Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 295: Earth's Hidden Powers

As the voice fell, Tony Stark saw the angel in front of him, and was suddenly pierced by something.

There was only a hole left in the original heart.

And not far away, Noah Allen stood there with a smile on his face.

It's just that beside him, there is a strange creature.

For some reason, the moment he saw the creature, Tony felt a throbbing in his heart.

It seems that it is some terrifying behemoth.

This feeling is no weaker than when facing Thanos before.

Suppressing the fear and doubts in his heart, Tony finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Tony exclaimed in surprise.

"You guy, finally here."

At this moment, everything around is caught in the flames of war, and there are angels killing lives everywhere.

Because of Noah's attack, it attracted the attention of many angels.

But all this, Noah didn't care at all.

Just walked up and pulled up Tony Stark.

Tony took off the torn suit, and soon another suit flew over and automatically put it on him.

With the new uniform, Tony regained his high spirits.

It's just that at this time, no matter how high-spirited it is, it can't change everything here.

Looking at the broken scene around him, Tony is full of bitterness.

"It seems that the reality is worse than what you said. We can't wait for this false world to end."

But Noah looked calm.

Looking at the angel flying towards them, he suddenly stretched out a dozen tentacles.

All the approaching angels were instantly pierced by tentacles through their hearts.

After pulling out the tentacles, the angels, who were still invincible just now, quickly fell to the ground.

Looking at Tony's stunned expression, Noah said calmly:

"Trust me, the reality is much simpler than you think."

"Noah, you..."

Tony opened his mouth, but in the end everything was silent.

Noah's performance is really too powerful.

It was so powerful that he was amazed.

The next moment, Noah roared.

All the countless angels in the sky heard his voice.

All the angels recognized Noah Allen and knew that this was the man who made their Lord angry.

Michael held up the angel's sword in his hand.

"Angel Legion, kill the Blasphemer!"

Following Michael's order, hundreds of thousands of angels rushed towards Noah.

Noah flew into the air and quietly waited for the encirclement of the angels.

All the human beings on earth were shocked to see this scene.

Noah at the moment is tragic and tragic.

Stephen Strange couldn't care about anything, and immediately opened a space door.

On the other side of the door is where Noah is.

"Leave here first, the power of the angel is very powerful!"

In the timeline without Noah Allen, there is no ending. Humans have lived for 33 days, so Noah Allen is the only variable.

But the only variable at this time was actually going to die by himself, how could he accept it.

Now he would rather die himself than have an accident with Noah Allen.

Noah didn't look at him, just said:

"Don't you think that the scene at the moment is very magical?"

Stephen Strange froze for a moment.

There are angels all around, and all the angels aim here.

It's really magical, like a fairy tale.

No, that's the myth, but so what, even if it's a myth, it's impossible for them to survive.

The next moment, Noah shot.

Thousands of tentacles and tomb!

Noah's shot is a big move.

Countless tentacles scattered around.

In an instant, the dark tentacles made time seem to freeze at this moment.

Countless angels were pierced by tentacles, like white flowers on the branches, blooming extremely brilliantly.

It's just that the flowers are all in the body of an angel.

Noah retracted the tentacles, and suddenly countless angels fell to the ground.

It was like a rain of angels.

If Noah is compared to the villain, the picture at this moment must be extremely tragic.

But Noah is not.

At least at this time, Noah's appearance is like a savior.

There was an instant cheers like a mountain and a tsunami from below.

Everyone felt like they were dead.

But their human god, at the moment of appearance, actually caused countless angels to bleed.

Even if this is nothing for the overall number of angels, this kind of scene still makes people feel encouraged.

Humans have hope.

The name of this hope is Noah Allen.

Looking at the angel rain falling around, Stephen Strange was also stunned.

He hadn't seen the timeline where Noah existed, so he never considered that an angel could die so humble.

But the battle has only just begun.

Michael had a gloomy face that did not match the kindness of the angels.

Aside, Gabriel said:

"It seems that Blasphemer is much more powerful than we thought."

Uriel said:

"No matter what power the devil has, in front of heaven, there is only one ending."

"Kill the blasphemer and purify the world. Only in this way can the Lord's anger be appeased!"

Michael shouted loudly.

The so-called purification, of course, is to slaughter everything here.

Because only in this way can it be called purification.

The next moment, countless angels began to assemble and turned into large formations.

Angels are not some kind of rogue army, their battle formation, after countless years of tempering, has long been perfect.

But when the angels become an army.

Countless monsters began to emerge from the soil on the ground.

Although it looks terrifying, it is in stark contrast to the angels.

Many people feel that their worldview has been destroyed.

Angels slaughter the world, but the devil is saving the world.

Black Panther watched this scene and stopped his retreat.

The King's Guard also naturally stopped.

As he stopped, the other tribes of Wakanda stopped and turned their guns.

The black panther stood among the ruins of the city, roaring angrily.

Countless of their comrades-in-arms are buried here, and if they lose their positions here, they will also lose their homes.

He couldn't bear such a result.

And the warriors of Wakanda also roared one by one.

"Wakanda, invincible!" Black Panther raised his fist and roared.

"Wakanda is invincible!"

The soldiers roared.

As the number of people was small, their voices still spread everywhere.

The mages behind Old Wang also closed the door of the space they were about to leave.

All were back in their fighting stance.

Black Bolt sighed and looked at his wife Medusa and the other ministers.

They also have nowhere to escape.

Just like what Noah Allen said.

They can't run away forever.

In that case, let's fight.

More and more people choose to stop, and more and more soldiers are ready to die.

Countless monsters stood side by side with them and became comrades in arms.

Quicksilver stood at the top of a building that was still intact.

"Damn angels, this is Earth, go back to your hometown!"

