In order not to hurt Shizuka's feelings, Kakashi stayed with her for the whole afternoon.

In the process, he also learned the whole story.

It turned out that without his knowledge, his three beloved subordinates actually spent 200,000 taels to find him a wife! What's more, the third generation actually issued the task without his consent!

"Alas, three generations...These three guys are really annoying!"

He still rejected Shizuka's pursuit, and rejected it again because he had no intention of getting married, and threw Yagyu and the others out to explain, which was a regretful ending.

Before leaving, Fengdao Shizuka looked at him reluctantly, and the purple skirt fluttered in the wind, which was very charming!

But...He has no feeling!

"I have to go to the Hokage Building and ask the Hokage to withdraw the mission. If someone comes to me for a blind date every day, I will be in trouble."

Kakashi muttered and was about to leave, but he saw his two old friends, Yuhi Kurenai and Hongdou.

"Hey, isn't this Kakashi? I heard that you spent 200,000 taels to find a wife in the Hokage Building. I didn't expect you to be so aloof. In fact, you really want a woman. Hahahahaha!"

Hongdou teased Kakashi loudly while eating red bean balls, making Kakashi very embarrassed.

"Hey, honestly, would you consider me? How many meatballs can you buy with 200,000 taels? Hehehe!"

"Things are not what you think...."

If it was something else, Kakashi would not bother to explain.

But when it came to his own innocence, he couldn't help but explain it, otherwise he would lose face in the jonin circle.

Kakashi explained what Yagyu and the others had done again, and the two of them were stunned and looked incredulous.

""No, Kakashi, you don't have to make such an outrageous excuse, right? Three Genin took out 200,000 to help you find a wife?"

Mitarashi Anko looked skeptical, and Yuhi Kurenai also didn't believe it.

"Yes, Kakashi, your three subordinates are just Genin, right? They are graduates of this year, how could they possibly come up with 200,000 ryo to help you find a wife?

Besides, it is not shameful for a 26-year-old man to find a wife, there is no need to find someone to take the blame."

Kakashi's face darkened, he knew it was not so easy to explain this matter clearly.

Helplessly, he could only brag about Yagyu.

What a top student of the new graduation class, who mastered the nature changes of two types of chakra, had the strength of a Jonin before graduation, and was the young patriarch of the Moonlight Clan who controlled the finances of the entire family, etc.! The two girls, who didn't believe it in the first place, became even more unconvinced after hearing it.

How could there be such a genius in the world?

If he was a Jonin at the age of twelve, then wouldn't it be rubbish for me, who was defined as a genius since childhood, to be a special Jonin in my twenties?

"Kakashi, what you said is too fake, isn't it? You can't even tell a lie. If there really is such a genius, how could he still be a Genin and work under you?"Anko complained.

Kakashi looked helpless and explained,"Originally, Hokage planned to let Yagyu join the Anbu as soon as he graduated, but Yagyu refused. Although Yagyu has the strength of a Jonin, he has never done a mission. Considering his lack of experience, Hokage asked him to follow me for a year of training. It is estimated that he will be promoted to Jonin and lead a team alone next year at the latest."Becoming a Jonin one year after graduation!

This is even more exaggerated than Kakashi back then!

Kakashi graduated at the age of five, a Chunin at the age of six, and a Jonin at the age of twelve!

He seems to be a genius like Yagyu, but Kakashi has graduated for seven years and has been on missions in the ninja world for seven years. This is the result of seven years of experience!

"Hey, Hong, I'm suddenly interested in this kid, do you want to go see him?" Hongdou pushed Hong's arm with her elbow and said jokingly.

Hong thought for a moment and said,"I've heard my subordinates mention that Yagyu is a genius before, but I didn't expect him to be so amazing....But although I'm very curious, it doesn't seem good to disturb him rashly, right?"

Just out of curiosity, I go looking for someone. Yuhi Kurenai feels that she has to look for someone every day. There are too many people in this world who deserve her attention.

But Hongdou said indifferently:"What does it matter? With our relationship with Kakashi, I don't think he will have any objection. And the most important thing is that this guy is too rich! Two hundred thousand taels!"

"He is so rich, he surely wouldn't mind treating us two seniors to some meatballs, right?"

Xihi Kurenai didn't know whether to laugh or cry,"You are a jonin, how can you not even have money to buy meatballs?"

"Stop, it's a special jonin, not a jonin!" Mitarashi Anko declared seriously,"I usually do most of the B-level tasks, and a task takes ten days or half a month to complete. I usually take a break for half a month after completing a task. I earn half a month's money and spend half a month. Now it's the end of the month, and I don't have much money. For my meatballs, I must rob the rich and give to the poor today!"

Yuhi Hong looked helpless.

There was no family behind Mitarashi Anko, nor any master, apprentice, brothers or sisters. There were only a few subordinates and friends who were not very familiar with her.

She had no background and spent whatever she earned, and she didn't have a penny in savings!

Such a life couldn't be said to be good, but it couldn't be said to be bad either. At most, she had no hope for the future. She lived one day at a time and muddled along!

She had advised Anko before, but Anko said that she had no children and no elders, so what was the point of saving money?

If you have money today, spend it today, and if you have no money tomorrow, worry about it tomorrow. Just be happy!

She never advised again.

Everyone has their own life, and she respects Anko.

Moreover, Anko's skills came from Orochimaru, who was once one of the three ninjas. She was not worried that Anko would starve to death one day.

At most, she was worried that she would be seriously injured in the mission and owe the hospital a debt.

"Let's go and have a look, just in time to verify whether Kakashi is lying or not."Yuhi Kurenai glanced at Kakashi and smiled.

In fact, based on their understanding of Kakashi, the other party would not lie. He just said this deliberately to tease this aloof genius jonin.

Although they are both jonin and friends, Kakashi has an ordinary relationship with them except for his close relationship with Might Guy, and can even be considered aloof!

Kakashi, who was teased, spread his hands helplessly, pointed to the east and said:"They are most likely in the training ground now, you can go there to find them. I'll leave first, I have to ask the Hokage to cancel this mission......."

After saying that, Kakashi disappeared in an instant.

Now Kurenai and Anko both knew about his mission to find a wife.

Judging from the tip of the iceberg, the entire Konoha high-level officials might know about this.

He had to stop it before everyone knew about it!

He didn't want to become famous for this kind of thing!

Kurenai and Anko smiled at each other and walked towards the No. 7 training ground.

However, Kakashi guessed wrong about the movements of Yagyu and the others. Yagyu and the others were not at the No. 7 training ground, but were in Konoha Park to discuss Kakashi's blind date.

"Senior Shizuka is so pretty and powerful, but Kakashi refused her?"

Sakura sat on the bench, supporting her round face with both hands, and said a little unfairly,"Do you think Kakashi doesn't like women?"

Yagyu and Sasuke looked at each other, and felt an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

"It shouldn't be..."

Yagyu remembered that Kakashi seemed to have had a vague relationship with a spy from another village when he was young.

The two even kissed each other, but in the end they didn't get together because of their different positions.

Could it be that Kakashi was missing that girl?

It's a pity that Yagyu forgot the girl's name, nor did he remember which village the girl was a spy from, otherwise he would have to strengthen Kakashi!

However, this incident should be regarded as revenge on Kakashi, and he won't hold on to this matter anymore.

Although the third generation wanted to find a partner for Kakashi to strengthen his ties with Konoha, if Kakashi personally came to refuse this matter, he would not force Kakashi. The blind date is probably over.

Besides, Yagyu still has to find Kakashi to learn summoning, so he can't offend Kakashi to death.

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