Bionic Era

Chapter 65 Buried Fear

Fog hangs over the city at dawn.

Red and blue light spots flickered on both sides of the hazy street, and the sound of swiping wafted in the morning wind.

The androids cleaning the streets started their day.


Lu Wen crushed a leaf.

He walked into the alley beside the street, where countless homeless people were still asleep.

Most were covered with newspapers and tattered clothing.

The little painter is an alternative among the wanderers.

He always carries a sleeping bag with a drawing board by his side.

In the middle of the night, he caressed the drawing board, his slender fingers slid across the cold surface, as if he wanted to draw the stars in his dream.

People are missing.

An empty sleeping bag.

The homeless people around were not awakened, and they should have left by themselves.

Although Lu Wen had only met the little painter a few times, he probably knew the young man's character.

The young man was timid and somewhat shy.

If you suddenly see a monster, you will probably scream out loud, waking up the wanderers around you.

Lu Wen touched the sleeping bag.

Still warm.

It didn't take long.

The drawing board is still there.

The mobile phone was on the side of the sleeping bag, and it was not taken away at all. Lu Wen found it by following the location of the mobile phone.

The surroundings were not quiet, and the homeless snored one after another.

There was rarely any rain in the past two days, so no obvious footprints were left on the ground.

The drawing board and other tools are still there. When people face unknown fears, they will instinctively want to grab something for self-defense, but he didn't take anything away...

Lu Wen's heart trembled.

But he turned around suddenly, and in an instant, a sharp blade popped out from his right arm.

Cold light radiates!

The sharp blade light seemed to cut through the gray mist in the air.

The blade of the blade draws a pale shadow in the city at dawn.


The sound of a blade colliding with some kind of metal.

In this early morning, it was rippling with the breeze.

Lu Wen strode forward.

All the sensors in the body are adjusted to the maximum power, and the power consumption does not matter.

Is that thing gone?

Lu Wen frowned.

In fact, the small alley where many homeless people are is more suitable for fighting. The empty street is not good for him. It is a wiser choice to retreat into the small alley before, but those homeless people are likely to die.

If it was the previous body, Lu Wen would definitely retreat.

But now it is different.

The first ray of sunshine has already shone at the end of the steel city in the distance, and soon, the gray fog will dissipate a lot.

But on the street where Lu Wen was, the fog was getting thicker and thicker, and he could hardly see his fingers.

If it is a normal person, it is no different from being blind now.

You should know that bionics can measure distances through lasers, so it's useless to engage in these things.

Induce the other party to speak.

Lu Wen is now at 200% of his energy.

When encountering a surprise attack before, the system did not send out any prompts.

On weekdays, as long as any creature stares at Lu Wen's back for too long, or approaches quickly, the system will issue the command Attack Intent Detected.

But this time the system failed!

【Start battle mode】

A sharp blade also popped out from the left arm.


Lu Wen walked in the gray fog with slow steps, like a silent killer.

Under his clothes, out of sight.

The biological material on the surface faded away slowly, and countless black hole muzzles quietly emerged. No matter what kind of thing, as long as it dares to approach, it will become a sieve in a few seconds.

[Radius 100 meters, seven sewer manhole covers]

so much?

Is it because the rain is too dense?

Thirty years of refusing to upgrade urban monitoring, the sewers are repaired very diligently.

The fog can make people feel suffocated.

The thicker and thicker fog formed a strong sense of oppression, sometimes rolling and rolling, as if there were some strange creatures walking in the fog.

But Lu Wen didn't detect any trace.

I have countless ways to take you away, but that's too easy, and I want to observe carefully, you... Are you what I imagined.

A voice came from the gray mist.

In all directions, as if from an unknown nothingness.

Lu Wen's perception was still blank.

Actually, I have seen many bionics that are more human-like than you. I took them back and disassembled them one by one. Those metals, those parts, those chips, those data... I thought it would be different, but I was still disappointed gone.

Perhaps the other party already felt that they had a chance to win and that they could easily take down Lu Wen, so they didn't hide anything.

You know what I'm looking for.

It should be a non-existent coincidence, a slim hope, and I don't know when it started. I suddenly had this idea, like... an obsession.

The electronically synthesized voice is very low, and the original voice cannot be heard.

This is also the same as described in the data.

This person always likes to pretend to be a ghost, making himself very mysterious, let alone his real body, it is impossible to even give out his real voice.

This world shouldn't have existed, and neither should these people. Those who shouldn't have survived survived...

Uh... just interrupt.

Lu Wen's polite voice brought sudden silence.

Even the surging gray fog calmed down.

I found that you all like to say things that make people wonder, so as to show how mysterious you are and make others think how powerful you are, but in don't even realize that your brain is being targeted.


The dull sound came from the sky.


The gray fog dissipated.

At the same time, the sun on the horizon also dissipated.

The low-pressure cloud drifts from afar, but fortunately, people have become accustomed to carrying umbrellas.

This world is always gray, as if it is dead, and only those virtual projections are alive.

You made the plan this time, do you have any ideas?

If you have any ideas, just act.

Lu Wen shrugged and sat on both sides of the street.

Xia Chuluo sat beside him, holding pancakes in his hand, and a sniper rifle beside him.

Do you feel that your IQ has improved significantly after staying with me for a long time? She asked after taking a bite of the pancake.

Is it possible... I have a high IQ?

You're extra serious when you're out of your mind.


This plan was really formulated by Lu Wen.

After hanging up the phone, he suddenly realized.

With the courage of the little painter, if he realized that the monster was underground, he would not be able to calmly go to the official website of the executive bureau to check his contact information.

So there is only one possibility, someone wants him out.

And this person can only be number zero.

This guy should be trying to scare me, and then see my follow-up reaction, so as to judge what I am.

No. Zero actually didn't say much, but there was a message in every word - as long as he wanted, he could take Lu Wen away at any time.

This is to plant the seeds of fear in Lu Wen's heart, and then observe his reaction later.

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