Yagyu ordered his shadow clone to take Karin back to the Moonlight Clan first, and then open the Sharingan to find Sasuke's location.

Since the two advisors cannot die unclearly, let them die clearly!

Yagyu has no useful people under his command, but Uchiha Sasuke can barely be considered one!

Although the two had a conflict because of the Uchiha's philosophy, as long as Yagyu reveals the truth about the Uchiha clan's extermination, I believe Sasuke is still willing to do something for Yagyu.

"Hmm? This guy is actually there?"

Through the Sharingan, Yagyu discovered that Uchiha Sasuke was practicing alone at the old site of Uchiha.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely, he must have practiced for a whole night!

Yagyu first left a Flying Thunder God Seal at the spot, and then quickly went in the direction of Sasuke.

After convincing Sasuke, he could directly bring him back with the Flying Thunder God method.

A few minutes later,

Yagyu appeared at the old site of Uchiha.

Sasuke was a little surprised to see Yagyu coming to find him, but he was expressionless on the surface.

"What are you doing here?"

Sasuke was still practicing on his own, his white shirt clinging to his body, highlighting his beautiful muscular lines.

"Are you still angry?"Yagyu teased

"I'm not angry. If you have anything to say, please tell me now. Don't disturb my practice!" Sasuke said coldly.

""You're so cold, but it doesn't matter. I'm a generous man and I'm willing to put aside the past and tell you the truth about the Uchiha clan genocide that you want to know!" Yagyu chuckled.

When Sasuke heard that Yagyu was going to tell him the truth, he became excited in an instant, stopped practicing, and instantly appeared in front of Yagyu.

"Are you serious?" Sasuke asked solemnly.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Liu Sheng said calmly,"But I will tell you the truth, and you also need to help me do something. I will guarantee your safety afterwards, how about it?"


"Don't you want to ask what it is? Seeing Sasuke agreed so readily, Yagyu was a little confused.

"As long as you can tell me the truth, I can promise you anything!"

"Then...what if I want your life?" Yagyu asked with a raised mouth.

Sasuke still looked calm:"As long as I get revenge, you can take my life as you like!"

Seeing that Sasuke was serious and didn't seem to be lying, Yagyu stopped teasing him and told him the truth about the Uchiha clan's extermination.

"On the surface, the Uchiha clan genocide was done by Uchiha Itachi for power, but in fact it was not so. The truth behind the Uchiha clan genocide was a political failure!"

"A long time ago, Uchiha Itachi was arranged by your father, Uchiha Fugaku, to be an undercover agent in the Anbu. However, during the undercover process, Uchiha Itachi was turned against by Sarutobi Hiruzen at some point. From then on, Uchiha Itachi became a double agent for the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials!"

Sasuke didn't expect that his hateful brother actually had such a secret, and was shocked for a moment!

"Why did my father let Itachi go undercover in the Anbu? Why did the Konoha high-ranking officials want to turn Itachi against them?"Sasuke raised two questions

"The reason why Uchiha Fugaku arranged for Uchiha Itachi to go undercover in the Anbu was because he wanted to lead the Uchiha clan to rebel and become the new high-ranking official of Konoha! The reason why the high-ranking officials of Konoha instigated Uchiha Itachi to rebel was naturally to protect their own interests."

Looking at Sasuke's unbelievable look, Yagyu smiled slightly and said,"Looking at it in this order, it seems that your father is wrong and the Uchiha clan is wrong, but the truth is much more complicated than you think!"

"The reason why my father rebelled?" Uchiha Sasuke guessed cleverly

"Well, your Sharingan has been opened to three magatama. I guess you also know how to open the Sharingan?"

"It seems that every time my emotions change drastically, the Sharingan will change?"

"That's right, it was this way of gaining power that the Second Hokage at the time was afraid of. He believed that the family that needed to gain power in this way was extremely dangerous, so he targeted the Uchiha clan everywhere, causing the Uchiha clan to have long-standing resentment against the Konoha high-level officials."

"And because the later Konoha high-level officials inherited the prejudice against the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan could not obtain equal status and respect while having power and merit, which led to the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials. Uchiha Itachi was an important chess piece in this political war!"

"However, no one expected that Uchiha Itachi, the chess piece, had already unknowingly become capable of overturning the chessboard.……"

After listening to this, Sasuke frowned and took a long time to sort out some things.

"So the truth behind the Uchiha clan extermination was that Uchiha Itachi chose the Konoha high-level officials in the political war between the Uchiha clan and the Konoha high-level officials, and finally killed the entire Uchiha clan?" Sasuke asked

"It's almost the same. At that time, the Uchiha clan had already prepared for rebellion, but Uchiha Itachi informed the Konoha high-level officials of this information, and finally the Konoha high-level officials ordered Uchiha Itachi to exterminate the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Itachi was still the main executioner in the whole incident, but the Konoha high-level officials were the real instigators behind it!"

After hearing the truth of all this, Sasuke fell into a long silence.

"Is everything you said true?"

"The truth of things always has a trace to follow. If you don't believe it, you can check it out yourself. But before that, you need to do one thing for me."

"whats the matter?"

"Kill two Konoha high-ranking officials!"

"Were they one of those people? One of the people who took part in the decision to exterminate the Uchiha clan?"


"I would have killed you without you telling me. I owe you a favor. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me. Even if it means asking for my life, I don't mind."

Sasuke said as he took up his sword and packed up his blade bag.

Yagyu looked at Sasuke, who was acting vigorously, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He really didn't make a mistake!

With Uchiha Sasuke's action, the matter of killing the advisors became traceable, and it would have nothing to do with Danzo!

Naturally, it would not affect Danzo's election.

Of course, if Sasuke killed the two advisors openly, he would have a hard time staying in Konoha, and the original plan to let Sasuke practice with Jiraiya would have to be temporarily shelved.

Yagyu didn't know whether Sasuke, who was defined as an S-level rebel by Konoha, could still worship Jiraiya as his master to learn fairy arts, but even if he couldn't, it didn't matter.

He believed that Naruto would learn it sooner or later, and with his current Sharingan ability, he didn't need to let Sasuke and Naruto work for him to learn ninjutsu.

In other words, the two tools would not be so useful to him in a short period of time. After all, in addition to fairy arts, the biggest improvement they brought to Yagyu's strength was chakra and physical skills.

The improvement of these two abilities is not a matter of one day or one night.

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