Bionic Era

Chapter 33 Wedding and Youth

The fourteenth district is in the west of Mowu City.

Ye Ling grew up here.

She was born in a wealthy family, her parents were in business, and the business went smoothly.

Everyone said that the old house was well repaired, which suppressed the fortune.

She also has a younger brother with good academic performance, so she can play as she pleases without any worries.

In a family, it is enough to have one child with good grades. Thinking like this, Ye Ling, the older sister, felt at ease and found an excuse for her poor grades.

She prefers to study those flowers on both sides of the road.

She would watch those boring documentaries on TV and feel the growth and withering of those flowers.

After she went to middle school, she fell in love with those jacarandas in the school.

The most beautiful time for flowers is the moment when they leave the branches, and they will spend their short lives chasing that confused future.

Ye Ling stood under the flower tree.

The flowers fell on her shoulders, on the top of her head, on her school uniform.

She saw the boy under the flower tree.

That is her classmate.

Like is love at first sight.

She wants to be around forever.

Those blue and purple flowers fell on her throbbing heart.

She excitedly held up the bouquet of jacaranda flowers in her hand, as happy as a butterfly spreading its wings for the first time, suddenly discovering another wonderful world.


That male classmate dropped out of school.

There is a temple in the fourteenth district, which is somewhere in the clouds.

Ye Ling hurried to the temple, perhaps influenced by some TV series, the little girl decided to ask the Buddha for marriage.

When she returned to the city.

The home is gone.

after that day.

Love is buried deep in the heart, and the seeds of hatred thrive on the barren soil.

The old abbot of the temple took her in.

The little girl was standing outside the martial arts hall, watching those monks practicing martial arts, she was fascinated.

She would practice boxing against those old trees, wiping away tears secretly in pain, she would practice whipping legs against wooden dummy, and limped down the mountain to carry water the next day.

Hatred cannot dissolve hatred, only compassion can resolve hatred.

The old host spent ten years hoping to dispel the hatred in the little girl's heart.

Can not succeed after all.


The old abbot was lying in the meditation room.

Ye Ling's eyes were red with tears.

The old host has spoken the Buddha's words for a lifetime, but when he passed away, he left such an ordinary sentence.

The world is always unfair, but fortunately people have a steelyard... Just do whatever you want...


This rainy and picturesque night.

On the 1st, Li Jian's case is closed.

Lu Wen and Xia Chuluo found a hotel to rest.

The next day, they drove back.

Instead of going back to the thirteenth district, he went to the fourteenth district first.

Xia Chuluo's expression was cold, his eyes darkened, like a soldier rushing to the battlefield, he went straight into the fourteenth district's executive bureau alone.

Six shots!

She emptied a magazine!

No one stopped.

On this day, a third-level executive officer in the fourteenth district died.

An executive with very senior qualifications, in his fifties, has reached the age of retirement.

Xia Chuluo walked out of the Fourteenth District Executive Bureau, leaving a silence behind her, and she returned to the car.

For some reason, she couldn't apply for an instrument to scan the pillars of that building, so she could only leave those three numbers behind.

Let's go.

from this moment.

The No. 1 Li Jian case was completely closed.

Go home, take a shower, and change clothes.

Girls still prefer to be clean.

He ran around all day and never returned home for two nights.

But the car just started.

The call came again.

Xia Chuluo frowned and pressed the answer button.

What, did Li Jian go to the inner sea on the 5th? What is he doing?

A student? Invite him to go on vacation? Isn't he afraid of death, and he still runs around at this time... What? Who told him that the case has been closed?! The news said? Why didn't you stop him?

You guys went with me? A bunch of pigs!

Grass (a plant)!

At the beginning of Xia Xia, Luo Qi didn't make a single call. He didn't know whether he was scolding his teammates or those unscrupulous news.

She hung up the phone angrily and almost dropped the phone.

Lu Wen, look up a phone number.

Xia Chuluo told Lu Wen about the student No. 5 Li Jian once sponsored.

Soon, the phone was checked out.

Lu Wen called and pressed the speakerphone.

The phone was connected quickly.

It's a very young voice.

Lu Wen explained his purpose.

What? The other end of the phone was obviously stunned. I didn't invite Uncle Li Jian to go on vacation. I'm still busy with my thesis recently. I thought I'd visit Uncle Li Jian after I'm done with my work.

Okay, we got it.

Lu Wen hung up the phone.

Then he dialed Li Jian's number five.

The number you dialed is out of service area, please...

Not good.

It has been nine days since No. 1 Li Jian died.

According to the murderer's speed of killing one Li Jian in two days, Li Jian on the 5th is probably more ominous than good!

Turn around, go to the fifteenth district, the inner seaside.

Call the executive officer who went with me, I can't believe I can't get through!

The fifteenth district is very famous, a famous tourist area.

There is an entire inland sea here.

There are countless underwater restaurants on the bottom of the sea. People dine surrounded by the blue sky, with sharks swimming beside them through a glass window.


The little artist is sitting on the street, people coming and going are reflected in his pale blue eyes.

What the hell is art?

He fell into deep thought, and an inexplicable depression welled up in his heart.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

He turns on the phone.

A text message arrives.

One hundred thousand?

The little painter counted zeros several times, and finally made sure that he was right.

That's half the bounty!

The sadness and melancholy in my heart disappeared immediately.

The world brightened up in his eyes.

So he bid his paintings from 80 yuan to 800 yuan.

You are all my painstaking efforts. The little painter caressed his paintings, he was able to eat, and he didn't want to sell his hard work at a low price.

Unexpectedly, after the price increase, more people bought it.


In the machine repair shop, Yun Yang is on daytime shift today.

work gap.

He checked the wedding guest list to make sure that none of the seven aunts and eight aunts had been missed.


The phone vibrated suddenly.

He clicked on the text message.

The amount of one hundred thousand stretched his frown.

With this money, we can finally collect the bride price.

Yun Yang muttered to himself.

The pressure of life made this young man seem to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free, and now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Sometimes he felt that he was too young to marry so early.

But the parents of both parties have already made up their minds.

As for the bride, the girl whom he has only met a few times, Yun Yang occasionally asked himself, is she really the one he likes?

In the dead of night.

Yun Yang lay on the bed.

Looking at the gloomy sky outside the window.

I will think of those falling jacaranda flowers.

Think of the girl holding a bouquet to confess to him.

I heard that she changed schools later.

I don't know where I am now.

Young people's self-esteem comes from low self-esteem.

He is just a child of a poor family, so why waste his youth.

She must be doing well now.

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