The water from the water ball soaked Yagyu's face, and

Sakura, who was standing by, immediately used her sleeve to wipe Yagyu's face.

"Yagyu-kun, why did you break this water ball?"

Yagyu grabbed Sakura's hand, wiped off the water stains on her face, and said,"I am developing new ninjutsu."

"What ninjutsu are you developing this time? Is it water escape?"

Sakura shyly withdrew her hand and asked.

But she was very excited in her heart: Yagyu-kun grabbed my hand!! That's great!!

"No, it is a non-attribute ninjutsu."

Yagyu said,"When I develop this ninjutsu, you can also learn it."

""Is it really possible?" Sakura asked excitedly.

Her five types of chakra are not outstanding, which means that no matter which type of ninjutsu Sakura learns, she will not be very fast.

She had learned swordsmanship with Yagyu before, but Sakura obviously did not have any talent in swordsmanship.

In the past few years, the only two things Sakura deserved praise for were her control of chakra and her learning of the instant body technique.

"Yes, really, this is a very powerful A-level ninjutsu. Once you learn it, ordinary ninjas will not be your opponents."

"A-level ninjutsu! Will it be difficult to learn?"

Even if it is a ninjutsu without attributes, Sakura's learning talent is not outstanding, which makes her a little worried.

Yagyu gently stroked her pink hair and comforted her:"Don't worry, this technique is not that difficult to learn. First, you condense the chakra into a ball in the palm of your hand like I did, and then use this chakra to burst the water ball like I did just now, and you will have learned half of it!"

"Is that it?"

Sakura didn't quite believe that any A-level ninjutsu would be so easy to learn, but she still decided to give it a try.

However, after trying, Sakura realized that this ninjutsu was not easy to learn.

Just the first step of condensing a stable and continuous chakra ball was very difficult, and Sakura tried for several hours before she mastered it.

At this time, Yagyu had completed the ball training and condensed the chakra ball into a solid, which already had initial power!

Finally, as long as the chakra density was concentrated and it was rotated faster, it could cause enough destructive power and become a real Rasengan!

And it took Yagyu only one day to complete all this!

Thinking of this, Sakura felt that the gap between people was too big!

Picking up a water balloon that Yagyu had left, Sakura began to try to burst the water balloon with chakra.

But this training was even more difficult than the first one, and it was not completed for several days.

It was not until ten days later that he finally burst a water balloon and began to train with a ball.

At this time, Yagyu had perfected the Rasengan!



A blue chakra ball collided with a lightning ball that made a bird cry sound, and an explosion occurred in an instant, stirring up countless smoke and dust!

Soon Sasuke and Yagyu jumped out of the smoke and dust, leaving a small pit of several meters in the place.

Sasuke coughed and looked at the small pit made by him and Yagyu, with a complicated expression.

"He really created an attributeless A-level ninjutsu."

The Chidori Sharp Lance and other lightning ninjutsu he created during this period were all based on the Chidori.

And their difficulty and power are not as good as A-level!

But Yagyu just sat aside and played and created a bunch of ninjutsu. He even created the Rasengan, a template ninjutsu that is no less than the Chidori, out of nothing!

According to Yagyu, if this Rasengan can be integrated with different attributes, it can become a different Rasengan!

It's just that the template is A-level, if you add various attributes, wouldn't it be S-level?

Thinking of this, Sasuke unconsciously developed a sense of urgency.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger!

He doesn't want to leave Uchiha Itachi to Yagyu to solve, he wants to defeat Uchiha Itachi himself!

At this time, Yagyu's voice came from the opposite side,

"It seems to have succeeded, and its power has reached level A, enough to easily penetrate wooden stakes and iron blocks....This technique is the best ninjutsu only in that person's hands."

Yagyu shook his head, not too surprised by the success of Rasengan.

As a ninjutsu without seals and attributes, Rasengan is powerful and easy to perform.

But it also has disadvantages, that is, the attack method is too simple and too direct!

Although Chidori is slightly less powerful than Rasengan, Chidori can have a very high hit rate when paired with Sharingan.

Rasengan can't.

If the enemy's speed and agility are fast enough, it is actually difficult for Rasengan to hit.

Unless it is a sneak attack!

Using the advantages of its no seals to instantly perform a sneak attack, the success rate is high.

In a sense, this is also one of the advantages of Rasengan - low-key!

This technique is most suitable for speed ninjas, so guys like Minato who have practiced Flying Thunder God to perfection are the most suitable for this ninjutsu.

"If I don't learn Flying Thunder God, I probably won't be able to use this technique."

Yagyu said as he threw the Rasengan training scroll to Sasuke.

"You should take your time in developing your Lightning Release Ninjutsu. Once you have mastered this technique, see if you can integrate the lightning and fire chakras into it."

Sasuke took the scroll and asked in confusion,"Why don't you try it yourself?"

"Because it will explode!"


Even if attributeless chakra explodes, it will only create some gas.

But if the fire attribute and the lightning attribute are combined, the explosion will be unimaginable.

Yagyu is not worried that this ninjutsu will kill him, but he also doesn't want to make himself look bad in order to develop ninjutsu.

And with Sasuke's help, he might be able to master the new Rasengan faster!

With such expectations, Yagyu completely handed over the project of Fire Style Rasengan and Lightning Style Rasengan to Sasuke.

But he obviously had too high expectations for Sasuke, and underestimated the compatibility of Rasengan with the two attributes.

Originally, Yagyu thought that Sasuke would be able to achieve results in a week, but week after week passed, and they were about to graduate, but Sasuke had not yet produced any results.

If Yagyu hadn't watched Sasuke being blown up every day, Yagyu would have thought he was being lazy!

"Is it so difficult to add Fire and Lightning?"

Yagyu formed a Rasengan with one hand and stared at it in a daze.

He was just wondering whether to add some Fire and Lightning Chakra to see if he could add it when he heard another explosion not far away.

Sasuke, who was blown to dust, kept coughing up blood.

"Forehead...Forget it, since I have already agreed to let Sasuke develop, I won't steal his limelight!"

Yagyu quietly removed the Rasengan and pretended that nothing happened to enjoy Sakura's massage.

Among the three girls, Yagyu's favorite is not Hinata or Ino, but Sakura!

Although Sakura is not as gentle and cute as Hinata, nor as straightforward and rich as Ino, but Sakura...There is time!

Hinata often can't come to accompany him because of training tasks and strict tutoring, and Ino has to help manage the family business and sometimes can't come.

Only Sakura comes to accompany him every day...

Um...Who doesn’t like to have a sensible and clingy girlfriend?

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