Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 78: progress

  Time passed by one minute and one second, and Moroz's fame rose.

  Tonight, the entire novel comment column has exploded!

   "Return to the Song Dynasty" This work scored 7.9 points, which is the second highest score in the current review column, but because of the previous "Prince is a dog" pressed.

   So many people are not convinced, the novel comment column has also been lukewarm.

  As Xu Qingqing said, Morrowth's influence in fiction is not great, so not many people are attracted.

   The number of people who are currently paying attention to the novel comment column has stabilized at 250,000, which is somewhat different from Moroz's own estimation.

   But at this time, someone suddenly discovered that there was a reply by the moderator Fang Feiyu in the reply to the work "Return to Song Dynasty".

   "Thank you Mr. Mo for your guidance, not only revealed the shortcomings of the work, but also helped solve them!"

   In one sentence, it made waves instantly!

  The person who left a message because of this sentence is Zhou Xiaofeng, the author of "Back to Song Dynasty".

   This is like smashing a boulder on a calm lake, splashing countless splashes!

  At first, only a few people in Lingding saw it, but as time passed, word of mouth was spread, and screenshots were posted on the Internet, and it spread instantly.

  Zhou Xiaofeng, a famous best-selling author!

   Not only is the work of writers of this level not only selling well, but also adapting TV series, I think how much influence Xiaofeng Zhou has!

   However, because the shortcomings pointed out by Morrows really existed, they were not attacked, and there was a bit of spitting voice, but it was more appreciated.

   But this time it was amazing. Zhou Xiaofeng actually went to the column to thank him personally. Some news editors put screenshots directly on the news.

   Instantly burst the market!

  , as an ip work to be adapted, naturally attracts many people's attention, so once this news appears, it will cause onlookers.

   "Lying grass, who is this Modus?"

   "I heard that famous critics can pinpoint the shortcomings of the work and can give opinions!"

   "It's finally solved. It's hard to wait, let's shoot and release it!"

   "My favorite is Zhou Xiaofeng's attitude, never fooling around at random, even if someone points out the shortcomings, I will ask for advice in good faith!"

   The effect of the news is very exaggerated. In order to attract attention, the editor very wisely introduced another important identity of Morzos.

   "Once he refused to join the literary association, Gu Cheng was just his spiritual character, the genius critic Mo Zhuo who suffered from mental abnormalities."

  Mo Zhuo Si smiled when he saw it, and confiscated the editor, why did he just praise himself like this.

  Of course, the news likes to make gimmicks. The words "genius, Gucheng" are easy to attract attention.

  After knowing this, Chen Tao also of course began to use the power of the media to propagate.

   After all, Mo Zhuo Si has signed the "God Creation Plan", as long as there is a chance, I will definitely push one!

   The number of subscribers to the novel column finally started the second wave of growth. The first wave was the promotion of the entire software when it was first launched.

   The second wave is this news warming!

   And there is the power of the fan team behind it to promote itself, Moroz's influence has gone higher and higher.

  His honest points also rose very quickly, directly breaking through the "10000 points" mark!

  This makes Morzos ecstatic!

  What this means is that you can not only analyze the work, but also have the opportunity to redeem similar works in the parallel world.

   What he has to think about is, in the end, what works can he get in order to maximize the value in the true sense.

  I completely select one of the most popular works in the market and then exchange it. Since it is a similar work, it is likely to be welcomed.

   The first exclusion of song works and the second exclusion of poetry works, his sight falls on the novel works.

   is very simple, because he once wrote a book himself, and some people took the initiative to contact the publication.

   "The Loser" was ranked 21st in the New Generation Literary Festival and failed to enter the top ten, so the attention was turned off to a certain extent.

   It can only be said that people who pay attention know that people who do not pay attention have basically not heard of it.

   After spending some time thinking about it carefully, Moroz thought that he could redeem a similar work, and then adapted and imitated it, just like a hazy poem.

  I can now write very good hazy poems, there is no need to plagiarize.

   Of course, plagiarism is the same way.

  If you have a choice, there is no need to copy. You have mastered the work that others don't know, and you can write your own work by absorbing induction and imitation.

  With this direction, he began to choose among the best-selling works.

   can not be too popular, otherwise the points are not enough!

  Secondly, in order to match the snowball, it is best to be able to pull out the contrast, for example to point out the shortcomings, and then analyze and redeem yourself, so that no extra points will be wasted.


  Hua Kangbo sat in the office, very anxious.

   He mobilized a lot of power to find clues, it is almost certain that someone is behind to do things, but as time goes by.

   This matter is easily forgotten by everyone, and this will miss a great opportunity to fight the enemy.

   "Gada", the door opened.

  The assistant came in, and Hua Kangbo asked: "How?

   "No, unless we are willing to cut meat, otherwise he will not let go of his mouth." The assistant said distressedly.

  Because he is not sure who the target is, Hua Kangbo can't rashly think that if the characters behind are not heavyweight, the money is equal to the water.

   "How much do they want?" Hua Kangbo tapped his finger gently on the 1.5 million! The assistant said hardly.

  Hua Kangbo sneered, "It's better to grab it."

   The matter suddenly fell into a stalemate. One and a half million was not a small number, and the information was not necessarily accurate. This kind of empty-gloved white wolf happened frequently, and he dared not act lightly.


  Dong Shaohua experienced a dreamy day today, and most of the interview questions passed smoothly, especially the attitude of the interviewer, which made him extremely profound.

   is exactly the same. After inquiring, I realized that the so-called Lin Shao was actually the chief executive of the new artist and the son of the CEO of "Star City Television".

   No wonder his interview is so random.

  Human resources allow him to go to work tomorrow, the basic salary of the salary is 15,000, and the bonus is calculated separately!

   This is really the same as dreaming.

  Back home, he excitedly said to his wife: "The interview was successful!"

   "Great husband!" He said his wife couldn't help but hugged and kissed him in the face.

   Dong Shaohua smiled and said: "All old men and old wives, the children see badly."

   "Afraid of anything, see when you see it!" she pursed her lips and smiled.

  Life is so strange, sometimes the water is deep and hot, and sometimes it is plain and happy.

  Dong Shaohua thought about it carefully. The days before were actually the same, but at this time, they felt particularly cherished.

   He touched his phone and glanced at the address book. Liu Dezhong's assistant called himself once, but he didn't answer.

  Because Liu Dezhong has completely disappointed him, there is nothing to communicate with.

   But now, Dong Shaohua is thinking, he redialed this Jin Huaqing phone.



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