Seeing that Mandora was getting more and more seriously injured, Orochimaru had begun to consider whether to use the Impure World Reincarnation to help Mandora deal with Yagyu.

Now Mandora has only one possibility to defeat Yagyu, that is, Gekko Yagyu's chakra is completely consumed.

A ninja with chakra and a ninja without chakra are completely different, and this is currently Mandora's only chance of winning.

Just as he was thinking about Yagyu, he suddenly stopped his high-frequency attack. The thunder and lightning that originally resounded through the training ground all dissipated, and Yagyu himself was a little out of breath. His chakra is exhausted!!!! When Orochimaru saw Gekko Yagyu who seemed to be exhausted, the corners of his mouth finally revealed a triumphant smile.

"To be honest, I am really surprised that your fighting ability can reach this level. I would never be able to do this if I were you.

But it's over!"

Orochimaru didn't intend to give Gekko Yagyu a chance to rest. He stretched out his neck and bit Gekko Yagyu!

The strangeness of the action and the speed were shocking!

However, facing this situation, Yagyu remained calm.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I don't want to be bitten by a guy like you."

Yagyu said and suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

The sudden change made Orochimaru stunned in mid-air.

His always cold eyes were only stunned at this time.

Substitution technique?

No, that's not right, his breath disappeared.

Space ninjutsu?

It doesn't seem like.....

After a long while, he murmured in his hoarse voice:"Shadow clone?"

"Hahahahahahahahaha, after fighting for quite some time, I realized that I was fighting against the shadow clone. Orochimaru, although you have changed your body, your strength has not improved. Now you can't even beat a junior, it's really laughable. Damn it, but this brat was really ruthless, he almost skinned me.

I'm going back first, don't forget my blood food, one less person, don't even think about summoning me to help you next time!"

After saying this, Manshe also disappeared from the spot, leaving Orochimaru twisting his neck and standing sluggishly in the air.

He didn't care about Manshe's ridicule,

Manshe's character was like this, recognizing the strong and mocking the weak.

He was defeated, defeated by a young boy's shadow clone!

There is nothing more ridiculous than this.

"Moonlight Yagyu...Very good!"

Oshimaru returned to his normal body, staring coldly at the place where Moonlight Yagyu disappeared.

The next moment, Orochimaru disappeared from the spot and appeared in a corner of the training ground.

"Hehe, you've been hiding for so long, it's time to come out, right?"

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, a ninja wearing an animal mask from the Anbu jumped out from the ground and slashed at Orochimaru with a sword, but Orochimaru dodged it easily.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru flew out countless small snakes from his hand and devoured the Anbu's hand step by step


"Orochimaru, why are you, a traitor, appearing in Konoha!"

"Hehe, go ask in hell."

Orochimaru, who was in a bad mood, had no intention of talking to this Anbu, and dealt with him efficiently and effectively.

Such an insignificant little mouse was not worth his time to tease.

He didn't know that this Anbu was originally responsible for monitoring Naruto, but he just happened to follow Orochimaru and Yagyu with Moeka's finger and followed.

But when he found out that he was following Orochimaru and wanted to evacuate, it was too late.

If Orochimaru had known that someone was following him, he would have used a formation to lock him and Gekko Yagyu in.

He thought he hadn't been discovered and hid. He stood up, waiting for Orochimaru to deal with Gekko Yagyu so that he could escape.

But he didn't expect Gekko Yagyu to be so good at fighting. Even Orochimaru, one of the Three Ninjas of Konoha, was no match for him!

If this Gekko Yagyu wasn't a shadow clone, Orochimaru might have been defeated!

Before he died, this ANBU jonin had only one thought - why didn't Gekko Yagyu's real body come? Otherwise, I wouldn't have to die!

Orochimaru looked at the ANBU ninja who was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, sneered, let the snake devour the rest of his body, removed the formation, turned into mud and disappeared in this destroyed training ground!......

"The purple thing disappeared!"

"Is that a formation? Using a formation in a place like this, is it a practice?"

"I don't know. Could it be that they are withdrawing the formation because the exercise is over?"

"Ah? Wouldn't that mean I'd miss the chance to meet a powerful ninja?"

"Konohamaru, slow down, wait for us!"

Konohamaru and the others who had followed all the way from Konoha have just caught up.

But by the time they arrived at the abandoned training ground, the battle here had already ended.

But judging from the traces of the battle here, an extremely horrific battle must have taken place here!

"What on earth happened here?"Naruto showed a rare expression of shock.

There were huge pits, countless rubble and twisted trees.

There were flames burning, lightning crackling.

And a bunch of snake corpses that died here for unknown reasons!

"There are so many snakes, so disgusting!"Meng Huang looked at the densely packed snakes and said with some disgust.

"I think it smells pretty good." Udon sniffed.

"It looks like a terrible battle has taken place here. Are they the two people just now? They are so powerful, it's really scary. I wonder who won in the end."Konohamaru murmured.

"Naruto, should we tell Konohamaru's grandfather about what happened here? It seems like something extraordinary has happened here."

"this......"Naruto was a bit embarrassed. He didn't know whether he should tell the old man of the Third Generation. If only Konoha ninjas were training here, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them?

Of course, he didn't really believe that there were two ordinary Konoha ninjas training here.

Such power and movement were completely beyond his understanding of power.

After months of training, he could easily cut down trees, but it would take at least a week, or even a month to destroy a training ground like this!

But those two people only took less than an hour!

"Don't tell Grandpa!"

When Naruto was in trouble, Konohamaru made a decision,"We have to find out the truth ourselves and then tell Grandpa!"

"Ninja mission!"

Konohamaru said in a very childish way.

"But wouldn't this be dangerous? Those two people seem very powerful......."Meng Huang said with some worry

"I feel so too..."

Just as Naruto was about to say something, Konohamaru suddenly interrupted him,"Don't we still have Brother Naruto? Brother Naruto can even beat real ninjas, so he can definitely protect us! Right, Brother Naruto!""

""Ah? Ah! Right! Hahahahahahahahahahaha, don't worry, I will definitely protect you!" Naruto lost himself immediately after being praised by Konohamaru.

Moeka was still a little worried, but Konohamaru's next words made it impossible for Naruto to stand on her side anymore.

"To do a mission, we have to form a ninja team. Usually, the three of us carry out missions together. I am the best, so we call it the Konohamaru team. Now Naruto has joined us, so I decided to let him be our guiding jonin!"

"Please let Naruto Jonin take us on the mission!"

Naruto Jonin!

He's not even a ninja. Naruto blushed and completely lost himself!

"Then I won’t be polite!!"

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