Considering that time will become troublesome, Yagyu does not intend to strengthen the control over Danzo.

Anyway, under the control of Kotoamatsukami, Danzo is absolutely loyal to him.

After conveying his meaning, Yagyu walked back to the clan alone.

Walking on the streets of Konoha, the originally bustling place has now become very deserted, and many people have closed their doors and windows.

Even if you occasionally meet one or two people walking outside, they are cautious, as if they are afraid of being noticed by someone.

Seeing that the originally good Konoha has become like this, Yagyu can't help but shake his head.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is too weak, he is more suitable to be the Hokage than Danzo. Danzo is too selfish, and he will do anything to achieve his goals. Compared with the cautious Sarutobi Hiruzen, power in his hands will only become a sharp blade that hurts his own people!

This has been confirmed by many people such as Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the Uchiha clan.

"I hope things won't get worse."

Things happened as Yagyu hoped. Although Danzo acted unscrupulously, he was���The sage was quite loyal, and he executed his orders immediately without delay!

The Anbu of Konoha no longer arrested and killed people wantonly, and Konoha gradually returned to its former bustle.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi and Gui Jiao, who had been hiding in the dark for many days, could finally come out to get some fresh air and get some information.

"The new Hokage of Konoha is really ruthless. He even slaughtered so many innocent people just to find us."The ghost dragon said with admiration.

Uchiha Itachi remained silent and did not comment.

He knew Danzo's methods better than anyone else. This was an extremely scary and dangerous person. It was hard to feel at ease to let such a guy become Hokage.

Sasuke...Are you okay?

Because Gui Jiao was around, he couldn't directly ask for Sasuke's information, and he was also full of worries.

""Itachi, there's a Konoha ninja!"

While the two were talking, a young Konoha ninja came towards them.

Itachi saw that the other party was not very old and didn't care too much, so he said lightly:"Don't be nervous, I didn't find any ambush nearby, he must have just happened to pass by."

The ghost dragon grinned and said:"I'm not nervous, it's just that I haven't taken action for too long, and seeing a tender little kid, my hands are a little itchy."

Itachi glanced at the ghost dragon, and then continued to walk forward expressionlessly.

Soon, the young Konoha ninja came close to them, and just when Itachi and the ghost dragon thought he would walk straight over, he stopped in front of them.

The two looked at each other, and for a moment, they were on the verge of a fight.

Just when the ghost dragon couldn't help but prepare to take action, the eyes of the Konoha ninja suddenly changed.


Itachi sensed something was wrong and was about to remind Gui Jiao, but found that he had been hit by an illusion and could not move.

Itachi immediately opened his Mangekyō, trying to control the opponent to break the opponent's illusion, but found that his illusion was useless when facing the opponent!

And the next moment, he himself was also deeply trapped in the illusion!

Tsukuyomi. Rebound!

In the Tsukuyomi space, Uchiha Itachi was hung on a cross, and in front of him stood the young ninja of Konoha.

Looking at this face that was completely unfamiliar to him, Itachi could not help but ask:"Who are you?"

Yagyu smiled slightly and did not answer. He made up a kunai out of thin air and said to Itachi with a malicious taste:"One question per knife, do you want to know the answer?"

Itachi was silent for a second and said:"Okay."

The moment Itachi agreed, his heart was stabbed!

The clear feeling of his heart being pierced made Itachi feel extremely painful.

That was the feeling of death!


Itachi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were fixed on Yagyu, waiting for his answer.

Yagyu did not break his promise, and smiled and said,"I am a Konoha ninja!"


Itachi was silent for a second, then asked,"Are you Uchiha Sasuke?"

"The second knife"



Itachi couldn't stand the two deaths.

The feeling of the sharp kunai piercing, piercing and piercing his heart was too clear!

So those who were defeated by my Tsukuyomi all felt this way?

Itachi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He used to torture others, but now it's his turn to be tortured.

Being attacked by Tsukuyomi, the time and space here are infinite. As long as the young Konoha ninja in front of him doesn't let him go, he will be tortured all the time! Die again and again!

"Are you from the Uchiha clan?"

"The third knife, no."

"Where did your Sharingan come from?"

"The fourth knife, given by the system"


"What is the system?"

"The fifth knife, the system is a plug-in"


After dying three times in a row, Itachi was mentally tortured.

He didn't know how many more times he could endure, but he definitely couldn't ask questions casually anymore.

"Where is Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Oh? The sixth sword is in Konoha."

Itachi gritted his teeth and asked,"Where exactly is it?""

"The seventh sword, the root of Konoha."

Hearing the root, Itachi's heart was a little nervous.

Could it be that Sasuke was controlled by Danzo?

Now he couldn't threaten Danzo, how could he save Sasuke?

Itachi's mind began to think constantly, but what else could he do when he was controlled?

No one thought that Konoha would hide such a terrifying existence!

He tried to use the Mangekyo to break the Tsukuyomi, but he couldn't do it at all!

The power of the man in front of him with only three magatama was extremely terrifying, and he was not an existence he could contend with at all!

Why can three magatama be more powerful than the Mangekyo?

He set his eyes on the man in front of him and asked his next question.

"Why is your Sharingan so powerful?"

"The eighth knife, because the system is awesome!"


Another knife stabbed into the abdomen, and Itachi was a little speechless.

If Yagyu hadn't answered seriously, he would have thought that the man in front of him was crazy!

What system?

What the hell?

Can you say something that a ninja can understand?

"Are you Danzo's subordinate?"

"The ninth knife, no"

"The tenth knife!"

Looking at the two knives stabbed in his body in an instant, Itachi asked in confusion:"I haven't asked any questions yet, why are you stabbing me?"

"Isn’t this the question?"


Are you crazy?

Itachi felt like he was going to collapse, both physically and mentally!

"Are you going to kill me?"

Yagyu stabbed him three times and smiled,"No."

Seeing three more kunai on his body, Itachi couldn't help but ask,"Why did you stab me three times?"

Yagyu smiled, the meaning was self-evident.

Itachi also understood what Yagyu meant, he knew he would ask!

Damn, is he crazy!

What a bad taste?

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