This is already the third player to die in another dimension.

Everyone knows that the rules initially announced by the Dawning Project are no joke.

If you die in a different dimension, you are truly dead.

Even if they didn’t die, when they were sent back to the country, it was estimated that the end would be much more miserable than death.

Although he is not a representative of his own country, to be honest, this kind of news will not make people feel good.

Miss Luo, who was about to eat bananas, stood there cramped.

With a banana in hand, it is neither to eat nor not to eat.

Tang Luoluo immediately said: “Miss Luo, it’s alright. Please finish the banana tasting first, and then let’s move on to the next part.”

It is obviously inappropriate to cut off the connection with Miss Luo at this time.

I can only hope that this time eating and broadcasting can dilute some of the sad atmosphere.

Miss Luo peeled off the banana skin and took a bite. Suddenly, the sweet taste made her intoxicated.

Whether it’s mango or banana, it used to be everywhere.

Even if you don’t eat it for a few years, you probably won’t forget the taste.

However, the fruits embodied in this different dimension gave Miss Luo a completely different taste.

She kept chewing, and the look of enjoyment instantly made the audience eager to try it.

“Ahhh, why does my stomach growl when I see Miss Luo eating!”

“Strongly request Miss Luo to become the host of the Royal User Outdoor Dining and Broadcasting in the Dragon Country Zone of the Dawning Project!”

“Looking at Miss Luo, I feel good when I eat a piece of wood!”

“God, did she eat bananas? Why do I feel like I’m eating some delicacy?”

“Miss Luo, don’t just eat it, tell me how it tastes!”


Miss Luo ate a whole banana before she came back to her senses.

Especially after seeing the barrage, his face became even redder.

“I’m sorry…I ate it before I knew it.”

Seeing Miss Luo’s performance and the feedback from the barrage, Tang Luoluo quietly made an “OK” gesture to the director.

Sure enough, it was right to let Miss Luo come. If it was someone else, I am afraid that some people would have been clamoring to see the situation on the side of Yali.

At the end of the banana tasting session, the audience reluctantly said goodbye to Miss Luo.

Tang Luoluo smiled and said, “Don’t be discouraged, our staff is ready to negotiate with Miss Luo. If possible, she will become one of our outdoor hosts.”

This news sparked a new round of heated discussions on the barrage.

But soon, someone mentioned the matter of the country of Ari.

After all, it was time to escape, and the director also took advantage of the time just now to process the replay screen to ensure that it could be broadcast normally.

After making eye contact, Tang Luoluo immediately said, “I regret what happened to the Yali player. Next, let’s review what happened to this player.”

A new picture immediately appeared on the split screen.

But this time it made the audience feel a little curious.

Because from this picture, it doesn’t look like a tropical rain forest.

Although the trees are still as dense, there are not so many dense vegetation on the ground, only a layer of short grass.

This kind of situation, whether it is Song Lian or Ma Maosheng, can’t be solved, after all, there is a specialization in the art industry.

So Tang Luoluo immediately looked at the gentle old man sitting on the far left.

The identity of this person is amazing. He is known as the first geologist in the Dragon Kingdom, and he is also the oldest senior in geological exploration in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

His full name is Xu Sheng, and the title of expert professor is no longer enough to show his knowledge and achievements.

Therefore, everyone who knew Xu Sheng would respectfully call him “Old Xu”.

Tang Luoluo smiled and said, “Mr. Xu, we have to ask you about this question. It’s obviously a tropical rain forest, but why does it feel different from other places?”

Xu Sheng rubbed his eyes. Although he was old, his back was still tall and straight.

“There are many reasons for this situation, and it is actually not easy to infer from this picture alone.”

“If you have to say it, there are three most likely reasons.”

“The first is because there is an active volcano nearby. The closer you are to the volcano, the less vegetation there will be.”

“The second is because the terrain here is special, but it needs to be compared with the surrounding area, and it is impossible to see it now.”

“The third is that there is some special existence here, so the vegetation is not flourishing, but this also needs to be explored.”

As expected of an older generation of scholars, professional knowledge is impeccable.

Without solid information, no conclusion will be made lightly.

“Thanks to Mr. Xu for his explanation. I didn’t expect that there would be so many reasons.”

“But anyway, this place is a relatively rare area in the tropical rain forest. Mr. Xu, I should understand it so well, right?”

Xu Lao pondered for a moment, then nodded, “Although it is not very strict, it is not wrong to understand it this way.”

It has been learned that this area is somewhat special, so the experience of the player from the country of Yali has made the audience look forward to it even more.

The figure of the player has already appeared on the screen.

He was sitting under a tree to rest, looking at his sweaty appearance, he should have never stopped.

There are few players who dare to explore like this, but in many cases, although their own conditions are important, luck is also indispensable.

Looking at the equipment around him, you can tell that he belongs to the kind of person who has courage, strength, and is very professional.

However, his ending seemed to lack a little luck.

Obviously, he was just taking a short rest here before continuing to search for supplies.

But as soon as he got up, he looked around vigilantly.

He even squatted on the ground, carefully clawed through the grass, looking for traces on the ground.

But in the end, he seemed to get nothing.

Just bring your own equipment and move on.

Not long after he walked, he stopped again and turned sharply.

The screen rotates with him, and there is still nothing behind him.

Although his performance was a little neurotic, it filled the atmosphere with tension.


A creepy voice suddenly sounded, this time, no one doubted that Joe Ben Carey was neurotic.

This can only show that he really sensed the approaching danger just now, so he made those strange actions.

He immediately took off a mountaineering pick from his backpack and looked around vigilantly.

No matter where the danger comes from, he has to make sure that he can make a decision as soon as possible!

But a shadow suddenly covered him, Joe Ben Carey stared at the shadow under his feet, the next moment…

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