After school,

Yagyu was about to find Sasuke to enlighten him and let the tool man continue to play his remaining heat.

But Sasuke came to him first.

"Go to the training ground"

"Okay, I'll take Hinata home first."

Yagyu responded to Sasuke calmly, then walked to the back row.

""Yagyu-kun, aren't you going back with us today?"

Ino and Sakura looked at Yagyu lovingly and asked.

"I'm going to take Hinata home today, if you don't mind, you can come with me." Yagyu looked at the two girls and said.

Ino and Sakura hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said,"Okay, as long as Hinata doesn't mind."

Hinata blushed when she was called, and whispered to Yagyu,"Yagyu-kun, why don't you take Ino and Sakura home, I can go back by myself"

"How can this be? I promised to take you home today, so listen."Yagyu said with a straight face, grabbing Hinata's schoolbag and walking out.

Hinata had no choice but to follow Sasuke carefully with a red face.

Ino and Sakura were staring at her intently at this time, as if they wanted to eat her.

It was so scary!

Sasuke, who was not far away, was speechless when watching this scene, and pouted his lips and followed Yagyu.

Hinata was on Yagyu's left, and Ino and Sakura followed on Yagyu's right.

"Mr. Yagyu, is Sasuke following behind you and trying to challenge you again?"


"Oh, why bother? Yagyu-kun has never lost since he entered school."

Ino said she was sighing for Sasuke, but she was actually flattering Yagyu.

Sakura secretly cursed Ino for being cunning, and then said:"Yagyu-kun is the top student in our class, isn't it natural for him to beat Sasuke?"

Hinata looked at the two of them cautiously, hesitating to speak, and finally said nothing.

Yagyu touched Hinata's head, turned to Ino and Sakura and said:"People will not regress only if they constantly challenge themselves. Although Sasuke can't beat me, no one else in the class can beat him either. In other words, Sasuke is only second to me!"

"and...Sasuke is constantly challenging himself with me as his goal. He still has a chance to surpass me, but the others in the class will never be able to surpass Sasuke."

"Oh, except Naruto!"

Yagyu's previous words made Ino and Sakura feel a little ashamed, but when they heard Naruto's name, the two girls mocked

"No matter how hard Naruto tries, he will never be a match for you and Sasuke!"

"Yes, yes, others may have a chance, but why Naruto? He can only talk."

Yagyu smiled and didn't explain.

It's true that Naruto is the last one in the class, but this can't deny his talent.

If there is a good teacher to teach him, Naruto's growth rate will definitely surpass most people in the class.

They arrived at the Hyuga Mansion while chatting and laughing. Yagyu sent Hinata to the door and said goodbye to her.

"See you tomorrow, Hinata"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!...Goodbye, Ino, Sakura, and Sasuke!"

"Goodbye, Hinata!"

"Goodbye, Hinata"


After parting with Hinata, Ino and Sakura relaxed a lot. They pestered him with questions.

"Mr. Yagyu, do you like Hinata?"


"Damn it, he actually admitted it!"

"Why don't you ask me if I like you?"

The two girls looked at each other and asked nervously:"Then...Do you like us?"


"Ah, damn man.!"

"I'm so mad, don't run away!"

"You want to beat me, can't I just run away?!"

"Damn it, don't let us catch you!"

"If you can catch me, I will like you if you catch me.!"

"You said so, don't run!"


The Uchiha clan training ground.

In the past, Sasuke challenged him either at the school training ground or at the Gekkou family training ground.

This was Yagyu's first time at the Uchiha clan training ground.

The Uchiha training ground looked desolate, with dry leaves falling all over the ground.

Several wooden stakes were covered with knife marks and the marks of shuriken and kunai.

"Why choose here this time?"

"That night I was practicing shuriken here, and I practiced until very late as usual. But suddenly, I felt a tremor in my heart for no reason, and I had a bad premonition, so I rushed to the clan land desperately!"

Sasuke did not answer Yagyu, and spoke to himself,

"When I got back, there were corpses! There were corpses everywhere! Houses had collapsed, and blood had stained the collapsed houses and the dirty ground red!"

"You know, I was so anxious at that time. I was very worried about the safety of my parents, so I ran to the house, but when I entered the door, I saw Uchiha Itachi! That bastard's knife was stained with my parents' blood!"

"I swear, no matter what the reason, I will kill this bastard!"

Yagyu listened quietly without saying a word.

He watched Sasuke's calm narration gradually turn into anger and madness!

"I'm going to kill him! And the first step to killing him is to defeat you!"

Sasuke said, and suddenly rushed towards Yagyu with a murderous look on his face.

At the same time, several shurikens flew towards Yagyu!

Yagyu instantly drew his sword to block the shuriken, and then changed his sword to block Sasuke's sword that was slashing at his face.

Sasuke, whose sword was blocked, turned in the air and kicked Yagyu.

Yagyu pushed away Sasuke's sword and blocked it with his sword, but the heavy kick did not make him retreat a step.

Sasuke obviously noticed this, and the expression on his face became ferocious.

"Fight me seriously, Gekko Yagyu!"

Sasuke's attacks became more and more crazy, and he kept slashing at Yagyu like a madman.

Yagyu casually blocked all of Sasuke's attacks.

"I'm afraid if I take it too seriously, you'll be defeated in a few moves."

"Stop talking big!"

Yagyu's words completely angered Sasuke, who took a step back and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Fire Style. Great Fireball Technique!"

A few months later, Sasuke has taken this ninjutsu a step further.

Now he only needs two seconds to release the ninjutsu, and he is not worried that Yagyu will interrupt him.

But he didn't expect that Yagyu didn't want to interrupt him at all.

Instead, he quickly formed seals with both hands and released it in one second!

Fire Style. Great Fireball Technique!

Two fireballs, one large and one small, collided, and the small fireball was instantly swallowed up.

Sasuke could only flee in embarrassment!

"Damn it, why is your fire escape better than mine!"

Sasuke was not able to completely avoid the attack of the fireball, and some scars appeared on his body.

A piece of clothing that had been worn for a year became tattered, like a rag that had been on the stove for years.

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