Since graduating from Konoha Ninja School,

Yagyu has not been here again.

Because the first written test of the Chunin Exam was held here, Yagyu and his friends came to this school again.

""I haven't been back since graduation, and I miss this place!" Sakura said with emotion.

Yagyu yawned, and several memories of the ninja school flashed through his mind. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that time was passing.

Speaking of which, he will die too, right?

For the first time, Yagyu felt the urgency of life

"Let's go."

Yagyu and his team came here on time.

If they still dawdle outside the school gate, by the time they arrive, the exam may have already begun.

There is no more ridiculous way to be eliminated than being eliminated before the exam begins.

After passing through the school gate and the corridor of the classroom, the seventh team just arrived on the second floor and saw a group of candidates crowded around the stairs.

Yagyu still had some impression of a few of them.

One was Hyuga Neji, a genius from the branch of the Hyuga clan, who had a cold face and looked a bit like Sasuke.

One was Tenten, who was wearing traditional Chinese clothes and had a bun on her head.

There was also Rock Lee, who was wearing a green tights and pretending to be weak and was being bullied!

Yagyu looked at the group of people who were dawdling and didn't want to follow the plot with them. He took Sakura and Sasuke to the crowd and released his murderous intent! The terrifying pressure filled the hearts of all the candidates in an instant.

Even the two Chunins who were guarding the door and bullying the newcomers felt suffocating fear.

"It's really a nuisance."

Yagyu muttered in disdain, and without even looking at them, he broke through their blockade and headed for the third floor.

After a while, when Yagyu and the others were completely far away, everyone breathed heavily as if relieved.

"good...How scary! Who is that guy? Tiantian said with lingering fear.

"This year's top graduate, Gekko Yagyu!" Rock Lee said unwillingly,"I originally wanted to fight him in this Chunin Exam, but he forced us into this state with his murderous aura....Is there really such a big gap between ordinary people and geniuses?"

Ningji said nothing, the cold sweat on his forehead and his clenched fists also showed that he was not calm inside.

This guy is so strong!

This is the first time that Neci feels unconfident about his own strength, and it's from a guy who has only graduated for less than a year!

""Ningji, are you his opponent?" Tenten looked at Neci and asked curiously.

Neci shook his head and said frankly:"I'm not his opponent!"

Unlike Sasuke and Naruto, who are confident that they have a chance to defeat each other even though they know the gap in strength is too big, Neji can face the reality more clearly. If he is not strong enough, he will not waste his energy on meaningless struggles, nor will he try to be strong for the sake of face!

If he meets Yagyu in the Chunin Exam, he will admit defeat without hesitation!

"Even Neji admitted that he was no match for that guy. This year's graduating class leader is really a pervert!"Ten-Ten said with some surprise and sadness.

She originally thought that after a year of training, they would definitely be the strongest Genin team, but she didn't expect that there would be a master!

At this time, Rock Lee, who had been hit, had been revived with full blood.

"Yoshi! Since even Neji can't beat him, let me beat him! Burn, youth!"

Rock Lee rushed to the second floor, and his speed was so fast that even the two Chunins guarding the door couldn't react.

Is this the Genin kid who was just bullied by us?

Looking at the passionate Rock Lee, Tenten also regained some confidence.

"Even if we can't beat that pervert, we are not weak! Right, Neji!"Tenten said with a smile, as if he wanted to cheer himself up in this way.

Neji didn't care much about this kind of thing.

Strong is strong, weak is weak, everything is arranged by fate.

"Let's go."

The next moment, the two of them also showed unusual speed and disappeared from the spot.

The candidates who had not yet entered the venue were so shocked that they were speechless for a while, and soon they scattered.

This opponent is so abnormal, it's better not to take this exam.!

"The candidates this year are really abnormal. That Gekko Yagyu is even more terrifying than Asuma Jonin. Don’t you agree, Izumo?"Gang Zitie said

"Ah! I heard that Uchiha Sasuke is also very powerful. If it weren't for Gekko Yagyu, this year's top graduate should have been Uchiha Sasuke."Kamizuki Izumo replied

"Gekko Yagyu, Uchiha Yagyu, Hyuga Neji...This Chunin Exam is really a fierce competition. It seems to be more exciting than any previous Chunin Exam!"

The two came here under the order of Morino Ibiki to eliminate some weak candidates. Unexpectedly, they met such a terrible guy. If they didn't know that the other party was here to take the exam, they almost confessed their will.

"Let's go. We have almost stopped the weak ones. Those who can still make it later will be lucky."

"Well, I think Ibiki is getting impatient."

After watching those Genin who couldn't even see the basic illusion being scared away, the two Chunin also completed their mission and went back to report to Morino Ibiki.

At this time, Yagyu and the others were still on their way to the third floor, but a boy wearing a weird green tights stopped them.

""Sorry to bother you!"

Looking at Rock Lee who was rushing to block him, Yagyu frowned.

There was not much time left for the exam, and he didn't want to give Rock Lee and Sasuke a chance to fight like in the original novel.

"What's the matter?"

Yoyoshi's cold voice made Rock Lee feel like his heart was frozen, but he was in love and quickly used his chakra to break through the coldness.

"that...I want to confess my love to this lovely lady!......"


Before Rock Lee could finish his words, he had already flown more than ten meters away and smashed into the wall, buried by a pile of dirt.

But Yagyu didn't even look at him, and said to the two companions behind him:"Let's go, ignore this idiot!"

The three of them were about to continue on their way, but before they had taken two steps, a sound came from the wall beside them.

"wait..."Wait a minute!"

Rock Lee, with some scars all over his body and looking a little embarrassed, came out from the wall and stood in front of Yagyu and the others again.

"I can see that you are very protective of her, Gekko Yagyu! Excuse me, are you her partner?"Lock Lee asked seriously.

If Yagyu answered yes, he would leave without saying anything.

But if not, Yagyu would just be his rival in love. At that time, no matter how powerful Yagyu was, he would fight for his love!

Even if he had to open the Eight Gates!

The atmosphere froze for a few seconds, and just when Yagyu was about to speak, Neji and the others rushed over.

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