"Time is up, Moonlight Liusheng successfully defended the ring!"

After hearing what the Mao Yue clan leader said, many Mao Yue clan members couldn't help but sigh.

Although they knew they couldn't beat Moonlight Liusheng, they couldn't help feeling disappointed when everything was settled.

The entire Mao Yue clan was swept away by an outsider!

Although it was for an engagement, it was not a good thing for the young people of this generation of the Mao Yue clan!

Because the reputation of Moonlight Liusheng and Mao Yue Xigao was achieved by stepping on their faces!

As if seeing what the clan members were thinking, the Mao Yue clan leader said lightly:"I know what everyone is thinking. Do you think it's shameful for a group of people to lose to one person?"

Everyone was silent, which was considered as tacit agreement.

"Actually, there is nothing shameful about this. Every era has its own geniuses. I, your clan leader, am just a little Karami in our era. There were three generations of Hokage before him, and his peers included the Three Ninjas of Konoha and Hatake Sakumo. Then there was the Fourth Hokage...."

"That is to say, they did not come to challenge our Maoyue clan, otherwise I would not have lost more beautifully than you!"

The most comforting words in this world are not to encourage you to cheer up and look forward, but someone telling you-we are almost the same!

Hearing that there are people who are almost the same as you, no matter how painful the damn experience is, it will make you feel better.

Most of the younger generation of the Maoyue clan now have this mentality.

The Maoyue clan leader continued:"I tell you this not to make you find psychological comfort, nor to make you accept to be bad, but to tell you that the ninjas of our Maoyue clan can afford to lose! Dare to admit your failure, dare to face failure, and strive to become better!"

"have you understood!"

""Understood, clan leader!"

A group of Mao Yue clan members shouted deafeningly, just like in a pyramid scheme.

Liu Sheng had to admire the ability of the Mao Yue clan leader.

If being strong-mouthed had a level, the Mao Yue clan leader must be the king!

The next thing was a family reunion.

Liu Sheng, as the designated son-in-law of the Mao Yue clan, was warmly entertained by the Mao Yue clan and had a sumptuous dinner together.

Of course, he was not able to stay overnight.

After all, Liu Sheng was only twelve years old. Although his body developed rapidly, he was not married yet and had to go back to the Moonlight clan to sleep.

The next day, the news of the marriage between the Moonlight clan and the Mao Yue clan spread throughout Konoha!

The Mao Yue clan leader asked the clan members to spread the news of Mao Yue Xi Yan and Moonlight Liu Sheng's engagement throughout Konoha.

There was even a long love story.

It was like love at first sight!

The mutual appreciation between geniuses!......

In short, there are countless versions, all of which are about the beautiful love between the two.

In a short time, the names of Uzuki Yugao and Gekko Yagyu spread throughout Konoha, and even spread beyond Konoha Village!

A long time later, when Gekko Yagyu became famous in the ninja world, some theaters even rehearsed their story into a drama and toured in various countries! The story of the moon's love moved countless boys and girls!

Countless people yearn for the legendary love of Gekko Yagyu and Uzuki Yugao.......

"This is too exaggerated!"

At the No. 7 training ground, while enjoying Sakura's massage, Yagyu listened to Sakura telling him some recent legends about him in Konoha.

Yagyu couldn't help but twitch his mouth a few times after hearing such a legendary love story!

In previous years, the marriage between the two families was very low-key, but the genius strength displayed by Yagyu did not allow them to be low-key.

They were deeply afraid that the Moonlight Clan or the Moonlight Yagyu would regret the marriage with other families, and then they would be happy for nothing!

After all, the two were not married, and the engagement could be broken off.

But if everyone in Konoha knew about it, it would be difficult for Yagyu to break off the engagement.

Even if the Moonlight Yagyu shamelessly insisted on breaking off the engagement, no family would be shameless enough to snatch the son-in-law from their Maoyue clan!

Even if other female fairies snatched Yagyu's heart, they could not snatch Maoyue Xiyan's legitimate status!

It can be said that the Maoyue clan's actions were all cunning!

"Humph, now everyone in Konoha knows about your love story with Sister Xi Yan, how you fell in love at first sight under the moonlight!"

""Haha, are you jealous?" Yagyu scratched Sakura's nose.

Sakura snorted and turned her head away without saying anything. However, the strength in her hand increased a little, obviously she was a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, don't be angry, we will get engaged when the time comes, and I will ask some people to spread our love story throughout Konoha....Oh no, Ninja World!"

"I don't want to, the story of you and Sister Xiyan has spread all over the Fire Country, if you spread my version, wouldn't I be a mistress? It's so embarrassing, I don't want to be called the woman who stole Sister Xiyan's man!"

"Hahaha, yours and hers, they're all mine!"

The casual chat between Yagyu and the other man attracted Kakashi's attention,"Yagyu, it's better to be loyal in feelings. You'll be in a lot of trouble if you flirt with other girls."

Yagyu raised his eyebrows and asked,"Kakashi, have you ever liked anyone? In love, a girl."


Kakashi didn't know why Yagyu emphasized a girl after love.

Can I still fall in love with a man?

Kakashi was confused for a second, then said,"No...""

"So what qualifications do you, a single guy who has been single for more than 20 years, have to give me advice on my relationship?"


"If you were to ask Kakashi, with your looks and abilities, if you were to seek a wife in Konoha, the girls chasing you would line up from Konoha to the Hidden Cloud Village. If you are interested, I would help you post a ninja mission to seek a wife in the entire ninja world, how about that?"

"Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay for it, I’ll pay for it for you!"

"No need!"

Kakashi's mouth twitched, and he said something in a hurry and fled away.

But what Kakashi didn't know was that Yagyu was not just talking casually.

He looked at Kakashi's hasty escape, and his heart was���interest

"Sakura, what do you think about us really giving Kakashi a mission to find a wife?"

"Huh? Not good....Kakashi teacher didn't"

"Although Kakashi didn't agree, how could we, as his disciples, let Kakashi do whatever he wants?

Kakashi is already 26 years old, and he will be 30 in a few years! 30 years old is middle-aged! If he lacked money, ability and looks, it would be fine, but he has money, looks and ability....Sakura, have you ever wondered why Kakashi doesn't fall in love?"


Why? Does Kakashi-sensei have someone he likes?...Sakura's guess made Yagyu unconsciously think of Might Guy and Uchiha Obito.

However, Kakashi and them should only have passion, not love.

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