Yagyu hid in the dark and heard all the plots of the two.

He could have gone out to stop them, but he suddenly sensed that there was someone hiding in the dark like him watching them, so he gave up.

After a while, when Mizuki and Naruto left, a figure walked out.


"Could it be that Iruka has been spying on Mizuki? Or Naruto?"

It's terrifying to think about it.

The usually honest Iruka doesn't seem to be a simple character.

However, Iruka in the middle stage can even fight with Pein for several rounds, and his performance is better than that of the special ninja Ebisu. It seems reasonable that he is not simple?

Yagyu shook his head, feeling that people's hearts are unpredictable.

Usually in school, Iruka and Mizuki are inseparable, like very good friends.

And Mizuki always seems to think that Iruka is an idiot, too naive, and has been using Iruka.

But he didn't know that the naive Iruka in his eyes has actually been spying on him!

Maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen has been eyeing him since Mizuki killed his companions.

It's just that because there is no evidence, Iruka has been spying on him!

I remember that Mizuki once applied to become a ninja teacher and was rejected. In the past two years, he became a ninja teacher inexplicably. There is no trick in this. Yagyu doesn't believe it at all.

"Whether he agreed to let Mizuki become a ninja teacher or deliberately allowed Mizuki to contact Naruto, it could all be a bait!"

"I just don't know if Naruto becoming a ninja through this incident is also in their plan."

Yagyu didn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, but no matter what the situation was, he would not let Sarutobi Hiruzen get his wish so easily!

Looking at Iruka who left with Naruto, Yagyu turned around and left.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the whole Konoha suddenly sounded the alarm!

The Book of Seals was stolen, and Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately summoned all the jonin to track down the whereabouts of the Book of Seals.

And in the forest where Mizuki and Naruto were conspiring today, an orange figure kept shuttling between them!


Suddenly a stone tripped Naruto, and the seal book on his back somehow fell and rolled into the bushes beside him.

""Damn it, where did the stone come from?"

Naruto muttered as he got up from the ground, ran into the bushes to find the Book of Seals, and continued to run to the agreed location.

After a while, a figure landed here.

The moonlight hit his face, and it was obvious that it was Iruka!


Iruka looked around suspiciously, but found nothing unusual.

"It seems that he is really in a hurry to run."

Iruka murmured, and then continued to follow the direction of Naruto's escape.

After Iruka walked away, a transparent figure quickly left in the opposite direction!

That's right, this transparent figure was Yagyu who used the transparent escape technique to lurk!

He lurked on the road early, quietly tripped Naruto, and then replaced the Book of Seals!

As long as there is no real Book of Seals, Naruto will not be able to learn the ninjutsu in it!

Naturally, he can't graduate from the Ninja School!

Of course, just in case, Yagyu also quietly killed Mizuki.

Without this emotional engine, Naruto will not go berserk and suddenly master some ninjutsu!

And Mizuki's disappearance can also be blamed for the replacement of the Book of Seals!

Yagyu is not worried that Sarutobi Hiruzen will find out about him!

A quarter of an hour later,

Naruto fled to a place he thought was safe and breathed heavily for a while.

"It shouldn't be discovered, right?"

Feeling the hard object on his back, Naruto felt much more at ease.

"Never mind, let’s learn ninjutsu first!"

"Let me see what powerful ninjutsu is in this sealed book!"

Rubbing his hands, Naruto couldn't wait to open the sealed book.

He saw that it was blank!

"Why is there nothing here?"

Naruto turned the pages of the Sealed Book in a panic, but he didn't find any ninjutsu!

There really wasn't a single word in this Sealed Book!

Did I steal the wrong thing?

Naruto was a little confused. He had clearly taken it according to the instructions of Mr. Mizuki. It was impossible for him to take the wrong thing!

Did I open it the wrong way?

"I heard that some scrolls cannot be opened in the usual way, and must be soaked in water or roasted over fire before they can be seen!"

"Something as powerful as the Sealed Book cannot be seen just by opening it!"

Thinking of this, Naruto felt that it was very possible!

So he immediately found a river and opened the Sealed Book and threw it in to soak it.

Because it would burn after being roasted by fire, Naruto planned to try it with water first.

But when the scroll was soaked in water, there was still nothing inside?

Naruto put his face close to the Sealed Book and looked at it, but still couldn't see a single word!

"Do we need to roast it with fire?"

Just as Naruto was suspicious, a figure was hiding in the tree not far from him.

"Strange, why hasn’t Shuimu come yet?"

"Wait, what is this guy Naruto doing?"

"He threw the Book of Seals into the river?"

Iruka wanted to go out and stop Naruto, but thinking that Mizuki hadn't come out yet, he held back.

"It's just soaked, it will be fine after drying in the sun."

Iruka comforted himself.

In order to expose Mizuki, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Naruto to take out the real Book of Sealing this time!

Seeing Naruto rubbing his face against the Book of Sealing like an idiot, he felt a pain in his liver.

If you really can't learn it, forget it, don't mess around!

Iruka suddenly felt that he had failed as a teacher in the past few years. It's okay that he didn't teach Naruto ninjutsu, but how come he couldn't even learn ninjutsu by himself?

Who would soak the scroll in water to learn ninjutsu?

Iruka inexplicably fell into self-blame, but Naruto at this time did not intend to let go of the Book of Sealing. Naruto suddenly started to collect firewood, and then he actually started to drill wood to make fire!

"What is this for?"

Iruka looked at Naruto puzzledly as he spent ten minutes drilling wood to make fire.

Then he got two pieces of wood and stuck them into the soil on both sides.

Are you planning to have a barbecue?

Iruka was a little confused.

It's already this late. You should learn some ninjutsu as soon as possible, and stop having a barbecue!

Iruka complained in his heart, and suddenly saw Naruto actually stuck the Book of Seals through his heart and then put it on the wooden rack to roast it!


"Stop it, Naruto!"

"What are you doing!"

""Teacher Iruka?"

Naruto felt guilty and picked up the Sealed Book to run, but how could he be as fast as Iruka?

In just a moment, Iruka appeared in front of him and stopped him.

Iruka snatched the Sealed Book with a look of disappointment and wiped the water stains carefully.

"You actually soaked the Sealed Book in water and then roasted it! What if it burns?"

"You know everything, Iruka-sensei......"

Naruto lowered his head, feeling a little anxious.

What should I do? The theft of the Book of Seals has been discovered!

Where are you, Mr. Mizuki?

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