Chapter 292 Hundreds of nano-level armor, whoever performs well will give it to whom [the third more]!!

This fire undoubtedly brought ruin to this group of grassland tree bears.

With their level, they could not withstand the damage of the flames at all.

【Notice! Congratulations to Dragon Kingdom representative Shen Xuan for successfully killing the A-level fierce beast Grassland Tree Bear! 】

【Kill Bonus: Strength +100!】 】

【Successfully kill a Class A beast, an additional A Class Chest will be rewarded!】 】

Before long, the announcements began to sound one after another.

The entire tree bear group in the woods added more than ten thousand strength to Shen Xuan again.

Don’t underestimate this ten thousand-plus power.

With the super defense provided by exoskeleton armor, coupled with the powerful attack power of the high-frequency particle vibration knife, this more than 10,000 strength made Shen Xuan more powerful in close combat!

Professor Qiu has already popularized with the audience, and the power of this high-frequency particle vibrating knife lies in the moment when he just joined the hornworm with the object.

In other words, the greater the initial power, the greater the damage caused, and this cold weapon, which is full of future technology, belongs to the type of type that the stronger the user, the more powerful it is.

The audience was excited, after all, there are many types of kill rewards, and it is difficult to catch up with the time when it is all strength.

“Sleepy Hollow, I Xuan Shen is a big step forward from being invincible!”

“What nonsense, my Xuan Shen is invincible now!” It’s just the icing on the cake! ”

“Good lick! But the pattern is still not big enough! I want to say that I Xuan Shen is the model of everyone, even if I am already invincible, I am still re-curating myself in real time and improving myself. ”

“Xuan Shen is already so powerful, still working hard, what qualifications do we have not to work hard?”

“Hahahahaha! It seems that I Xuan Shen is the ambassador of positive energy! ”

“I said earlier that I just want to be Xuan Shenmo’s next salted fish!” Oh my fellow travelers! ”

“I’m more curious about what treasures there are in this wood, but totoro has made a military order.”

“Shouldn’t this fire burn the baby out?” That’s a bit of a shame. ”

“Thinking too much, with my xuanshen luck against the heavens, this situation cannot happen at all, wait and see, I have a hunch that this time will definitely be a good thing!”

Suzaku can not only breathe fire, but also can control fire.

The terrifying flame that was still hot in the last second was completely extinguished in the next second under its control.

Shen Xuan landed directly in the black woods that had become black due to burning.

Although the residual temperature has not dispersed, with his super fire resistance, this temperature is really nothing.

Besides, the exoskeleton armor was also fully capable of resisting high temperatures, in addition, it could also allow Shen Xuan to place more than a hundred treasure chests of The Golden Mountain Canshan on the ground without any interference from any environmental factors.

That’s the bonus for just killing those prairie bears.

Shen Xuan only felt that the function of opening this key was too convenient, otherwise, these boxes would be opened for a while.

These treasure chests will affect the treasure hunting here, so it is better to open them all first.

【Notice! Congratulations to Shen Xuan, the representative of dragon country, for successfully opening the A-class treasure chest! 】

[Get Rewards: Nano-level full-coverage armor, with crafting drawings!] 】

[Hint: This reward can be directly embodied to the teleportation location on behalf of the player, with no amplification effect.] 】

Armor again? And this time it was more than a hundred pieces!

However, it seems that the armor that was opened this time obviously did not have the high-end set on Shen Xuan’s body, and should belong to the simplified version.

When I opened the production drawings, I confirmed this even more.

But even so, the audience was just as excited.

Shen Xuan’s ability to set up this set of armor, the audience has seen it with their own eyes.

Even if it is a simplified version, it is a very strong existence to use.

The point is that this armor has a nano-level black technology, that is, it can be unconstrained by the body.

Simply put, this armor has no prescribed shape, and the wearer is not limited to humans, but even fierce beasts can wear it.

This can make some of the audience with large brains get excited.

“Sleeper, a hundred sets of armor, if this is directly put on for the fierce beast, then wouldn’t it be possible to directly set up a special combat squad with super defensive power?”

“I think it should be given to the special attack regiment, and most of the tasks of the special attack regiment are to charge the Zou formation and confront it head-on, if this defensive power goes up, then can’t it be possible to go straight to the cross and collide without any worries?”

“Yes, yes, I support! It’s so cool to think of a mammoth giant in black armor! ”

“If you want to say that you put on a black armor for the fierce beast, it must be said that it is the silver moon white fox, originally my silver fox general was handsome, after putting on the black armor, it will definitely be more handsome!”

“I think it should be given to the Min Attack Regiment, after all, the Min Attack Regiment is the real sharp knife… Although they are fast and flexible, they are a short board in terms of defense. ”

“I support this idea, after having super defensive power, the fierce beasts of the Min Attack Regiment can let go of their hands and feet and fight without any worries.”

“Am I the only one who thinks it should be given to the air reconnaissance team?” First of all, the number of aerial reconnaissance groups is about the same as these armors, and the rest can also be rewarded to the Silver Moon White Fox and the Mammoth Giant Elephant. Secondly, the air reconnaissance group has the most work, not only responsible for the commandment, but also attacking the mouth attack when fighting. ”

“Hmm… With that said, I also think it would be more appropriate for the aerial reconnaissance group. Instead of setting up a special operations squad alone, it is better to give it directly to a full regiment, so that it looks uniform and will not appear chaotic. ”

“Super Bodyguard Regiment: The same four regiments, don’t we prairie giraffes deserve to have lives?” Isn’t our rescue work important? ”

“Logistics Regiment: Rest, rest, where are the four major regiments, obviously there are three main battle regiments, people can’t catch it, there are us auxiliary regiments or something.”

“Steel tooth marmot: Since you don’t know who to give it to, then just give it to me!” I’m also a beast with a team! ”


Because of the ownership of these nano-scale full-coverage armor, the audience discussed it wildly.

Among them, naturally the three main battle groups had the highest voice, and everyone said it was reasonable and well-founded, and it was impossible to discuss a unified result for a while.

But in the end, they were just watching the hilarity, and in the end, shen Xuan was the only one who decided the ownership of these armors.

Although this armor did not have as much black technology as his own, but it was only defensive, it was definitely not much to let go.

No matter which fierce beast put it on, it can definitely greatly increase its strength.

“Hmm… Except for the leaders of a few regiments, the rest will be given to whoever performs well. ”

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