"You've only just passed it in this long?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice was low, and he seemed not very satisfied with the speed at which Yagyu and the others passed the level.

"The Third-generation master, Shikamaru's team also passed the exam. They passed the exam almost at the same time as Gekko Yagyu and the others."

"Oh? Shikamaru's team?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought,"I remember that Yamanaka Ino and Yagyu have a good relationship, right?"

"Yes, three generations."

"That's not surprising, that's not surprising!"

The news that Gaara's team from Sand Village took the exam in the morning and passed the test in the afternoon has been transmitted to the Hokage's office for several hours.

Yagyu and his team were so much slower than Gaara and his team, and no matter what, they could not satisfy Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After all, Gekko Yagyu's strength is above Kakashi. Can an elite jonin leading a team be surpassed by a genin from Sand Village?

Unless there are special reasons, Sarutobi Hiruzen should consider his preferential treatment of Gekko Yagyu.

Only valuable people can be treated preferentially, otherwise they can only be discarded.

Just like this Chunin Exam,

Gekko Yagyu not only received preferential treatment from the invigilating jonin, but also indulged him to do whatever he wanted in the examination room! All this is based on the value of Gekko Yagyu.

Because Gekko Yagyu is valuable, Sarutobi Hiruzen can give up some of Konoha's interests for Gekko Yagyu and protect him in front of the Sound Village!

It is also because Gekko Yagyu is valuable that he will pay so much attention to Gekko Yagyu's growth!

Otherwise, when a random genin passes the exam, such a thing would not be paid attention to by the Kage of his village.

"This guy not only has to pass the exam himself, but also has to help others pass the exam. If there was no ranking for this exam, his first place would have been taken away by someone else."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked like he was disappointed with his son, but there was a slight smile on his face.

He was looking forward to a talented Gekko Yagyu, and a Gekko Yagyu who had a bond with Konoha and knew how to dedicate himself to Konoha!

As long as Gekko Yagyu had a bond with Konoha, he would not be able to abandon Konoha and would naturally become a tool of the village.

"There is one more thing, Mr."

"whats the matter?"

"Gekko Yagyu took in a ninja from the Hidden Grass Village, and he hopes you can keep her!"


"What kind of Kusagakure ninja is this?"

Going against a village and snatching people away, in the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen would never do such a thing.

But this person is the one that Gekko Yagyu wants to protect, so Sarutobi Hiruzen is going to consider it.

Maybe this person is different?

But thinking back to the many things that happened in the past two days, they are all related to the Kusagakure Village.

Is something going to happen in the Kusagakure Village?

Orochimaru has set his sights on the Kusagakure Village?

Without giving Sarutobi Hiruzen more time to think, the Anbu ninja said,"A red-haired girl who doesn't seem to have much combat power. The other subordinates don't know either. But Gekko Yagyu said she is from the Uzumaki clan......."

"The Uzumaki clan?"

This word made Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupt the ANBU,"Are you sure? Are you sure it's the Uzumaki clan?"

"Well, I am sure!"

"Come on, take me to see her....Go meet Gekko Yagyu!"

Why did the Whirlpool Country be destroyed?

Wasn't it because the Uzumaki clan's innate bloodline was too buggy?

Everyone was afraid of the Uzumaki clan's continued strength, so they destroyed the country together.

Although Konoha did not take action openly, when the Whirlpool Country was besieged by other countries, Konoha, as an ally, did not provide assistance, which shows that Konoha was also very afraid of the power of the Uzumaki clan.

Especially after the death of the first Hokage, Konoha's strength was no longer enough to pose a threat to the other four major countries. If the Uzumaki clan was allowed to become stronger, who knows whether the Whirlpool Country will take action against their ally?

People are selfish animals, and there will always be only interests between countries!

The first Hokage was there. At that time, they were not afraid of the strength of the Whirlpool Country, because no matter how powerful the Whirlpool Country is, it will not be stronger than the first Hokage!

After the death of the first Hokage, everyone is afraid of the power of the Whirlpool Country!

Of course, everyone wants to obtain the power of the Whirlpool Country, so there are things like each village accepting the orphans of the Uzumaki clan.

Back then, Konoha accepted Uzumaki Kushina in order to create a Jinchūriki weapon. Now Kushina is dead, and only Uzumaki Naruto is left.

Then Uzumaki Naruto became the only choice for Konoha's Jinchūriki weapon!

But if Uzumaki Naruto dies one day, who will continue to be this Jinchūriki?

Because there is no alternative, Sarutobi Hiruzen will take many so-called protection measures for Uzumaki Naruto!

Hiding his identity, the Anbu will monitor him 24 hours a day......

Now Gekko Yagyu told him that an orphan of the Uzumaki clan was planning to join Konoha, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was so happy.

Although the orphan of the Uzumaki clan was not needed for the time being, having a backup and not having a backup were two different things!

Just like the existence of the Jinchūriki, although everyone was reluctant to use the power of the Jinchūriki, a village with a Jinchūriki and a village without a Jinchūriki were two different things!

Apart from the Kage of a village, the top fighting force in Konoha was the Jinchūriki!

To a certain extent, a Jinchūriki could even replace several Kage-level fighting forces!

You have to know how difficult it is to cultivate a Kage-level fighting force.

Konoha has only cultivated a number of Kage-level fighting forces that can be counted on one hand over the years.

But the Jinchūriki can fix the Kage-level fighting force!

What a terrifying and desirable power!

Because he couldn't wait to see Karin, Sarutobi Hiruzen even used the instant body-flickering technique to shuttle through the night sky of Konoha with the Anbu.

It has been many years since I have been like this. I remember that the last time I was so tired was when I was eradicating Danzo's supporters.

Hmm.......That person seemed to be his most proud disciple, Orochimaru!

In the Forest of Death, the Third Hokage, who was supposed to appear here in four days, suddenly arrived, and many ninjas who stayed here to supervise the exam were flattered!

""Mr. Sandai!"

As the main invigilator of this exam, Mitarashi Anko stood at the front of all the invigilating ninjas.

"Um, Red Bean, is there any news about Orochimaru?"

Mitarashi Red Bean's face showed resentment, and then she said with difficulty:"There is no accurate information at present. We searched the Death Forest and only found some corpses of the Dragon Cave Spirit Beasts."

"Oh? You haven't met Orochimaru, then who fought with Orochimaru?"Sarutobi Hiruzen found something wrong, and even forgot about his urgency to meet Karin. Mitarashi Anko shook her head,"According to reports from all the invigilating ninjas, no outsiders have entered the Death Forest during this period of time. The only non-examination personnel in the Death Forest should be Orochimaru and his two subordinates!"

"If we rule out the possibility that Orochimaru and his"subordinates" fought, the only one who could have fought Orochimaru would be the examinee!"

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