"Well, now that things have come to this, we must first return the bodies of the two advisors to their families, and then take over the affairs after the deaths of the two advisors." Danzo said calmly.

"What about the truth behind the deaths of the two consultants? Can't we just let it go like this?" someone questioned.

"Yes, if we don’t find out who is behind this, won’t our lives be in danger?"

"I will naturally have someone investigate the truth of the matter. Konoha is in turmoil right now, and the most important thing is to choose someone who can turn the tide. I propose that a Konoha high-level meeting be held soon to elect the fifth Hokage!"

Although it was a proposal, Danzo did not ask for other people's opinions. He announced the matter with an indifferent look on his face and left alone.

Seeing this, the others looked at each other and talked about it.

"In my opinion, the death of the two consultants was probably not caused by the Uchiha ghosts, but by someone who could not hold back and took action!"

"I heard that Danzo visited two advisors' offices yesterday, but left with a gloomy face. I think he was rejected because he wanted to succeed the fifth generation!"

"You mean he killed Danzo?……"

"Shh! Be careful with your words. No one should say anything without evidence!"

"But right now, he seems to be the most likely candidate? Who doesn't know that Danzo wants to be Hokage?"

"But both consultants were his former teammates. Would he do this?"

"Who knows, back then..."

Some Konoha high-ranking officials who knew how Sarutobi succeeded to the throne of Hokage again hesitated to speak,"Anyway, after the death of the two advisors, the most qualified person in Konoha is Danzo, alas~"

Who can compete with Danzo in Konoha now?

The Sarutobi clan? Sarutobi Asuma, who only has the strength of a jonin, has no chance of competing with Danzo.

If Sarutobi Shinnosuke was still alive, there would still be a possibility.

In addition to the Sarutobi clan, Konoha's largest clan, the Hyuga clan, also has the ability to succeed to the throne of the Fifth Hokage. But Hyuga Hiashi didn't seem to have the idea of competing for the position of Hokage.

As early as when he saw Danzo leave, he left.

The reason why the Hyuga clan has been able to maintain a very high status in Konoha is inseparable from their clear positioning of themselves.

They are powerful, but never try to be the first. Instead, they support whoever is the first and whoever becomes Hokage!

So it doesn't matter whether Danzo kills the advisor or not, they only care about the next Hokage Who will be the Kage?

The Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Akimichi clan are similar in position to them, but the overall strength of the three clans is not as good as the Hyuga clan, so their status in Konoha is slightly weaker than that of the Hyuga clan.

Without two advisors, the biggest decision-maker in Konoha is Danzo. He said that no one would dare to refuse the meeting to select the fifth generation.

Because of this matter, even Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral was postponed for two days.

And during these two days, Konoha was not peaceful.

The Mito clan and the Utatane clan were exterminated overnight, and all the clan members were slaughtered from top to bottom!

No one saw who did it. After investigation, there were traces of fire and lightning escape at the scene, and some of the dead had knife wounds.

In addition, the only clue is the Uchiha clan emblem drawn with the blood of the two clans left in the square of the two clans! At the Konoha high-level meeting,

Danzo, who took over as the temporary Hokage, sat in the center and gave a speech

"Fire escape, lightning escape, knife wounds... Uchiha Sasuke has become the biggest suspect. I sent people to arrest Uchiha Sasuke yesterday, but found that Uchiha Sasuke had disappeared. The truth of the matter is already very clear. The two advisors and the clansmen behind them were all done by Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Uchiha Sasuke is now defined as an S-rank traitor of Konoha, and the Root has full authority to arrest him, regardless of life or death!"

No one expected that the truth of the matter was actually an Uchiha orphan!

And no one expected that a mere Genin could do this! The thirteen-year-old Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the Uchiha clan alone, and the twelve-year-old Uchiha Sasuke slaughtered the Mito clan and the Utatane clan alone!

The people of the Uchiha clan are simply devils!

After this incident, all the high-ranking nobles of Konoha remembered the horror of the Uchiha clan. They would destroy other clans at any time! When they were cruel , they would not even let their own family go!

How terrible!

Unlike the high-ranking officials of Konoha, the civilians of Konoha were not aware of the bloody storm of Konoha politics, and they were still immersed in it. Immersed in the sadness of Orochimaru and the invasion of Sunagakure.

The Mito clan and the Utatane clan are not as famous as the Uchiha clan, and the presence or absence of one more or one less of such a clan will not attract their attention. Unless someone deliberately spreads it!

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who used to like to play this trick, is dead, and Danzo has no need to do this. After all, Uchiha Sasuke is on his side in a sense.

Without Uchiha Sasuke taking the blame, he can't sit firmly as the temporary Hokage now!

At the Root,

Danzo walked into his former nest with a bumpy mood.

A man wearing a devil mask was sitting in the seat where he used to sit.

""Master Sasuke, Master Yagyu asked me to tell you that you will stay in the Root from now on, and you can transfer the people in the Root at will!"

Sasuke stared at Danzo through the mask, and then suddenly slashed with a knife!

Danzo saw it, but he did not hide, and just let Sasuke cut off one of his fingers with a knife.

""For Yagyu's sake I won't kill you now, but I will cut you with a knife every time I see you, so get out!"

Danzo said nothing throughout the whole process, his forehead was covered with sweat. When he heard Sasuke asked him to leave, he breathed a sigh of relief and said,"I'm leaving!"

After Sasuke killed two advisors, he was temporarily placed in the Root by Yagyu, and asked Danzo to obey his orders.

Danzo could not disobey Yagyu's orders, so he could only listen to the words of this person who wanted to kill him all the time.

On the other hand, with Danzo's position as temporary Hokage determined, Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral began.

Almost all the ninjas of Konoha came to this funeral. Each of them wore black clothes and stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen's tombstone with heavy faces.

Konohamaru cried bitterly and couldn't believe the reality

"Grandpa, Grandpa, I don't believe this is true. You are lying to me, right? I haven't defeated you yet, and I haven't surpassed you to become the Hokage yet. You can't die!"

No one tried to stop Konohamaru. The way to relieve the pain is to let it out.

Sarutobi Asuma stood in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen's tomb for three days and three nights, from early morning to night, and then from night to early morning, smoking one cigarette after another, and the ashes piled up on the ground. He took a deep puff on the last cigarette, and threw the remaining half directly into the ashes. He turned and left, as if he had made up his mind.

In addition, Jiraiya also stayed here for a long time.

He attended Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral openly. Many people were surprised to see him, but they did not greet him.

This surprised him as well. Jiraiya originally thought that he would be entangled. If he had known that everyone was so indifferent, he would not have been so self-indulgent and hidden his whereabouts.

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