Looking at the controller in his hand, Frank opened it and pressed it hard.

Whatever that means.

He thought that it was time to start!

The moment Frank pressed the controller, Noah, who was researching at the SHIELD base, raised his head.

All creatures created by the system have an invisible connection with him.

Noah's thoughts are the means to control these creatures.

But at such a long distance, even for him, it is difficult to tell the difference between individuals.

Because, he made too many biological weapons.

Not to mention, there are still many biological weapons, which are indirectly controlled, and have even been sold. It is normal for some to die.

In this war, the biological weapons that Umbrella dispatched were all cultivated by the company's resources, and naturally had no connection with him, so he never discovered it.

But the moment the controller was turned on, Noah felt a wave of thought that was extremely bright even among his countless thought spots.

This idea became more and more manic, obviously it was activated.

Noah's face sank.

The means he left behind were triggered!

Sure enough, someone attacked Umbrella.

Although it was expected, Noah was still extremely upset when the problem did arise.

Is he really his Umbrella, a soft persimmon that anyone can squeeze!

He must figure out what role S.H.I.E.L.D. played in this matter.

Even if his current strength cannot directly subvert the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., he doesn't mind making a stumbling block for S.H.I.E.L.D., making Nick Fury regret his actions for the rest of his life.

Putting down his research, Noah walked directly outside the base.

The house was attacked.

What is he doing here!

Before he could leave the base, Natasha rushed over.

"Mr. Allen, where are you going?"

Noah said without a smile:

"There's nothing to study here anymore.

But I feel that Umbrella seems to be in some trouble, so I need to go back and deal with it. "

Natasha's expression moved, with a smile on her face.

With her beautiful appearance and this smile, her charm attracted eager eyes from several passers-by agents.

"Mr. Allen, Umbrella is a military-industrial company equipped with extremely strong defense forces, and no one can dare to trouble Umbrella.

The research here has just begun. We have just found a few top scientists in biology and mechanics. I hope you can continue to participate in the joint research.

Maybe you can unlock one of the great mysteries of the universe. "

Noah's expression remained unchanged.

"No need, although Umbrella's defense is good, it is impossible for me to watch others invade.

The matter of research, let's talk about it next time! "

Saying that, Noah's cold light flashed.

"Or, is S.H.I.E.L.D. trying to stop me from leaving?

The person who attacked Umbrella must have something to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Natasha's face changed slightly. She didn't know the situation, but she still said:

"Of course it's impossible."

"hope so."

Noah snorted coldly, walked around Natasha and left.

Behind her, Natasha's face changed back and forth.

She didn't know the reason why Noah Allen left. Anyway, she didn't believe the reason Noah Allen said.

But the task that Chief Nick gave her was to keep Noah Allen for at least five days.

And now, only a day and a half have passed.

Gritting her teeth, Natasha caught up again.

Just when she was about to speak.

Noah suddenly had black light surging on his body.

The whole person turned into a black streamer, forming a terrifying figure like a demon.

"Go away, don't force me to kill you!"

This roar made Natasha's expression sluggish.

The killing intent in Noah's eyes made her feel like falling into an ice cave.

After shocking Natasha, Noah turned around and left without looking.

Even Hulk would bow his head in front of his current posture, let alone a Natasha.

After Natasha recovered, she quickly contacted Nick Fury.

She didn't know the reason for Noah's sudden departure.

But Nick Fury is different.

He just didn't understand, how could Noah Allen be aware of the situation in New York at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base where the signal was completely closed.

You must know that the location of New York is half a world away from here!

But he didn't worry about it.

Although facing the threat of Noah Allen, the best solution in his mind is to kill it in advance.

But in the absence of absolute certainty, he can also choose to check and balance!

Noah is a capitalist.

Capitalists have to abide by the rules.

Most importantly, Noah Allen is not alone.

As long as Noah Allen has no evidence of S.H.I.E.L.D. personally involved, as long as he still has his family around.

That is controllable.

This is his consistent solution to threats.

Fortunately, this method has always worked.

"Half the earth is far enough away..."

Nick Fury muttered to himself expressionlessly.

Everything is under control!

At this time, Noah had already jumped up, and dragon wings suddenly appeared behind him.

With a flash of dragon wings, his speed soared rapidly, and soon broke through the speed of sound.

But Nick Fury was right.

A distance of half the earth, even if Noah is already supersonic, this is not a distance that can be crossed in a short time.

But Noah went back, not for rescue.

All he wants to do is to take care of the aftermath!

Because I know that no one can threaten Umbrella's safety.

New York suburbs.

After Frank pressed the controller.

Soon there was a series of rustling sounds around.

In the battlefield, the sound was not too loud, but it was so dense that it caught everyone's attention.

"what's the situation?"

Many members of the Ten Rings Gang have vigilance in their eyes.

There are enough surprises today.

Master Manchu was flying in the air, also frowning.

He heard these voices too.



There are more and more chaotic movements, and they are getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, on the edge of the battlefield, a member of the Ten Rings Gang vomited blood.

The next moment, a slap-sized bug appeared from the back of his head, and the people around him felt chills.

"Watch out for bugs!"

They don't know what kind of bug it is, but it's enough to know that these bugs are dangerous.

The people around were alerted and immediately alerted.

But the next moment, everyone's expressions were dull.

I saw a torrent coming from a distance.


No, it couldn't be a bug.

But what are those?

At the moment when the torrent came, countless people screamed.

In the sky, countless flying insects with strange shapes rushed towards the Manchurian.

The overwhelming scene directly covered the sky.

In an instant, the earth fell into darkness.

Frank and the other members of Umbrella stopped attacking one by one.

The impact of the scene in front of him was too great.

If it wasn't for Frank's reminder~www.NovelMTL.com~ they might have thought that this was also the enemy.

They shuddered at the thought of the possibility that these monsters were enemies.

Master Man looked at the torrent on the ground, the swarm of insects in the sky, his face was full of anger, and he scolded directly.


The soldiers here are all his elites.

The next moment, the rings on his two hands began to flicker.

Various energies poured out to the surroundings.

The flying insects from the sky fell like rain.

The torrents on the ground also disappeared piece by piece.

Master Man laughed:

"Are these your trump cards!"

He laughed wildly.

With all these, you can never beat him.

But he didn't know that these swarms were just pioneers.

In the torrent of insect swarms, there are also a large number of T virus infected creatures, Goliath giants, and countless other monsters.

There is no doubt that a war is about to break out.

At this moment, a large swath of trees began to twitch.

The whole earth began to shake.


An extremely dull voice sounded from the ground.

This low voice even made people doubt whether the voice really existed.

Master Man's complexion changed slightly.

The next moment.


A tree root suddenly burst out of the ground and hurried towards him.

The terrifying speed made him pierce his shoulder blade without reacting.

The severe pain instantly occupied the entire mind of the adult.

The next moment, the earth was like a hedgehog, instantly covered with countless raised tree roots.

This is Umbrella's true defensive power, the giant tree!


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