After chapter 108, follow the big brother and let you eat eight meals a day! 【First change】!!

The Audience of the Dragon Kingdom looked like a big brother.

In the face of these new little brothers’ sneaky horses, they naturally feel very cool.

“Well said, after following the big brother mix, let you eat eight meals a day!”

“Since you recognized us as big brothers, then we will be brothers from now on, and if there is something you can say, although I can’t manage it, but lehe hehe general line, right?”

“In fact, this is not our credit, if you want to thank Shen Xuan, if it were not for him, the Dragon Kingdom would not be as powerful as it is now!”

“Is Xuan Xuan still sleeping?” Wouldn’t he be happy if he had gotten the news? ”

“Do you think the authorities would waste such a precious contact opportunity to tell Shen Xuan such a boring thing?”

“Also, my family Xuanxuan is a person who is destined to do big things, and this little scene is really nothing!”

In the heat of the live broadcast room, Shen Xuan, who had slept a little, finally got up.

A little bit of tidying up had the small chef robot make breakfast.

Eat and drink enough to continue today’s journey of searching for supplies.

Although the supplies are now very abundant, even if you don’t go out for a few days.

But idle is also idle, in a place like a different space, who will feel that there are too many materials?

Shen Xuan’s move and idea brought tears to the eyes of those foreign audiences who had just joined the Dragon Kingdom.

“Look at the Xuan Shen, they all have so many materials, and they are still so diligent!” Look at the waste of our country, hiding in a hole can be killed by the beast, what a scum! ”

“Not everyone is qualified to compare with Xuan Shen, let them die farther, don’t pollute our Xuan Shen!”

“Now I can finally stay in the Dragon Kingdom Live Broadcast Room to watch Xuan Shen, which feels really amazing!”

“I’m looking forward to what Xuan Shen will gain today!” Glow sticks are ready to cheer! ”

“Shhh! Everything was quieter, Xuan Shen went out to see where he planned to go! ”

“Heavy Mountain Country Audience: Save the child, our players are going crazy!”

Shen Xuan didn’t know that it was already chaotic outside, and he found the grassland yesterday, but he only explored a small area.

So his goal today is still to continue to explore the grasslands.

From the vastness of this tropical rainforest, it can probably be inferred that this grassland is probably also incomparably vast.

And the resources of this grassland seem to be more abundant.

Didn’t go where I walked yesterday, after all, it had already been explored.

So after entering the grassland, Shen Xuan casually pointed out a new direction, and this was the starting point of their day!

After walking for about ten minutes, not far ahead, a picture of sparkling light suddenly appeared.

The audience immediately became excited, is it difficult to be another water resource?

Although the Dragon Kingdom is not short of water in a short period of time, the more reserves, the better!

However, as Shen Xuan approached them, some of the audience realized that what they thought was too simple.

The place of that light is the surface of the water.

But this is not just a small lake.

Looking at the circle of white traces around the lake, the experts and this part of the audience immediately realized!

This is a salt lake! Those white things, that’s salt!

Although there is no shortage of salt in reality, Shen Xuan lacks them.

From entering the alien space, to this morning, no matter what you eat, it is very light.

If it’s just a matter of taste, that’s it.

The point is that if a person does not receive salt supplementation for a period of time, the body will become weak.

At that time, in this different space of crisis step by step, danger will definitely occur.

【Notice! Congratulations to Shen Xuan, the representative of Dragon Kingdom, for successfully discovering resources! 】

【Resource Type: Pure Salt Lake! 】 】

【Resource Level: D Level! 】 】

【Resource features: high-quality fine salt, no processing, can be eaten directly after drying.] 】

After the announcement sounded, the audience who had not known before all understood.

“Sleeper, this is salt, before I was worried about xuanxuan no salt to do, now the problem is solved!”

“Although this salt lake is not large, the salt thing is not consumed much, and it seems that this is enough to use for a long time!”

“My family Xuanxuan’s luck is not blown out, what is needed is what is needed, it is already a basic operation!”

“The only thing I was better than Xuan Xuan before was that what I ate had a salty taste, which was good, but my psychology was unbalanced again, whining…”

“Don’t you think this salt lake is beautiful?” The water looks crystal clear! ”

“Don’t think about it, this water can’t be drunk, take a sip to ensure that you will directly turn into a bat!”

Shen Xuan was also very happy, after all, no matter how fresh the ingredients were, the lack of seasonings would not be able to stand it for a long time.

Salt, in particular, is one of the most important elements of the body.

The salt by the lake is very fine particles, which are not much different from the salt in daily life.

Shen Xuan pinched some and tasted it, this salt did not have any strange taste, and the saltiness was moderate.

The point is that after getting the salt supplement, it immediately makes him feel much stronger.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s roast meat or soup, just add a little, the taste will definitely be more delicious!

Selena and Iris couldn’t hold back.

After learning Shen Xuan to taste it, he immediately began to collect it.

But just as they were rushing to collect salt, the big black bear sitting behind suddenly stood up and let out a low roar toward the surroundings, which seemed to be full of warning.

Shen Xuan raised their heads, only to find that the grass around them was shaking irregularly, and the sound of the empty space came out.

【Notice! Dragon Kingdom representative Shen Xuan encountered alien space creatures! 】

【Creature Type: Wind Hyena!】 】

【Mob Level: D Level! 】 】

【Biological ability: collective action, good at camouflage, fast movement, high agility, good at teamwork and killing!】 】

The announcement had just ended, and the wind hyenas had also emerged from the grass.

Dozens of them, centered on Shen Xuan, formed a large circle!

The big black bear wanted to rush up and kill this group of guys who didn’t have long eyes.

But as soon as he rushed, the wind hyenas in front of him quickly retreated.

The wind hyena in the other direction was eager to press up.

This group of guys who were good at teamwork were very clever, and even knew how to adjust the golden giant scorpion of the tiger away from the mountain as Shen Xuan’s most qualified guard, and immediately protected him behind him and issued a ‘hissing’ warning sound to the group of wind hyenas behind him.

Although this group of D-level fierce beasts is not high-level, their number and speed occupy an absolute advantage.

In order to protect Shen Xuan’s safety, the big black bear and the golden giant scorpion could not rush to attack, and this face suddenly seemed a bit stalemate…

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