The exam started, and students came forward one by one to take the test.

Some passed, some failed.

But most of them passed!

After six years of training, there were not many people who could not practice the clone technique well.

Soon it was Naruto's turn.

Naruto trembled and performed the clone technique in front of the two teachers with an uneasy heart.

"Clone Technique!"

A Naruto who looked like a dead dog appeared on Naruto's right, causing the students to burst into laughter.

"Is this the art of clones?"

"My dog has been learning for six years and still does better than this!"

"Don’t say that. I thought it was one of my classmates who used the transformation technique to turn into Naruto!"

"Transformation? Which classmate is so bad at transformation?".....


Iruka shouted at everyone to restore order in the classroom, then looked at Naruto and sighed.

"Naruto, failed"

"Ah, no, Mr. Iruka! Can you give me another chance?"

Iruka frowned and said dissatisfiedly:"Naruto, everyone is the same, everyone only has one chance. Besides, if I give you another chance, can you succeed?"


Naruto was a little overwhelmed. Can he succeed?

He himself had no confidence.

He just didn't want to be eliminated like this.

Becoming a ninja, and then becoming a Hokage and gaining everyone's recognition was his lifelong pursuit.

He just didn't want it to end like this.

At this time, Mizuki's little thoughts surged in his heart, and he smiled to Iruka beside him:"Teacher Iruka, I think Naruto's clone is actually okay, why not let him pass?" Hearing Teacher Mizuki speak for him, Naruto showed a grateful expression.

At the same time, he also had a glimmer of hope again!

But what he didn't know was that Mizuki spoke for him not to help him, but to gain his trust and then use him.

Mizuki knew Iruka's upright character very well.

If he could make Naruto pass the assessment with just one or two words, it wouldn't take him so long to become a teacher at the Ninja School.

At that time, he was rejected by Sarutobi Hiruzen as a teacher because his character was suspected.

At that time, he found his good friend Iruka and wanted him to help write a recommendation letter.

He knew that Iruka was very popular with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As long as he could write a letter of recommendation for himself, he would definitely be able to become a teacher at the ninja school.

But Iruka didn't do that because he thought it was fake.

It was nepotism, which was unacceptable!

"No way!"

As expected, Iruka refused again.

"If he can pass the test with his clone technique, then no one can fail the test."

Iruka mercilessly wrote a"fail" on Naruto's report card.

This completely dispelled the hope in Naruto's heart.

He looked lonely and returned to his seat alone.

Mizuki looked at Naruto's lost back, but showed a look of success and mockery.

"The demon fox wants to be a ninja? I'll kill you after I've used you up!"

Shuimu thought coldly.

"Next, Gekko Yagyu!"

The name of Gekko Yagyu brought the atmosphere of the entire graduation examination to a climax.

Iruka also looked at Yagyu with great appreciation.

Although Yagyu usually sleeps in class, his grades are the best!

As long as a person is strong enough, there is no need to care too much about some minor problems.

"Finally it’s Yagyu-kun’s turn. He will surely pass the test easily, right?"

"Isn't that nonsense? Yagyu-kun is the strongest person in our class. How can a mere clone technique stump him?"

"Come on, Yagyu-kun!!"

Although Yagyu's popularity in the class has decreased a lot due to his fiancée, it has not affected his position in the hearts of the boys.

Powerful, invincible!

Yagyu yawned, put his hands in his pockets, and walked forward as if he was still asleep.

He was already stronger than the elite jonin, and he had no interest in this kind of elementary school student assessment.

If this was not a necessary process for him to become a ninja, he would not even bother to take the exam.

""Duplicate Technique!"

Liu Sheng murmured in a low voice, without making any seals!

Everyone stared at Liu Sheng in disbelief.

"without...No seals?"

Iruka was so shocked that he forgot to fill in his grades.

Mizuki was even more jealous.

Why can't such a genius be me?

"Just now, Gekko Ryousei didn't perform any seals. Did I see it right?"

"You read that right, he really didn't make any seals!"

"good...So impressive!"

Naruto curled his lips and said jealously,"Isn't it just releasing a ninjutsu without forming a seal? What's so great about it?"


The clone jutsu dissipated with the smoke, and Yagyu didn't even look at what Iruka recorded for him.

Anyway, he would definitely pass.

At this time, Iruka belatedly recorded Yagyu's score,

"Gekko Yagyu, excellent!"......

After the test, everyone went home as usual.

Tomorrow everyone will go back to the classroom to start the division.

Yagyu was about to leave, but Sakura came over with a gift box.

She blushed, tiptoed to Yagyu, lowered her head and handed the gift box to Yagyu.

"Yagyu-kun, this is my graduation gift for you, I hope you like it!"

Ino and Hinata, who were preparing to go home together, were stunned for a moment.

Ino showed an angry expression,"Damn, there is such a way!"

Hinata was a little ashamed,"Why didn't I think of it? Yagyu-kun won't be angry, right?"

Yagyu smiled slightly and took the gift box.

"I like anything you give me."

This sentence made Xiaoying happy, and then he opened the gift box.

In the gift box was a kunai with a cherry blossom tattoo, and some long pink strings were tied to the front, which looked very beautiful.

"It looks good, I like it very much. Thank you, Sakura!"

Yagyu put the kunai into his ninja tool bag, making Sakura happy.

"Just as you like..."Sakura blushed and said

"I'll give you a gift too."

Liu Sheng said as he took out the small gift box he had prepared long ago.

It was obvious that he had been prepared for this day.

"Open it and have a look."

Sakura nodded and opened it expectantly.

Inside was a white short knife and a butterfly hairband!

Yagyu picked up the butterfly hairband, grabbed Sakura's long pink hair and tied it up, and whispered:"In the future, you will inevitably have to fight when carrying out missions. If your hair is too long, it will affect your vision. It will be better if you tie it up."

"How about it, do you like it?"

"Yeah~ I like it"

"Me too, I like everything from Yagyu-kun!"

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