"Don't kill them yet, I still have something to ask them?" Sasuke interrupted, fearing that Yagyu would kill the two.

Yagyu took a half step back, shrugged and said,"Ask them."

Sasuke looked at the two advisors and saw that they were terrified, without a trace of pity in their hearts.

He said coldly,"Did you order Uchiha Itachi to exterminate the Uchiha clan?"

"Nonsense, we didn't!" Mitomon Yan shouted,"Did Yueguang Liusheng tell you that he was deceiving you! He said this to you just to use you!"



Yagyu cut off Mitomon En's left arm with a sword, causing him to scream in pain.

Blood splashed on Koharu Utatane's face, causing her to scream in fear.

""I'm sorry, I can't stand people slandering me. If you do that again, I will have to cut off your right hand again.

Well... your right hand fingers are broken anyway, and you probably can't use them. Can you try to slander me again?"

Mito Kado En was furious, and the pain of the broken arm made him lose his mind a little,"Asshole! Do you think we will confess under torture? Sasuke, don't listen to his nonsense. The Uchiha clan was exterminated by Uchiha Itachi who betrayed the village. This Gekko Yagyu might be in the same group with Uchiha Itachi!"

"What? Are you really saying that?"

Yagyu looked surprised, and then cut off the hands of Mitomon En and Utane Koharu.

Utane Koharu looked painful,"Why did you cut me?"

"Eh? Didn't he say that you wouldn't confess under torture? So you'll have one hand chopped off too!" Yagyu thought for a moment and said that it was no problem at all.

After hearing this, Utatane Koharu was speechless, rolled her eyes, and almost fainted!

"Still asking?" Yagyu looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke shook his head and said,"It's no use to keep asking. They are very stubborn and can't be threatened by pain."

Although Mitomon Yan said so much, it was all to cause a quarrel between him and Yagyu. He would never be fooled by such low-level words of discord.

"How about destroying the families behind them? Maybe they will care a little more?"Yagyu suggested.

Sasuke thought about it and felt that it made sense. He looked at the two of them and said coldly:"Whoever of you is willing to tell me the truth, his family will be spared."

"We didn't lie. If you don't believe us, there's nothing we can do!"At this point, Utatane Koharu also became tough. If they admitted it, they would definitely die!

But if they didn't admit it, there might still be a glimmer of hope!

As for the family behind them,...Who cares about the family when they can't even protect themselves?

And they wish two people would kill their family, so that they can attract more people's attention, and maybe they will be rescued!

Yagyu saw through their thoughts and said helplessly:"It seems that their mouths are harder than you and I thought, why not use hypnosis?"

Sasuke, who opened the three-magatama Sharingan, also mastered the skill of Sharingan. Illusion, but his illusion can only temporarily control others, but cannot stimulate the other party's subconsciousness and create an immersive illusion!

So when Yagyu said this, Sasuke was a little confused.

But the next moment, Yagyu directly answered his doubts.

Yagyu's eyes instantly turned into three magatama, and then he looked at Mito Kado En and Utane Koharu, and hypnotized them!

"Your eyes too!"

Sasuke was surprised. He didn't expect that Yagyu's Sharingan could also open to three magatama.

But it was only a moment of surprise, and Sasuke regained his composure.

With Yagyu's strength, opening three magatama is completely normal.

Mitomon En and Utane Koharu were completely hypnotized by Yagyu before they had time to be surprised. Their expressions were dull, and even the pain of the broken arm could not make them have other facial expressions.

"I have hypnotized them now. You can ask them all the questions you want, but it is up to you whether you believe it or not."

This is also the reason why Yagyu did not hypnotize the two people at the beginning.

A hypnotized person is almost controlled by another person. The answer to Sasuke's question may be the result of Yagyu's control.

Sasuke also knew this, but he still chose to believe Yagyu.

He saw Yagyu's help to him over the years. It can be said that his current strength is inseparable from Yagyu's teaching and supervision!

Now he is helping him to get revenge, what reason does he have to doubt Yagyu?

"Who instructed Uchiha Itachi to exterminate the Uchiha clan?" Sasuke asked

"It was Shimura Danzo's order, and we and Sarutobi Hiruzen and other Konoha high-ranking officials tacitly agreed to it." The two answered stupidly.

Seeing the two people speaking in unison, Sasuke asked again:"Why did you do this?"

"The Uchiha clan is preparing to rebel against Konoha, and we have no choice. Either Konoha and the Uchiha clan will fight, or Uchiha Itachi will handle it alone!"

"Uchiha Itachi!" Sasuke subconsciously clenched his fists, memorized the traitor's appearance in his mind, and then said:"I have no problem, kill them."

"Don't you want to ask Uchiha Itachi why he did this?" Yagyu asked

"It doesn't matter, the moment he killed the Uchiha clan and my parents, no matter what his reasons were, he was a dead man!" Sasuke said coldly, and then he raised his knife to the two of them. The two best heads rolled to the ground, and the blood soaked the entire consultant office.

Looking at the two dead consultants, Yagyu shook his head and sighed:"It's a pity that Jiraiya is in this village, otherwise it would be better to directly use the Sharingan to control these two old guys."

The full power of his Sharingan fully supports his long-term control over the two weak consultants, but Jiraiya is in the village and will attend Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral. In short, Jiraiya found that the two consultants were very likely to be controlled by the Sharingan.

If Jiraiya finds out, many of his arrangements will fail!

Yagyu didn't want to make things complicated. He needed Jiraiya to help him train the tool man Uzumaki Naruto, and he also needed Danzo to sit firmly on the position of Hokage. The best solution is for the two consultants to die directly and let Danzo take over everything!

After all, the consultants are in Sasuke's army, and Danzo took the opportunity to seize political power.

Even if Jiraiya cares about Konoha, he has no reason to interfere with the natural change of political power in Konoha!

"How about going to the daimyo's mansion to directly control the daimyo?"

Yagyu thought about it and gave up the idea.

He didn't want some incompetent dignitaries to step on his head and interfere with his life, but he didn't want to be a new daimyo.

Yagyu had no ambition to control the ninja world, all he had was to ignore the rebellion of all dignitaries!

He just wanted to stay in Konoha safely and live a good life.

As for the daimyo, as long as he didn't affect him, he didn't bother to care about him. If he affected him, there was no point in controlling him.

After all, he didn't want to be the master of the Land of Fire, so it would be easier to just kill him!

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