[Ding! Your bound object has made a breakthrough in swordsmanship, swordsmanship level +1】

【You get a hundred times the return...Your swordsmanship level +100!】

【Ding! The person you are bound to has made a breakthrough in swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship level is +10】

【You get a hundred times the return...Your swordsmanship level +1000!】......

Time passed quickly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Even someone as talented as Sasuke took half a year to practice and master the"Moonlight Sword Art".

At this time, Sasuke has transformed from a novice in swordsmanship to a master of swordsmanship.

Although he has not learned any swordsmanship secrets, as long as he holds a sword, his combat effectiveness can be multiplied several times!

In the training ground of the Moonlight Clan,

Yagyu and Sasuke each held a sword and fought together.

Amidst the swords and shadows, the figures of the two were constantly flashing.

If there were bystanders watching, they would think that their speed, strength, and swordsmanship were incredibly strong!

Such speed, strength, and swordsmanship are completely not the level that a student of a ninja school should have. I

'm afraid that even an ordinary Chunin would not be able to fight as excitingly as the two!

After two hundred rounds...

"You lose!"

Yagyu put his knife on Sasuke's neck and said calmly:"You have improved compared to last time. You lasted thirty more rounds in my hands!"

Sasuke's face did not show joy of progress, but rather a bit of unwillingness.

He always felt that he could fight Yagyu on equal terms, and even had a chance to almost defeat Yagyu occasionally.

But in the end, he still lost!

"Don't think too much. You are making progress, and so am I. The longer you can hold on to my hand, the faster you are progressing than me."

"Come on, you can definitely beat me next time!"

Yagyu patted Sasuke's shoulder heavily and turned away.

This was the sixth time Sasuke had lost to him in the past six months.

Although Sasuke was losing more and more slowly, Yagyu was getting more and more relaxed in dealing with Sasuke.

So it was normal for Sasuke to doubt him!

"It seems that I need to improve my acting skills."

Yagyu muttered to himself, and glanced at Sasuke who was unwilling to leave behind him.

The other party did not stay, but just pondered for a second and turned away.

This made Yagyu feel relieved.

Fortunately, Sasuke did not find out that he was leaving the sea....

Now his swordsmanship is better than that of the genius boy Moonlight Gale in his own clan!

And his speed and strength have surpassed the limit of Chunin, and he should have stepped into the level of Jonin!

How could Sasuke be his opponent?

Back home,

Yagyu's dining table was already filled with all kinds of food.

Because Yagyu was too talented, the treatment he enjoyed in the clan at this time was completely different from the past.

Three meals were prepared by professional chefs, the house was cleaned by a special person, and the ninja tools and swords were available for him to use at will. The financial subsidy increased by more than ten times!

If nothing unexpected happened, the clan leader had already trained him as the future heir.

Unlike the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan, which selected the legitimate heir to succeed the throne, their Moonlight clan relied on strength to ascend to the throne. Whoever was stronger would be the clan leader!

The main reason for this difference is that the small clan is too weak and has too little foundation!

Unlike the big clans, which are based on blood and strong ninjutsu accumulation as the foundation to ensure that their descendants will not be too weak. If a small clan wants to continue, it must be led by a strong and wise clan leader!


Liu Sheng was eating when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened and in came the clan leader Yue Guangxi's personal bodyguard Yue Guangzhan.

"Chief, please come over."

"What's matter?"

"You'll know when you go there."


"Got it. I'll come over after dinner."

This was the first time that Moonlight Hee-men had summoned him in more than six years.

And this summons was not a family meeting, which meant that this summons was a private summons by Moonlight Hee-men.

Was it because of my reputation as a genius, or was it because the fact that I taught Sasuke swordsmanship was exposed?

Yagyu didn't think much about it, because he was not worried about the former or the latter.

Since he dared to bring Sasuke to the Moonlight Clan, he naturally didn't worry about exposing this matter.

After dinner

, Yagyu came to the clan leader's house.


"Chief, here I come!"

"Is this Liu Sheng? Haha, come in, the door is not locked!"

As soon as Liu Sheng entered the door, he was greeted by Yue Guang Xi Mian's warm welcome.

"Liu Sheng, how is your life recently? Is the food to your liking? If not, tell the clan leader and I will change a chef for you!"

Yue Guang Xi Mian is an old man with a big square face and a white noodle beard.

He is now over 50 years old and looks kind, but Liu Sheng can see a subtle cunning in his eyes.

"No need to change the chef, I am very satisfied with the food"

"Oh, is that enough money? If not, I'll give you another two thousand....Oh no, three thousand taels!"

"Um... enough"

"Is that house comfortable to live in? Do you want to change it? You can choose any house in the clan! Even if it is already taken, I can decide to give it to you!"

"Chief, if you have anything to say, just say it. I am doing fine in my life, and there is nothing wrong with me."

Yagyuu was unwilling to continue to play around with Moonlight and waste time.

If he had this time, he would rather go play with Ino and Sakura.

"Haha, I won't keep you in suspense. Grandpa wants to arrange a marriage for you!"


Yoshie was stunned for a moment.

He thought that Yueguang Ximian would ask him about his cultivation, and he also thought that Yueguang Ximian would blame him for revealing the family swordsmanship.

But he didn't expect that Yueguang Ximian would actually want to arrange a marriage for him!

Remember Yueguang Ximian has a square-faced granddaughter.....

"Chief, I'm still young..."

"It’s okay, childhood marriage is good, she can wait for you to grow up!"


"But Chief, I have girls I like, and more than one!"

"It doesn't matter. For a successful man, having three wives and four concubines is nothing. For example, your clan leader grandfather,......"

The three wives and four concubines seemed to have touched a switch in Yue Guang Xi Mian, and he talked about his love history for half an hour.

From classmates in the ninja school, to comrades, to cousins,......

For a moment, Liu Sheng was a little immersed in eating melons.

"Ahem, I've said too much, but you don't have to worry about this at all. She doesn't mind!"


Now that things have come to this, Liu Sheng really has no reason to refuse.

He has thought about it. If she is really the square-faced granddaughter of the patriarch...He has betrayed his clan!

"Chief, who wants to arrange a marriage with me?"

"The genius girl of the Maoyue clan——Maoyue Yugao!"


"Our Moonlight Clan and the Maoyue Clan are old friends.

In every generation, we would let the most talented members of the clan marry each other, and then pass on the unique skills of the other family to the two of them.

The purpose is to make the geniuses of the two clans stronger....

Yagyu, our small families have too little resources, so we have no choice but to adopt this method to enhance our ability to protect ourselves.

If those big families didn't look down on us, I would like to arrange a marriage for you and the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan!



"I understand, Patriarch."

"Do you agree?"


If it was the granddaughter of the clan leader, he would refuse no matter what.

But if it was Mao Yue Xi Yan...This child marriage is not impossible!

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