Chapter 190 Green Dragon Bull Batch! Eighteen runs a day! 【Fifth more】!!

Anti-science things that are absolutely unsupportable.

The director looked at the experts and professors, who were hiding from sight.

Who can explain this Nyima?

The appearance of this green dragon is already very anti-scientific, right?

Even they, who have studied science all their lives, now have a little bit of a belief in the existence of metaphysics.

In the end, Song Lian was unlucky, he had just watched too fascinated, so that when the director moved his eyes over, he happened to look at each other.

If you divert your gaze at this time, it will more or less have the meaning of no silver three hundred and two here.

“Uh… People have to believe in science, this phenomenon is actually not so difficult to explain. ”

Song Lian was now sweating profusely, just like when Sun De was named and on the first day.

“The appearance of this phenomenon is likely to be because the size of the green dragon is too large, so a swirling air current is formed between the breaths, so it will make this water ball stagnate in mid-air.”

“Of course, it’s also possible that some kind of power that we don’t yet have is manipulating the water balloon.”

Obviously, Song Lian’s nonsense ability was far inferior to Sun De’s.

The audience did not buy this explanation of him at all.

All kinds of scornful and yin and yang strange barrages naturally appeared…

“This expert is an expert, and what he said is the same as what he didn’t say, and it’s right to be horizontal and vertical anyway.”

“Expert Song, we respect you for your high moral standing, but you can’t fool us like fools, can you?”

‘Draw the point!’ Some kind of power that is not yet mastered’, have you learned? ”

“Hahahaha, isn’t this a euphemism that this doesn’t belong to the power of science and technology?” It turns out that Song experts and I have the same idea, so can I also be an expert? ”

“Lip service tells us to believe in science, and then come to this sentence?” No, laugh at me to death, Song expert, are you a monkey please come to tease? ”

“I suddenly thought of the Taoist leader, who also said that he wanted to believe in science, and then jumped from a height of twenty meters!”

“Shit, that Dao Commander jumped from a cliff hundreds of meters high!”

“I said do you have some brains, if you jump down a few hundred meters, you won’t have to be crushed to pieces?” The Dao Commander obviously flew away with the Imperial Sword! ”


Song Lian wanted to cry without tears, this special lady was not an honest person who could do an errand!

Looking at those bullet screens, he knew that the heroic name he had accumulated in this world was all destroyed!

Such a large water balloon could not go anywhere, so Shen Xuan and Qinglong still needed to return to the base first.

When you get to the top of the base, make sure there are no licking dogs and beasts below.

The Green Dragon directly threw down the huge water ball formed by the sap of the baobab tree.

With a loud bang, the ground was smashed out of a huge pit and the audience who was still in the yin and yang was immediately stunned.

“Sleeper, is this the legendary water polo technique?” It is worthy of being an SS-level fierce beast, such an entry-level small skill can cause such a big damage! ”

“In the future, if you encounter a fierce beast that doesn’t have long eyes, you can smash it to death by directly throwing the water ball!”

“Why am I suddenly so moved, is it because my wish to be a great magician can finally be fulfilled?”

“Coach! Where are you dead, get me out, I’m going to learn this!” ”

“Lao Tzu’s coaching card has been given to you, and the business is not done, please let me go…”

“Mom, I’m going to drop out of school, I’m going to be a magician!”

“The end of technology is indeed magic!”

“Xuan Shen and Qing Long have been running back and forth three times in a while, especially after Xuan Shen can fly, it seems that they are even busier!”

“It’s good to be busy!” This shows that the efficiency of collection has been greatly improved! ”

“The main thing is that the Green Dragon still has the ability to carry supplies, which is simply too cattle, compared with before, I don’t know how much faster!” According to this trend, you can run eighteen times a day! ”

“Golden Scorpion: Are you human?” Have you considered how I feel as a transport captain? ”


After the water ball formed by the sap of the baobab tree smashes out of the huge pit, it directly forms a circular pool with a diameter of several meters.

The most amazing thing is that the sap is still the same as when it just flowed out of the trunk, it is not polluted by dust at all, and it is always in a very clear state for the audience to make trouble, but it is still a little incredible.

“Who knows where this baobab tree has become figurative? I feel like I’m tasting this sap! ”

“I can’t tell now whether it’s the magical ability of this sap or whether the Green Dragon is too bullish and not dirty at all.”

“That still needs to be said, it must be the Green Dragon Bull Batch!” Green Dragon I love you! ”

“Nyima, what kind of tiger and wolf word is this, and I don’t understand the principle that different races can’t intermarry?”

“Brother upstairs, is your brain circuit hanging?” But if you have a peanut rice, you can’t say such nonsense! ”

“Good fellow, you are getting more and more free of yourself!”

“Hmm… Strange knowledge seems to be increasing. ”


Shen Xuan and the Green Dragon ran away after dropping the water ball, and when the licking dogs heard a loud noise and rushed out of the underground cave, they only had time to see the tail of the Green Dragon.

Not far ahead, a huge pool of water appeared, which made the licking dogs curious.

Where did they know what was in the pool, and they all walked over curiously to see that even the fierce beasts that were busy on the periphery had all gathered around.

The Green Dragon came once and saw the head and did not see the end, but this time it did not bring them any pressure.

It was a bison, it was a big fish, at least those who knew what it was at first glance, but this pool was a little strange.

The marmots also ran out of the underground cave to join in the fun, this beef has just been processed, the fish has not been picked up, how can this come with something new?

The honest totoro was chaotically led by the groundhog, and now that he had free time, he also came out to see.

But after taking a look, it silently turned and ran back to the underground cave, and then ran out with a carpenter licking the wooden cup that the dog had just made.

If this guy is smart, watch the carpenter lick the dog and he will know what the role of this cup is.

Squeezed to the edge of the pool, Totoro scooped a cup and grunted and drank it.

After drinking it, he showed a very surprised expression.

Seeing this, the groundhog snatched the cup directly from totoro’s hand and glanced at it by the way.

That means that it is like saying that Totoro does not understand the rules at all, and the right-hand man under his big brother has not yet drunk it, is it his turn to get this little brother?

So it also drank a cup, and this sweet sap immediately made the groundhog who had worked hard for half a day feel great satisfaction!

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