"Life and death warrant? What life and death warrant?"

Mitarashi Anko raised her lips and said sarcastically to the group of examinees:"The Chunin Exam is not a game. It is normal for some people to die, isn't it?"

"If you are afraid...It's very simple, come back next year."

Faced with Hongdou's sarcasm, everyone fell silent.

Come back next year?

No one will die next year?

All of them have been tested in the first exam, and their psychological quality is strong. No one refused to take the exam because of fear. After a while, everyone signed the scroll of life and death.

Seeing that no one withdrew, Mitarashi Hongdou couldn't help but praise:"Very good, it seems that there are no cowards. You trash are not completely useless."


The candidates stared at Mitarashi Anko with resentment.

If Mitarashi Anko was not their examiner, they would let Mitarashi Anko see who was the loser!

Of course, Mitarashi Anko didn't know what her fellow candidates were thinking, but if she knew...Then she'll be even more excited.

"The rules of the second exam are to collect two sets of scrolls with the word"heaven" and"earth" on them, and take the two sets of scrolls to the tower in the center of the Death Forest to pass the test!"

"Each of your groups will get a scroll later, and the only way to get the scroll is to steal the scrolls from other teams!"

"Of course, there are no rules for plundering. No matter if you sneak attack, assassinate, poison, or gang up on someone, there is no problem. There is no limit to the means! No matter life or death!"

‘The words"life or death" were very heavy by Mitarashi Anko, giving people who heard it a very heavy and dangerous feeling.

However, everyone was not scared by Mitarashi Anko.

The same means of intimidation were no longer effective after a few times.

Although it was less than a day, everyone had a preliminary understanding of this invigilator. He was a middle school student, a big-headed person, and liked to say scary things.

On the surface, he looked very strong and his strength was not weak, but that was all.

The second exercise assessment was not like the first written test.

The invigilator was there from beginning to end in the first written test. As long as the exercise test started, the invigilator could not keep an eye on them in real time.

It was impossible for him to make things difficult for anyone!

So they were not afraid of Mitarashi Anko at all.

Compared with the invigilator, they were more worried about the opponents in the Death Forest.

Especially Gekko Yagyu!

This guy was not only a killing god, but also had no problem killing people in the exam!

Even Konoha, which had always been weak, would favor him.

So no one wanted to meet Gekko Yagyu in the exam. After all, the difference in strength was too big!

There was no power to resist at all!

A jonin and a group of genin are fighting for the identity of a chunin. They are so shameless!

Soon, each team lined up to receive their own scroll.

And everyone who came out to receive the scroll was stared at by other teams, hoping to collect more information before the exam so that they can gather the scrolls they need.

This also made everyone who came out to receive the scroll become cautious.

They didn't want to be stared at by a group of people!

Except for Gekko Yagyu!

The scroll of Team 7 was received by Yagyu.

Unlike other teams who were secretive, Yagyu had no intention of hiding it. He directly took the scroll with the word"sky" in his hand and showed it to all the candidates.

Many teams that got the scroll of"earth" showed greedy expressions, but soon they looked at Yagyu's devilish smile and lowered their heads guiltily.

Who dares to snatch this scroll of"sky" in the hands of this killing god?

Mitarashi Anko, who was not far away, looked at the unscrupulous Yagyu and curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"This little devil...If you are arrogant because of your own strength and don't know how to hide yourself, you will suffer a great loss sooner or later!"

Who was not a genius before?

But there are geniuses above geniuses!

You can't always maintain your status as a genius!

Just like Hatake Kakashi who surpassed everyone at that time, so what if he was a 12-year-old ninja? More than ten years have passed, and his strength has not always been far ahead!

Many people who were clumsy in the ninja school are not much weaker than Kakashi now.

The principle that the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind applies to most geniuses!

But Yagyu,...Not a genius!

No matter how hard Hongdou thought, he could not think that Liu Sheng's current strength came from other people's genius, and the strength he showed now was only a very small part.

The Immortal King was fighting for the foundation, so he had to suppress his strength to the foundation stage to play the pig and eat the tiger?

For Liu Sheng, if he had not been exposed at the beginning, it would not matter if he was low-key.

But his strength had long been hidden, and he was invincible in Konoha. If he was still submissive and cowardly, it would be too disrespectful to his strength!

It was for this reason that Liu Sheng would expose the scroll unscrupulously, with the purpose of attracting some fearless teams to deliver the scroll.

After all, it is a troublesome thing to find someone carrying the corresponding scroll by yourself. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to find the corresponding scroll of earth even if you find three or four groups of people.

Of course, with the strength shown by Liu Sheng, it is difficult to attract some people who are looking for death. So another purpose of Liu Sheng deliberately exposing his scroll is to find the owner of the"Scroll of Earth".

Those who showed greed for him just now are the targets they will prioritize hunting in the next exam!

Some people who guessed what Yagyu was thinking had quietly moved away from Yagyu.

They had no intention of confronting Yagyu head-on.

Passing the test only required one copy of the Heaven and Earth Scroll, and they only hoped to stay away and let other unlucky people take the scroll away from Yagyu first.

As long as Yagyu didn't block them in front of the examination room, most of them would be safe!

Yagyu secretly remembered the faces with strange expressions, and the faces of two of them made him a little concerned.

These two people were from the Hidden Grass Village, but they belonged to two teams.

One of them had long hair and looked neither male nor female, and his eyes were very cold. Yagyu looked at him as if he was looking at a snake.

Obviously, this guy was Orochimaru who came in disguise!

The other person was a girl with a long red hair that attracted attention.

If the guess was correct, this person was the nanny who was held hostage by the Hidden Grass Village - Karin!

One of the main reasons for Orochimaru's attack on Konoha this time must be for Sasuke. Yagyu was a little hesitant whether to help Orochimaru successfully plant the curse seal on Sasuke. Otherwise, with his and Sasuke's current strength, Orochimaru would hardly succeed.

The curse seal originated from Jūgo, and Jūgo's power is to automatically absorb natural energy, allowing Jūgo to enter Sage Mode.

The curse seal and Jūgo's power have the same source, which means that the curse seal is also a way to use natural energy. If Sasuke successfully activates the power of the curse seal, then Yagyu can gain a hundred times the power of the curse seal....

The curse seal is called a low-end magic, but if it is enhanced a hundred times, it would not be much weaker than the real magic.

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