He cursed angrily.

To tell the truth, these angels put a lot of pressure on him.

Fortunately, Noah Allen came back and told them in this extremely overbearing way that the battle was not over.

But he was also very careful when he spoke.

For fear that those angels do not speak martial arts.

After all, the power of angels is still very terrifying.

With his fragile body, those angels could kill him at will.

Compared to his cautiousness, the scarlet witch Wanda flew into the air and looked at the Angel Legion with defiant eyes.

In this kind of battlefield, not many can easily kill angels.

But she is definitely one of them.

In front of her chaotic magic power, those angels are not much stronger than ordinary people.

Only the strong among them can stop her footsteps.

She even blocked Uriel and his seven archangels by herself.

Even if the support is very difficult, it still proves her strength.

"A bunch of bastards!"

Wanda cursed unceremoniously.

Human Torch Johnny looked at the angels and rubbed his sore shoulders.

"Second round, I'm ready!"

Ben stood under the building, roaring loudly.

Peter Parker was wearing a steel spider suit made by Tony Stark, and his eyes were full of anger.

And in places they can't see, there are more powerhouses facing off against the angels.

This battle exceeded everyone's expectations, even a magic school like Hogwarts was no exception.

After all, if this battle is lost, it will be the end of the entire human race.

Inside the Royal Palace of Great Britain.

The knight who had been silent for countless years stood up.

With a wave of his hand, the space door appeared.

Opposite the door is the real battlefield.

He stepped in step by step, and the queen stood not far away, her eyes slightly stunned.

Just listen to the knight left a sentence.

"It's time... to end this war that has lasted for thousands of years."

As knights appear on the battlefield.

Noah looked at each other.

From under the thick full-body armor, he saw the fighting intent in the opponent's eyes.


Not long after the knight appeared, Merlin also emerged from the void.

"Mr. Merlin"

King Arthur spoke in a hoarse voice.

"You seem to have changed."

The two have not seen each other for hundreds of years, and King Arthur has some doubts in his heart.

Merlin sighed.

"I was reincarnated..."

Merlin revealed his secret.

Back then, he was betrayed by his own disciple, and later chose to reincarnate, only to recover in recent years.

The memory of Merlin only gradually recovered after he became an adult.

Otherwise, he can actually do a lot.

"I see."

King Arthur had no doubts, he just said:

"Teacher, it seems that we can fight side by side again."

The appearance of King Arthur and Merlin was just the beginning.

Noah appeared and powerfully killed a large number of angels. This kind of strength made many strong people know that it was time for a decisive battle.

So they all stood up.

Looking at these unfamiliar but powerful faces, countless people on earth were shocked.

Inside they heard the names of King Arthur and Merlin.

I saw Dracula and the ancestor of the werewolf, saw the **** of death in Egyptian mythology, etc...

There are a lot of powerful existences in the East.

All these characters exist only in myths. No one knows that these myths actually exist.

Only Stephen Strange sighed.

Sure enough, everything was broken the moment Noah Allen appeared.

The reason why human beings can support up to thirty-three days is because these ancient existences have appeared one by one.

But now, when all these existences appear, it means that once they lose, the earth will fall into a real silence today.


Noah roared.

With Noah's roar, countless strong men rushed towards the Angel Legion, and the two sides collided instantly.

In an instant, the strong fell like rain.

But soon, the battlefield shifted to the ground.

Because of the army standing on the ground, their attack also caused great distress to those angels.

In order to kill these ordinary people who can't even fly, a large number of angels landed.

There was fighting everywhere, and there was fighting all around.

Noah had already turned into a black light angel.

Kill, devour, continue to kill...

Just like in **** back then, this seemed to be the only thing he could do and should do.

Nitro, who was beside him, had already left his side.

The existence of Nitro is the most terrifying natural enemy of angels.

This powerful creature from the food world has nothing but a thirst for food.

Even an angel, in its eyes, is just food.

After snapping off a high-rank angel's wing and taking a bite, Nitro didn't spit it out for the first time.

Now, Angel has its recipe.

Uriel was furious when he saw Nitro devouring the flesh and blood of the angel.


Uriel roared, and then he was about to charge at Nitro, and he was about to kill this disgusting creature.

But with his roar, Nitro also noticed his presence.

In Nitro's heart at this moment, the strength of the angel has become equal to the deliciousness of the food.

The two sides face each other.

Nitro's indifference to life instantly shocked Uriel.

An emotion called fear rose to his heart.

But how is this possible!

Uriel is shocked, he is an angel, he is the strongest angel, he will not be afraid!

The next moment, Uriel raised the angel's sword and stabbed at Nitro.

Nitro also dropped his wings without hesitation, and charged towards Uriel.

It's just that unlike the Angel Sword in Uriel's hand, Nitro grabbed Uriel with one claw.

The angel's sword and Nitro's claws met.

Uriel thought that the angel's sword would easily pierce the opponent's claws.

But the reality changed his face.

Nitro's claws actually easily crushed his angel's sword.

The next moment, Uriel's two wings were pulled down by Nitro.


Uriel screamed.

He is an archangel, one of the strongest angels in heaven.

But now he has been easily torn off his sacred wings by an ugly monster.

Nitro bit his wing, and the beak-like mouth split open.

It's been a long time since it felt acceptable food.

next moment,


A sonic boom suddenly appeared, and Nitro grabbed Uriel's heart.

Then he opened his beak and planned to eat it.

At this time Noah appeared beside it.

"That's mine, but the rest is yours."

With that said, Noah took the beating angel's heart and looked at Uriel.

Uriel watched all this in disbelief.

Nitro yelled in dissatisfaction.

But who made Noah the master?

In the next instant, there was an extra head in its claws.

Uriel, dead.



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