, he is now a complete little trash, but now he has run into the biggest boss in the world… If you are not careful, you will hang up, and the strongest desire in the world may mean that you will dream of shattering the Forbidden Forest tonight…

Although the ancestral tactics of the Qiao family are now working, if you want to continue to be chased by him like this, it must be yourself after playing…

(Thanks to Mr. Master, Mr. Phoenix Island, and Mr. White Wolf for the flowers…) )_

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