"There is no ninja village in Wave Country, and there is no way to go to Konoha or other ninja villages to learn ninjutsu. So...Can I ask you, Lord Yagyu?"Tsunami bowed deeply, with a look of request on her face.

Yagyu glanced at Tsunami and said lightly:"The Wave Country will become a vassal state of the Fire Country in the future. People from the Wave Country will have the opportunity to study in the Konoha Ninja School."

Kakashi did not reveal anything to them, but Yagyu guessed something from Kakashi's movements.

Unexpected departure, Cardo's death, new mission...From the clues, we can infer that the third generation has deep thoughts about the Kingdom of Waves.

After this mission, the sovereignty of the armed defense of the Kingdom of Waves will belong to Konoha.

In a sense, the Kingdom of Waves is indeed a vassal state of the Kingdom of Fire.

However, it is simply a pipe dream for the people of the vassal state to go to Konoha to learn ninjutsu. It is almost impossible.

So Yagyu was just perfunctory to Tsunami, and he did not intend to help Tsunami's family.

Although he did not have any bad feelings towards Tsunami, he did not have a good impression of Dazna and Inari.

Dazna risked his life for the future of the Kingdom of Waves, and seemed to be a great man, but he deceived the Konoha ninjas and disregarded the lives of the Konoha ninjas. If it were not for Yagyu and his team to accept this mission, other weak teams would be killed by Dazna!

And after being discovered, he still likes moral kidnapping and bullies the weak and fears the strong! In any case, from Yagyu's point of view, he does not like Dazna.

You are desperately saving the Kingdom of Waves, not saving my country.

As for Inari, a timid, vain, and childish kid.

This eight-year-old boy did not inherit his mother's gentleness, nor his adoptive father's bravery and fearlessness, but inherited Dazna's cowardice.

It is absolutely impossible to ask Yagyu to teach such a guy ninjutsu.

Tsunami didn't know what it meant for the Land of Waves to become a vassal state of the Land of Fire, but she was still very happy to hear that Inari had the opportunity to go to Konoha to learn ninjutsu. But even so, she still wanted to get the help of Yagyu and others. After all, it is definitely important to have a guide for learning such things. If Kakashi was not there, she would definitely ask Kakashi for help.

"Could you please guide me during this time? I still have some private money......."

Yagyu waved his hand,"I believe you have also asked my two companions. I am not surprised that Sasuke would reject you, but if Sakura also rejects you, then there is only one possibility."


"Your son does not have the talent to be a ninja."

Tsunami was stunned for a moment, and the orange in her hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

After seeing that the problem that had troubled the Kingdom of Waves for so many years was easily solved by a few ninjas, Tsunami wanted Inari to become a ninja.

But the reality seemed to be more cruel than she imagined.

Many people can only reach that point in their lives, not because they don't work hard enough, nor because they don't make progress, but because of their talents.

Forcing yourself will not only not allow you to break through, but will become an obstacle to your better life.

""Mr. Yagyu, could you please go and see Inari?"

When Haruno Sakura rejected her, she bluntly said that Inari had no ninja talent, but only vaguely stated that she did not have the ability to accept disciples.

So Tsunami still had a glimmer of fantasy.

But Yagyu didn't want to break Tsunami's fantasy, nor did he want to make up a lie to comfort Tsunami's heart.

He looked out the window and drove her away in a cold tone:"Let's go, there's nothing wrong with being an ordinary person and living your life. The world of ninja is not as good as you think."

"You see us as being omnipotent, but you don't know that ninjas have to fight and bleed. If you are an ordinary person, you may live a dull life until you are 50 or 60 years old, but if you are a ninja, you may die in a mission in your teens."

"Do you want him to try his best to get an unsatisfactory result, and finally die tragically in the wild. Or do you want him to live a happy and ordinary life? Think about it carefully."

Tsunami left with a lonely face.

This was the third time!

Inari accidentally saw this scene.

He heard the conversation between Tsunami and Yagyu, and knew that he had been rejected three times by these ninja masters.

Inexplicably, he felt very angry. But what happened after the anger?

Inari did nothing.

These people could even deal with Kado who killed Kaisha. Wouldn't it be easy to kill him again?

Inari was scared! He didn't dare to sneer and lose his temper like he did to Uzumaki Naruto!

He was afraid of the power of Yagyu and others!

When the emperor is angry, millions of corpses are buried! When the common people are angry, they are angry for a while!

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