"Well, there's nothing to talk about. I have nothing to talk about with you. I think Yagyu-kun is more likable." Orochimaru said with a smile

"Gekko Yagyu? Is he involved as well?" Jiraiya was a little bit unbelievable. In his impression, Gekko Yagyu was a person without desires. How could he cooperate with Orochimaru?

"People are multifaceted. The part you see may not necessarily be him, nor may it necessarily be him. Goodbye, Jiraiya"

""Wait a minute!"

Without giving Jiraiya a chance to continue speaking, Orochimaru disappeared.

Jiraiya wanted to chase him, but he couldn't sense the direction Orochimaru left.

It was obvious that the one who had just talked to him was just Orochimaru's shadow clone!

The real Orochimaru had already run away to who knows where.

Using the shadow clone to distract Jiraiya's attention, it seemed that Orochimaru was still unwilling to have a direct contact with Jiraiya.

"Moonlight Yagyu...".......

Naruto's house,

Jiraiya climbed in through the window with ease and scared Naruto

"Lecherous Immortal, where have you been?!"

Naruto couldn't find Jiraiya, so he went home first and ate instant noodles.

"Why are you eating instant noodles? Didn't you have enough ramen tonight?"

""It's digested!" Naruto took a big mouthful of instant noodles and laughed.

Jiraiya didn't believe Naruto's explanation. Even if food can be digested, it doesn't make sense to digest it so quickly. Naruto is obviously greedy! It

's just a bowl of instant noodles, is it necessary to be so greedy?

Jiraiya glanced at the instant noodles and sniffed it. It smelled pretty good.

"You haven't told me where you've been, lecherous immortal."

"I didn't go anywhere, I just met someone I knew and chatted with him for a while."

"So that's how it is!"

Naruto ate the last mouthful of noodles without any doubt.

"I'm full!!"

Jiraiya was speechless, you have said this twice in one hour!

"Have a good rest today, we are going to meet someone tomorrow"


"Your friend Moonlight Yagyu!"

The next morning,

Yagyu's family welcomed a new guest.

"Jiraiya, Naruto? You are back."Yagyu greeted the two guests indifferently.

Karin went to boil water and make tea.

Jiraiya and Naruto sat on the sofa and looked around.

It was their first time to visit Yagyu's house.

"The house you live in is so big, Yagyu-kun." Naruto said with envy

"Really? If you want, I can give you a set."


"Really, I can have as many houses as I want."

This is the life that Liu Sheng couldn't imagine before he traveled through time. Now that it has come true, he doesn't feel excited at all.

Maybe everything came too easily.

"so good"

"You are such a loser!"

Jiraiya punched Naruto,"It's just a house, you look so ignorant."

"Hehe, you've never lived here before." Naruto scratched his head, but he wasn't angry.

Jiraiya felt upset when he heard this.

He didn't understand why Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage, lived such a miserable life.

His favorite food was ramen, and he usually ate instant noodles. He lived in a small house that he could walk around in five seconds.

If the Fourth Hokage was still alive, everything would be different.

Jiraiya shook his head and stopped thinking about these"ifs".

The Fourth Hokage was dead, and the Third Hokage was also dead. There was no point in dwelling on these things at this point.

At this time, Karin brought the brewed tea and they drank tea together.

Yagyu drank elegantly, Jiraiya drank boldly, and Naruto...It’s so hot, so hot, so hot!

"You come to me for something, right?" Yagyu looked at Jiraiya and asked.

Jiraiya also looked at Yagyu, and the two looked at each other, but Jiraiya shook his head and smiled,"Nothing, I just came to see"

"Well, have some tea."

Yagyu didn't believe that Jiraiya came to see him for no reason, and as for why he didn't want to say it,

Yagyu guessed it was because of Naruto.

"Haven't you taught Naruto the magic yet?"

Yagyu found a new topic,"You promised me that you would teach Naruto the magic, and now it has been two years."

"This, I will teach you right away. Hahahaha." Jiraiya scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly. He broke his promise.

Yagyu glanced at Naruto and nodded when he saw that he had nothing to say,"Well, it's up to you."

Now his strength is invincible in the ninja world, and it doesn't matter whether there is any feedback from the fairy technique.

He didn't mean to be anxious about the new power.

The two chatted about some boring topics again, and Naruto suddenly interrupted and said

"Yagyu, do you know where Sasuke and Sakura went?"

Although Naruto has never become teammates with the two, the bond between Naruto and the two has never been severed.

Sakura is still the first love in his dreams, but he no longer has illusions about her.

Because Sakura likes Yagyu, and Yagyu is his benefactor and friend!

Without Yagyu's help, he is not a ninja now.

"Sasuke went to a distant place to train, and Sakura is now a Chunin."

""Amazing! Sakura is already a Chunin!"

When Jiraiya and Naruto left Konoha, Danzo had not yet officially taken office.

Later, Yagyu was promoted to Jonin and Sakura was promoted to Chunin, so he naturally didn't know about it.

"Yagyu, I'd like to ask, are you still in touch with Sasuke?" Jiraiya couldn't help asking

"Yes." Yagyu answered without hesitation.

"But you know, he is Konoha......"Jiraiya hesitated to speak, obviously reminding Yagyu that personal feelings should not be mixed with the ninja profession.

However, Yagyu did not agree with this.

"For me, my profession is my profession and it cannot hinder my personal life and personal relationships. I think it is better to separate these two things. Catching rebel ninjas is the job of the Anbu. I have no obligation to do anything, and I will not alienate Sasuke because of his identity."Yagyu said lightly. Jiraiya looked at Yagyu and sighed deeply.

He is not a member of Konoha now, so he has no right to say anything.

He just recalled that he was a Konoha ninja and was worried that Yagyu would damage his future, so he reminded him.

But it is obvious that Yagyu does not need his reminder

"Why did Sasuke do that?"

Naruto also heard what Sasuke did, but he didn't understand why Sasuke did it.

Is killing for revenge really right?

Yagyu did not answer this question directly, but asked Naruto:"If you knew who your parents were and knew that they were actually killed by other people, what would you do? Naruto!"

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