"I haven't heard of it." Liu Sheng said calmly.

The little beggar looked at Liu Sheng's calm face and knew that he was not lying.

Of course, it might be that the other party's facial expression was too well controlled, and he couldn't tell it easily. The little beggar's face showed a struggle, but he finally made up his mind to speak out.

"Mr. Ninja, Shinjuku Village is a village that was massacred by Konoha Ninja!"


The little beggar said angrily,"Does the life of a village mean so little to the ninjas of Konoha?"

Yagyu looked puzzled,"I didn't kill them, so why should I care?"


The little beggar was furious. He wanted to find a word to refute, but found that he didn't know where to refute.

It's like saying that someone in Shinjuku Village peeked at a widow bathing and was spurned by people from other villages. Should he be ashamed of this?

It's not me who saw it!

He was a little angry, but not angry at Yagyu. He was angry at those Konoha ninjas who killed his family members for no reason!

After calming down, he suddenly realized that he actually spoke rudely to a powerful ninja!

What happened to me just now?

Did I want to die?

"Tolerate...Ninja Master......"

Seeing the little beggar's voice suddenly tremble, Liu Sheng felt puzzled.

He was cautious, rude, and timid.

What a psycho!

"If you have nothing else, leave and take the money with you. It's for you."

"that...Ninja-sama, I think......"

"You don't want to."

Before the little beggar could finish, Yagyu interrupted him,"You don't have to expect me to help you find out the truth. You and I are not related, and I will not help you get revenge. I am not the kind of person with an overflowing sense of justice. Understand?"

The little beggar didn't expect that Yagyu would guess his thoughts without him saying anything.

He saw that Yagyu was a Konoha ninja, and he was not as cruel as those ninjas who massacred his village.

He thought about whether he could get close to him and get his sympathy.

But it seemed that Yagyu was not what he thought, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

"This world has never been just."

Yoyoshi stood up and put a roasted rabbit in his hand,"It will never be bright, live well. If you want revenge, then go get the power and find out the truth yourself."

"But I don't know ninjutsu, how can I be a match for those ninjas?..."The little beggar took the roasted rabbit subconsciously, but did not eat a single bite.

"Then don't think about revenge. Life is short. You are just an ordinary person. Don't let hatred waste the rest of your life."

Yoyo patted the little beggar's shoulder, called Yaya and left.

"You haven't finished your roast rabbit yet."

"Leave it for him. He looks like he hasn't eaten for a long time."

"Then what do you eat?"

"Just take a Bingliang pill."

"Is that thing delicious?"

"It's as good as your dry food."

"Then you still eat?"

"You can't stay hungry, right?"......

The little beggar watched the two people go away, holding the roasted rabbit in his hand for a long time without moving.

I don't know how much time has passed, when the sun is about to set, he cried!

He saw that the dazzling sun will also set, and the bright sky will also dim, not to mention a forest, a leaf, an ordinary person like him?

He has always known that he is ordinary and can't do anything about many things.

But he has never formally faced his ordinariness.

But just now, he formally faced his weakness and incompetence, and was destined to be like this forever, and he cried!

Crying like a 90-pound child.....

Tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes.

He choked and took a bite of the roasted rabbit.

It was cold, but it didn't affect its taste.

The taste of the roasted rabbit and the salty tears were swallowed into his stomach together, as if he wanted to swallow all the pain.

His past, his future, his dream...He swallowed everything.

In this life, he could only live in misery.

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