When Yagyu heard that Nagato and Konan came to see him, he was very surprised.

However, when he heard that the two did not come in and went back, he was a little confused.

What the hell?


Outside of Konoha Village, an old man and a young man walked towards Konoha Village with laughter all the way.

"I haven't been back for a long time. I wonder how Yagyu and Sasuke are doing! I will definitely give them a surprise when the time comes!"

"That's enough. I didn't know you had learned fairy arts."

After more than a year of training, Uzumaki Naruto has not made much progress in his ninjutsu.

Of course, this is only compared to Yagyu and Sasuke.

Naruto has only learned the nature of wind chakra changes, developed wind shurikens, mastered summoning techniques, and enhanced his physical fitness. His overall strength has risen to a higher level, but he is only better than his former self.

Compared with the progress of Yagyu and Sasuke, it is far behind.

"Hey, you lecherous immortal, how can I possibly learn magic if you don’t even teach me?"

"The prerequisite for learning fairy arts is that you are qualified to learn fairy arts! You can only barely get in touch with them now."

Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips, looking unhappy, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

For some reason, after leaving Gekko Yagyu, his training speed became significantly slower.

As they walked, they soon saw the entrance to Konoha Village.

But when the two saw the entrance to the village, they were a little skeptical

"Is this Konoha Village?"

At this time, Konoha Village has become the most popular village in the ninja world. In broad daylight, people are coming and going at the entrance of Konoha Village. There is an endless stream of people!

Jiraiya has seen the prosperous Konoha Village before, but this is the first time he has seen so many people at the entrance of the village. If he enters the village, won't it be crowded and crowded?

"Lecherous Immortal, have we come to the wrong place?"

Jiraiya looked at the sign above and said uncertainly,"It should... there shouldn't be any, right?"

"But I remember Konoha shouldn't be so lively, right?"Naruto scratched his head, doubting his memory.

"You haven't been here for a long time, right? Konoha is different now than it was before!" A young man passing by heard the conversation between the two and said

"Why is it different?"Uzumaki Naruto asked

"It has become more powerful, more prosperous, and more lively! And all this is thanks to the Fifth Hokage of Konoha!"

""The Fifth Hokage of Konoha?"

Jiraiya looked puzzled. He remembered that the person who took the position of Hokage before he left was Shimura Danzo.

Did Danzo have this ability?

He could not only manage the entire Konoha in an orderly manner, but also take Konoha to a higher level?

"Let me ask, is the current Fifth Hokage called Danzo Shimura?"

".Shimura Danzo? How can that bastard who killed the Sandaime Hokage be called the Fifth Hokage? It would be better if that person died!"

"Shimura Danzo died? When did it happen?"

"He's been dead for a year, and it was Konoha's rebel ninja Uchiha Sasuke and Orochimaru who killed him. If you ask me, it's a dog-eat-dog situation!"

Uchiha Sasuke and Orochimaru?

Jiraiya couldn't figure out how these two got together, but the fact that they were able to cause trouble in Konoha must have something to do with Gekko Yagyu.

"Thank you for telling us this."

"You're welcome. This is something that everyone knows. By the way, you look so familiar? I seem to have seen you somewhere before?"

The young man pinched his chin, pondered for a while, and suddenly said in surprise:"You are that... that... Lord Jiraiya, right! I can actually meet Lord Jiraiya, ahahahaha, I'm so happy... Huh? Where is Lord Jiraiya?"

At this time, Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto had already entered Konoha Village.

"I didn't realize you're quite famous in Konoha! Anyone on the street would know you!"

"Alas, those are all empty names. Compared to Master Jiraiya, I hope they can remember me as a sage - a toad sage! Or an excellent novel writer!"

Naruto rolled his eyes.

Toad sage, novel writer, how can these reputations compare to the reputation of the Three Ninjas of Konoha? He really doesn't know how to appreciate his blessings.

He really wants the villagers to recognize his identity as a ninja, and it would be best if he could be called the Four Ninjas of Konoha!

"Where are we going now, lecherous immortal?"

"Hmm... Let's go collect materials first!"

""Okay, you are going to peek at women taking a bath again!"

Naruto's words attracted the attention of countless people around him. Jiraiya was so scared that he covered Naruto's mouth with his hand, and then smiled embarrassedly at the people around him:"Sorry, sorry, the child is ignorant and talking nonsense."

Everyone looked at Jiraiya, an old man in his fifties.

Then look at Naruto, a young man.

The story of a hard-working grandfather and a naughty grandson naturally formed in everyone's mind.

So they quickly turned their heads away and no longer cared.

Only then did Jiraiya breathe a sigh of relief, and then warned Naruto:"Naruto, I say it again, I am not peeking at women taking a bath, but to find inspiration! Inspiration, you know? It's the most important thing for a novelist. If there is no inspiration, I can't write good things, but only a bunch of garbage! (Like this work) It's even more impossible to teach you fairy arts!"

Hearing that it would affect Jiraiya's teaching of fairy arts, Naruto immediately stopped interfering with Jiraiya.

Anyway, he had long been accustomed to Jiraiya's lustful appearance.

The two came to the 'Konoha Bath Center' and chose a men's bath that was only separated from the women's bath by a wall. Naruto took a bath with an unhappy look on his face, burying his whole head in the hot spring water and spitting bubbles.

Jiraiya wore a bathrobe and used his chakra to make a small hole in the wooden wall and looked inside with relish.

""Yoshi! Yoshi! This is so big, hahahaha, I've never seen it before. Konoha has become prosperous, and there are even more beauties~ Hehehe~"

An afternoon passed, and Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto stayed here all day without leaving.

Naruto could only practice ninjutsu out of boredom.

However, because he had reached a bottleneck, no matter how he practiced, he could only reach this level.

There was no progress, and the practice was boring

"Hey, lecherous sage, when are we leaving? It's getting dark! I'm starving!"As soon as the words fell, Naruto's stomach made a protesting sound.


"Oh? Is it getting dark?"

Jiraiya turned around and looked at the sky. It was indeed getting dark.

The sun was hanging on the edge of the sky, and it seemed that it would fall down at any time.

"That’s all the material for today, let’s go!"

"We are finally leaving, where are we going?"

"Of course we have to fill our stomachs first, so we’re going to eat ramen!"

"Great! I haven't eaten Ichiraku Ramen for a long time, I miss it so much!"

"Ramen! Ramen! Eat ramen!"

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